
发布 2021-06-11 08:56:28 阅读 2800

1. how could sheher own child? 她怎么能抛弃自己的孩子呢?(抛弃,遗弃〔某人〕)

2. we had to the car and walk the rest of the way. 我们只好弃车,步行走完剩下的路(离弃,逃离〔某地方、交通工具等〕)

3. because of the fog theytheirideaof driving. 因为有雾,他们打消了开车去的念头。(放弃,中止)

4. sheherself to grief. 她陷入悲痛之中,无法自拔。(沉湎于某事;陷入〔某种感情〕)

5. the health center serves all patients, regardless of theirability to pay. 医疗中心为所有病人服务,不管他们的支付能力如何。

(ability to do sth

6. he completed the job to the best of his ability. 他尽全力完成了工作。

(to the best of your ability)竭尽全力。

7. i h**en’t beenable to read that report yet. 我还没能看那份报告。(be able to do sth)可以去做某事。

8. one of my more able students 我班上能力比较强的学生之一(聪明能干的,能力出众的)

9. my parents thoughtit was abnormalfor a boy to be interested in ballet. 我父母认为一个男孩子对芭蕾舞感兴趣并不正常。


10. they finallywentaboardthe plane. 他们终于登上了飞机。(在[船,飞机,火车]上;上[船,飞机,火车])

11. sl**ery wasabolished in the us in the 19th century. 美国于19世纪废除了奴隶制。

(vt. 废除,废止;取消,革除。

12. our flight wascancelled. 我们的航班取消了。(取消〔正式安排的事情〕)

13. linda decided to thecall wedding off. 琳达决定取消婚礼。

14. she decided toh**eanaabortion. 她决定做人工流产。

15. he liedabout his age. 他谎报年龄。

16. we spent the whole afternoon walkingabout town. 我们整个下午都在城里四处走。(到处)

17. we were just about to le**e when jerry arrived. 我们正要离开的时候,杰来了。(即将做某事。

18. our office isabove the hairdresser’s. 我们的办公室在理发店上面。(在(…)上方)



19. i’ve neverlivedbefore. 我以前从未在国外生活过。(在国外;到国外。



20. the bus came to anabrupt halt. 公共汽车突然停了下来。(突然的,出其不意的。

theteamwascrippled byhisabsence.


21. students who are regularlyfrom school 经常缺课的学生。

wewerelaughingabout thatabsent-mindedprofessor.


22. we needproof that he took the money. 我们需要确凿的证据,证明他拿了钱(确实的,无疑的。



23. plantsnutrients from the soil. 植物从土壤中吸收养分。(吸收。

time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.



24. it seems anabsurd idea. 这似乎是个荒唐的想法。

25. many childrensufferracialat school. 许多孩子在学校遭受种族虐待。(虐待。

26. government officialsof power****的(滥用)职权。

27. the other driver started hurlingat me. 另外一个司机朝我破口大骂起来。(辱骂,谩骂。

28. he had a strong irish他有浓重的爱尔兰口音。(口音。

29. pleasethis small gift. 请收下这份小小的礼物。(接受;同意做〔某事〕

30. ,many students h**eto the internet.许多学生都能够上网。(有……的机会,有……的权利。

31. i think that you’ll find she’s very我想你会发现她十分平易近人(易接近的,随和的,平易近人的。

32. i met herquitecompletely by accident) .我遇见她完全是偶然。(偶然,意外地。

hetrafficaccidentbuckledthe wheelofhisbicycle.


33. children under 14 must beby an adult. 14岁以下儿童必须有**陪同。(陪伴,陪同。

34. we h**eall we set out to do. 所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。(〔尤指通过努力〕完成,实现。

35. he was too shocked togive anof what had happened. 他因受惊过度而无法描述所发生的事情。(叙述,描写,报道。

36. my salary is paid into my bank我的工资直接存入我的银行账户。/账户。



do youwantmetoinviteyouraccountantto thismeeting?


37. he wasof murder. 他被控**。/控告;指责习惯于(做)某事。

38. we wereto working together. 我们习惯了一起工作。/ be accustomed to (doing) sth

39. he eventuallyher goal of becoming a professor. 她终于实现目标,当上了教授。/实现;〔尤指经过努力〕取得,达到。

40. the test measures children’sin reading, spelling, and maths. 这项测验评估儿童在阅读、拼写和数学方面的成绩。

41. ‘maybe you are right,’ she也许你是对的。”她承认道。/承认〔某事属实或某情况存在〕

42. she was acasualof my family in vienna. 她是我们家在维也纳的一个交情不深的朋友。/

43. i should be delighted to make mrs mcgough’s我很高兴能认识麦高夫太太。/ make sb’s acquaintance


高考英语3500词复习 一

1.comfort kmft n.安慰 慰问 例句 this will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.这样能够让观众舒舒服服地坐着看表演。2.comfortable kmftb l us kmfrtbl ...


day 1 根据提示完成下列句子 a accurate 1.the plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers在飞机上 who came back from 国外 2.he was专心致志 in his book,him缺席 the meeting.to...


day 1 根据提示完成下列句子 a accurate 1.the plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers在飞机上 who came back from 国外 2.he was专心致志 in his book,him缺席 the meeting.to...