
发布 2021-02-10 10:19:28 阅读 3653



1. object n.物品,宾语v.不同意everyday objects日常物品。

her object in life=aim目标。

object to n./doing… 反对;不同意。

many local people objected to building the new adj.客观的。

2. ◎observe v.观察,监视,观测。

observe sb do sth观察某人做某事; observe sb doing sth观察某人在做某事。


observe sth done观察某事被做。

observed christmas day/one’sbirthday庆祝…

observe the law遵守…

3. ●obtain vt/vi 获得;得到;存在1).obtainadvice/information/permission

2).these customs no longer obtain.

4. ◎occupy v.居住;占有,占用(时,空);占领。

the house is occupied. …有人住。

the bathroom is occupied. …有人用。

the dinner occupied 2 hours. many anxieties occupied his mind.

忙于某事。5. ●occur vi (occurred, occurred)- happen发生。

1).when exactly did the accident occur?

2). sth occurred to/hit/struck sb.出现在头脑中,被想到the ideaoccurred to him in a dream.

3).it occurred to me that i had left my keys in the room. itdidn’t occur to her to ask for help.

6. offer n./v.主动提议he offered 5000 dollars for the car.出价。

offer sb. sth./sth. to sb.主动给。

offer to do… 提出做。

supply sb. with sth./supply sth.

to sb. provide sb. withsth.

/provide sth. for sb.

thanks for your kind offer of help.

7. office n.办公室,办公楼officer n.警官,军官。

office building/block办公大楼hold office占据要职。

in office/out of office任职/离职。

开始执政。8. official adj.官方的,正式的n.高级**。

the official language官方语言an official affair公务。

9. once adv.一次conj.一旦all at once=suddenly突然at once立即,同时。

just) for once/just this once仅此一次。

once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。once more=onceagain再一次。

once upon a time从前,很久以前(every) once in a while偶尔,间或。

10. one one by one逐个的one after another一个接一个oneanother相互。

11. oneself of oneself自动地for oneself亲自(all) by oneself独自。

talk to oneself=think aloud自言自语enjoy oneself玩得开心。

i am not myself today.身体不舒服help yourself to some fish.随便吃。

12. only adv./adj仅仅i am an only child.独生子。

not only … but (also) …only to do… (意想不到的)结果。


disappear vi.消失 gentle a.温柔的,轻轻的 cold a.冷的,寒的 n.寒冷 感冒,伤风 nothing n.没有东西,没有什么。cope vi.成功应付,对付 doorn.门 lawyer n.律师 flood n.洪水 vt.淹没,使泛滥 maintain v.维持,保持...


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