小学英语时态复习 练习

发布 2021-06-02 14:52:28 阅读 6390

]: 表示经常发生的动作。

]: always, usually, often , sometimes,never等频率副词,every day 等

动词 :原形v 或单三 v-s

助动词: do does 否定:don’t +v 或 doesn’t+v

be 动词:am is are 否定: be + not

情态动词 :can must may 否定:情态动词+not

一般疑问句:be 和情态动词提前, 没有的句首加do does,some改any,第一人称改第二人称, ,

eg 1 he doesn’t do his homework at school.

2 how do you go to work?

3 do they like swimming very much?

]: 表示正在发生的动作。

结构:be + doing (现在分词)

]:now = at the moment(现在),listen (听),look(看) ,where(**), there(那里)


结构 be going to do 或 will do

] :this afternoon 今天下午(开始)this evening= tonight (今晚)等将来的时间。

注:come (来), go(去) ,le**e(离开) ,arrive(到达) ,等动词用现在进行时表示一般将来时。

i am le**ing china.我将要离开中国。,

there will (not) be + n.(名词)

there is / are (not) going to be + n.

will there be …?

yes , there will. no, there won’t.

]: 表示过去发生的动作。

结构 (1) be动词 : am , is --was are---were

2)can---could , may --might

3) 助动词 do / does --did

4) 实义动词 v-ed

]:this morning 今天早上(开始) yesterday昨天 the day before yesterday 5yearsago五年前 last week,last(year,night,month…) 上一个…, long ong ago很久以前 once upon a time


1 在句子里面的be (am is are was were) ,can, will,would ,should后面+not,some改成any

2 如果没有上述单词,在实意动词前面加助动词do ,does ,did ,后面的动词用原形。


1 把句子里面的be (am is are was were) ,can, will,would ,should提前,其余照抄,第一人称改成第二人称,some改成any

can not = can’t will not = won’t

2 如果没有上述单词,句首+助动词do ,does ,did ,后面的动词用原形。,

eg: 1 we are not from china.

we are not from china.

are you from china?

where are you from?

2 we come from china.

we don’t come from china.

do you come from china?

where do you come from?

3 my mother comes from china.

my mother doesn't come from china.

does your mother come from china?

where does your mother come from?

4 my mother can make a cake.

my mother can not( =can’t ) make a cake.

can your mother make a cake?

what can your mother do?

5 my mother is going to make a cake.

my mother isn't going to make a cake.

is your mother going to make a cake?

what is your mother going to do?

5 my mother will make a cake tomorrow.

my mother will not make a cake tomorrow.

will your mother make a cake tomorrow?

yes ,she will. no , she won’t

what will your mother do tomorrow?

6 my mother made a cake yesterday.

my mother didn't make a cake yesterday.

did your mother make a cake yesterday?

yes ,she did. no, she didn't.

what did your mother do yesterday?

7 there will be a meeting this afternoon.

there will not be a meeting this afternoon.

will there be a meeting this afternoon?

what will there be this afternoon?

8 he has some milk every morning.

he doesn't h**e any milk every morning.

does he h**e any milk every morning?

yes, he does. no, he doesn't.

what does he h**e every morning?

9 i can swim.

i can't swim.

can you swim?

yes, i can. no, i can't.

what can you do?

10 划线部分不同,疑问词不同,划线的部分, 已经没有了。

my mother made a cake yesterday.

what did your mother do yesterday?

my mother made a cake yesterday.

what did your mother make yesterday?

my mother made a cake yesterday.

when did your mother make a cake?

1. mike always洗)his face in the morning.

2. where can he写) his name ?

3. there有) a football match this afternoon.

4. -whattom做) last saturday evening?

--he看) tv看) an interesting book

and看)a film .

5. it’s time起床) up.

6. he’d like喝) some water.

7. i like做) sports.

8. he can打) football.

9. there没有) schools in the future.

10. mary没有拜访) her aunt last saturday.

11. i开始) to write microblog last year

and i (发现)it very interesting now.

12. my room is dirty. but他) is clean.

13. let’s __乘坐) a bus to school. i go to school __乘坐)bus.

14. mary打开) on the light now

15. we学习) at home in 20 years.(20年后)

16. –when __you __write) this song? -i __write) it last year

17. people有) long假期) in ten years.

18. where is john ? he放) a kite.

19. spring是) hot in ten years.


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小学英语时态复习讲解。在英语中,由于谓语动作发生的时间不同,或表达不同时间存在的状态,谓语动词都要发生相应的变化,这种动词形式的变化就叫做动词的时态。小学英语教材中所接触到的时态只有四种。即 一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时和现在进行时。一 一般现在时用法 1.表示经常发生的动作 行为或存在的状态...


小学英语时态复习讲解。在英语中,由于谓语动作发生的时间不同,或表达不同时间存在的状态,谓语动词都要发生相应的变化,这种动词形式的变化就叫做动词的时态。小学英语教材中所接触到的时态只有四种。即 一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时和现在进行时。一 一般现在时用法 1.表示经常发生的动作 行为或存在的状态...