
发布 2021-05-19 11:13:28 阅读 2196

unit1 复习。

单元词组:predictions 做**15. look like 看上去长的像…

time 空闲时间16. look for 寻找

乘坐…飞往17. 一段时间 + from now (从现在起)…

a space station 在太空站上 disagree. 我不同意。

in love with sb. 与sb.相爱 pets 养宠物。

able to 能够 the future **未来。

true 实现 sth. 看见sb.做某事(的全过程)

see doing sth. 看见sb.正在做某事(片断)

sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 of 数以百计的。

to do sth. 尽力做某事。


1.— will people live to be 300 years old

a. no, they aren't b. no, they won’t c. no, they don't d. no, they can't

there will bepollution this year than last year.

a. fewerb. muchc. lessd. many

think people here are friendly. do you agreeme?

a. withb. toc. ond. from

3.—where is miss wang?

—she went to hainan island last week and will returnsix days.

a. agob. laterc. behind d. in

4will they play? —they will play football.

a. what subject b. what sport c. what food d. what language

will see you again

a. a dayb. every day c. one day d. everyday

hope your dream will

a. come true b. come out c. come in d. come on

7. everyone wants toto the moon for vacations.

a. walk b. runc. swimd. fly

coat doesn't fit him well, as he has __a huge body and the coat is___small.

a. so; such b. so; soc. such; such d. such; so

9.—how many birds can you see in the trees?

—i can seebirds in them.

a. hundreds of b. five hundreds c. hundred of d. five hundreds of


1. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

no one knows what will happen

2. 电脑如今被人们广泛地使用。

the computerswidelypeople today.


whichis the nicest picture?

4. 他的叔叔是一名宇航员。他去年在太空站工作。

his uncle is anhe worked on alast year.

5. 我到临沂后,我就爱上了这座城市。

ithis city after i got to linyi.

unit 2 复习。

单元词组:1. argue with sb. 与某人争吵argue about/over sth. 为某事争吵。

of style/danger 过时/脱离险境in style/danger 时尚/处于危险之中。

up sb. (代词放中间)给某人打**4. keep out 不让…进入。

wrong? 怎么啦 surprised at … 对…感到吃惊。

sth. from sb. 从某人那里借入某物 to do sth. (某人)需要做某事。

need doing sth. (某物)需要做某事。

… for sth. 为某物付…(钱10. the same + n. +as… 与…一样的n.

11. get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽12. h**e a fight with sb. 与某人争吵

13. take part in 加入14. plan sth. for sb. 为某人计划某事。

15. as much as possible 尽可能多的16. not … until 直到…才… (主句动词是短暂性动词)

until 一直到… (主句中使用延续性动词)

一、单选。 ) 1. the man over thereour chinese teacher.

a. may b. maybe c. may be d. be

) 2. ither four hoursthe work yesterday.

a. takes, finish b. take, finishing c. took, finished d. took, to finish

) number of the students in our class70.

a. isb. arec. wered. be

) you know any other foreign languageenglish?

a. except b. butc. besides d. beside

) 5. would you likefor supper?

a. something chineseb. chinese something

c. anything chinesed. chinese anything

) 6. mary was disappointed when she found out they had gone to the cinema___her.

a. except b. besides c. for d. without

) 7. —shall i get a cup of water for you? —yes

a. please b. you shall c. you will d. you may

) 8. would you please___on the road?

a. not to play b. to not play c. play not d. not play

) 9. i’m afraid i’ll h**e tothe lost book.


初二英语复习练习 unit 1 topic 1 topic 2 一 翻译下列句子或短语。1 加油2 到达某地3 和某人比赛。5 加入 俱乐部 26米高。7 效力于国家队8 我梦想的职业。9 动身去北京10 破记录。11参加12 回信13 将来。3 他每天花三个小时做作业。4 这本书花了我3元5 擅长...


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