
发布 2021-06-22 20:13:28 阅读 4787

module 1 amazing thing

unit 1 encyclopaedias



1. 寻找look

2. 查找look

3. 照顾look

4. 环顾look


1. famous (同义词)

2. more than (同义词)


4. in the middle of (同义词)

5. maybe (同义词)

6. everywhere (同义词)

7. can(过去式)

8. eat (过去式)


1. leonardo da vinci was from . he was an painter. (italy)

2. qi baishi and zhang daqian were famous (paint).

3. the many (paint).

4. the many (invent).

5. mozart and beethoven are famous (music).

6. when were you (bear).

7. he likes . he want to be a (science).

8. dolphins are (intelligence) animals.


)1. you are going to read two articles an encyclopaedia.

a. from b. in c. on d. of

)2. my mother bought me encyclopaedia yesterday.

a. a b. the c. an d. /

)3. i got off, i saw my mum waiting for me yesterday.

a. if b. while c. as d. because

)4. in 10 years’ time, you’ll smarter.

a. learn b. find c. h**e d. grow

)5. when somebody is born, he/she comes his/her mum’s body.

a. of b. out of c. from d. out off

)6. the mona lisa is one of paintings.

a. more famous b. the most famous c. famous d. famousest

)7. ten people lost their lives in the accident, a lady and two children.

a. h**ing b. remaining c. keeping d. including

)8. if you want to know the meaning of the word exactly, you’d better in the dictionary.

a. h**ing b. remaining c. keeping d. including

)8. if you want to know the meaning of the meaning of the word exactly. you’d better

in the dictionary.

a. look it up b. look up it c. look it for d. look for it


1. my mother is a good (cook, cooker)

2. the eiffel tower is in (france, french)

3. van gogh (painted, painter) sunflowers.

4. dinosaurs (once, ago) lived on the earth.

5. do you h**e (interesting, interest) in english.

6. he has quite a (musician, musical) voice.

7. i’ll do many important (things, something).


1. you can’t change (人) nature.

2. marconi and laszlo biro were famous (发明家).

3. can all (发明) make our lives better?

4. he is a fine (**家)。

5. my grandparents like living in the (乡村).

6. he has the (能力) to speak several foreign languages.

7. he is a person of high (智慧).

8. (可能) he is at home, but i’m not sure.

9. when he was young. he often kept a (笔记本) to write poems.

10. the tour (包括) a visit to the science museum.


)1. from an age, newton showed great interest science.

a. early; in b. old; in c. early; at d. old; at

)2. my younger brother is as tall me.

a. like b. than c. as d. so

)3. mr smith has four sister. one is in london, but are in liverpool.

a. another b. the others c. other d. the others

)4. new zealand has two islands. one is north island and is south island.

a. another b. the other c. other d. the others

)5. some people came by car, came on food.

a. other b. others c. the other d. the others


during my second month of nursing school, our professor g**e us a quiz.

i was a careful (a) and answered the questions easily until i read the last (b) one. “what is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”

surely this was almost a joke. i had seen a cleaningwoman a few time. she was grey-haired and in her 50s, but how could i know her name?

(d) i handed in my *****, le**ing the last question blank.

before class (e) was over, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "of course." said the professor.

"in your careers, 你将遇到许多人。 all are do is smile and (g) 'hello’”.

i've never forgotten that lesson. l later earned her name was dorothy.





i handed in my ***** last question .

reading (2)


1. live

2. eat

3. are

4. can

5. die

6. learn

7. begin

8. write

9. fly

10. draw

课堂优化。一. 用适当形式填空。

1. his notebook include some interesting drawings of (fly)machines.

2. leonardo da vinci’s (paint) are very famous in the world.

3. after the strong earthquake, (million) of people were

4. dinosaurs lived on earth more than 60 million years (human being)

5. two years ago, he (can) cook.

6. the people in the room made a (suddenly) noise when they saw the picture.


初二 上 课文 翻译 unit 1 look it up 查阅。这里是两篇来自百科全书的文章。here are two articles tk l 文章 from an encyclopaedia n,sakl pid 百科全书。达芬奇 莱昂纳多。da vinci,leanardo 达芬奇 莱昂纳多...


24在清晨。25受到攻击。26从事。工作。27没意识到 未擦觉。28依靠。29以更快的速度。30除 以外 还。31遭到 遇到。32一粒大米。33剩余的部分。34上网。35总计 共计。36在 的开始。37自那以来。38全世界。39与 保持联系。40在白天。41使。不接近。42下国际象棋。43玩纸牌游戏...

英语语法牛津英语初中语法大全 八

美联英语提供 牛津英语初中语法大全8 关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里。他有一张诚实的脸。语法分析 品质形容词大多用来表示人或物的品质,大多数形容词都属于这一类。2 this medicine is for external use only.该药仅供外用。语法分析 类属形容词表示属于哪一类。3 c...