
发布 2022-01-01 06:06:28 阅读 8539




第i卷 (共65分)



1. a. so do i b. neither do i c. the same to you.

2. a. not at allb. i’ll try it c. it was wonderful.

3. a. it doesn’t matterb. good idea. c. i’m not sure.

4. a. no, i won’tb. i rememberc. yes, i will.

5. a. in 1999b. in two years. c. since 1999



6. a. bikeb. a skirtc. a bag.

7. a. at 3:00b. at 8:00 c. at 11:00

8. a. in a shopb. in the library. c. in a hospital.

9. a. he read a book b. he did his homework. c. he played games.

10. a. some fruitb. some meat. c. some money.

11. a. a doctorb. a teacherc. a writer.

12. a. a post officeb. a bankc. a supermarket.

13. a. they are the youngest team. b. they h**e star players.

c. they do team work well.

14. a. clothesb. workc. color.

15. a. he has a cold b. he has a stomachache. c. he has a fever.

. 听短文,选答案。(共5小题,计10分)


16. what school room do the children h**e in this village?

a. a village busc. a real school house.

17. how long does the bus often stay in the village?

a. some timeb. three monthsc. a year.

do the older children come to h**e their lessons in the afternoon?

a. because they h**e to work in the morning.

b. because they can’t get up in the morning.

c. because the younger children like to h**e lessons in the morning.

19. the farmers hope that___

a. the bus stays in their village all the time.

b. they can h**e lessons all day.

c. they can h**e a real school in their village.

20. the passage mainly tells about

a. a village in mexico b. a bus school c. children’s lessons in the village.



( )21. yuan longping is __university professor. he likes playing __violin.

a. a ; the b. an ; the c. a ; a d. an ; a

( )22. work harderyou’ll catch up with the others.

a. or b. and c. but d. so

) 23. -would you mind my___here?

--can’t you see the sign “no smoking”?

a. smokeb. smoking c. to smoke d. smoked

) 24. -i h**e passed the exam and got the driving license.

a. congratulations! b.

bad luck! c. thank you for telling me.

d. it’s nothing.

) 25. premier zhou(***for many years , but he still lives in the hearts of chinese people.

a. has died b. died c. has been dead d. has been died

) 26. the teacher spoke loudly __the students could hear him clearly(清楚).

a. because b. so that c. no matter d. because of

) he**y rain in fujian province __over 4,000 students __taking part in the college entrance examination on time.

a. stopped ; from b. prevented ; from c. kept ; from d. all the above

) 28. mrs. green has been living __for two years.

but she doesn’t feel __because she has many friends.

a. alone; lonely b. lonely; alone c. alone; alone d. lonely; lonely

) 29. he was ill yesterday but he went to school __staying at home.

a. also b. instead c. instead of d. still

) 30. -who is the little boy in the picture?

--it’s me. the picture___10 years ago.

a. took b. is taken c. has taken d. was taken



1 如图1,已知在 abc中,点d e f分别是边ab ac bc上的点,de bc,ef ab,且ad db 3 5,那么cf cb等于 a 5 8 b 3 8 c 3 5 d 2 5 2 已知 a是锐角,sina 则5cosa a 4 b 3 c d 5 3 如图,在 abc中,d e分别是ab...


遵义市汇川区团泽中学语文版九年级上期末考试模拟试题。制题人李吉勇。一 积累与运用 30分 1 汉字积累 下面加点字的注意和字形全对的一组是3分 a 虬 qi 枝婆娑 su 甬 yng道沁 q n 人心脾 b 颓 tu 唐烤烙 lu 谄 xi n 媚生意盎 ng 然。c 诬篾 mi 篡chu n 位徙...


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