
发布 2021-04-18 00:12:28 阅读 5877


mikedo) his homework every day.

therebe) some water in the glass.

we likeplay) basketball after class.

i like singing. i oftenlisten) to the music in



1. mikedo) his homework every day.

2. therebe) some water in the glass.

3. we likeplay) basketball after class.

4. i like singing. i oftenlisten) to the music in the evening.

5. my grandmawatch) tv every day.

二、判断句子的正误, 并改正。

1. betty do morning exercises every day.

2. i plays on the beach.

3. the trees falls their le**es.

4. i like to wearing shirts and running.

5. smiths is watering the flowers.

6. they usually h**e supper at seven o’clock.

7. they’re climbs a tree.

8. you mustn't play football here.

9. the rabbit wants some vegetables.

10. i sometimes watching tv on sunday.


1. _alice often play the piano. no, she __

a. do; do b. does; does c. does; doesn't

2. _your penfriend __in beijing?

a. do; live b. do; lives c. does; live

3. tom and mike __very excited, they will take a trip.

a. is b. are c. am

4. i likevery much. what about you?

a. dance b. danced c. dancing

5. i can’t find my pen. let me __

a. go and ask her b. go and ask hers c. go and ask she

6. fangfang is a good student. she __maths.

a. does good at b. well do it c. is good at

7. the kite __a bird. a. look like b. is looking c. looks like

8. bill and i __good friends.

a. is b. are c. am

9. sandy often __his homework on sundays .

a. do b. does c. did

10. what do you usually do on the weekend? i

a. went swimming b. go swimming c. visited grandparents

11. what do you usually do on your holiday?

a. saw elephants b. sing and dance picture

12. i __a student. i go to school __bus every day.

a. is; by b. am; on c. am; by

13. i __a brother. she __a sister.

a. h**e; has b. has; has c. h**e; h**e

14. you __a student. he __a teacher.

a. is; is b. are; is c. are; are

15. he always __football games.

a. watches b. watch c. doesn't

16. my best friend __shells.

a. collects b. collect c. often

17. she doesn’t __listening to the music.

a. often b. like c. likes

18. my mother and i __always watch romantic films.

a. doesn’t b. don’t c. do

19. -when __he get home on friday?

---he gets home at four on friday. a. do b. does c. did

20. summerspring.

a. comes after b. comes in before


1. can you __the ball at the net, danny? (扔)

2. after i wash my face, imy hair. (梳理)

3. do you __the picture? (记得)

4you __at你擅长唱歌吗?)yes, i am.

5. mr green oftenin the countryside. (散步)

6. ia red bag. but he __a blue one. (有)

7. mother alwaystv in the evening. (看电视)


一、 写出下列单词的现在分词:

1. speak __2. run __3. swim __4. do __ask __

6. begin __7. dance __9. sing

10 fly __11. jog __12. come __13. talk __

14. sleep __15. fight __17. get

18. buy __19.


1. look! chen jie and mike aresing)now.

2. the small bear isclimb) the tree.

3. mike isdraw) picture.

4. she isdo) the dishes.

5. my brother ismake) kites.


我吃过午饭了。我正在吃午饭。我 点吃的午饭。我打算 点吃午饭。我总是 点吃午饭。你吃午饭了吗?我还没吃午饭呢!我已经吃了三个苹果。我已经买了两本书。你看见我的眼镜了吗?我的自行车丢了。我刚刚喝过两杯咖啡。我刚才吃的午饭。我前天丢了自行车。自从 年以来我就住在这儿。我住在这儿三年了。我已经吃过午饭了。...


初一英语时态综合练习。1 一般现在时。复习要点 1.用法 2.时间 3.句型转换。1 用词的适当形式填空。1.miss guo teach us chinese this term.she be a very good teacher.she often talk with us after cla...


一。把下列动词变成过去式 1.study 2.work 3.die 4.tie 绑住,系 5.buy 6.swim 7.skate 8.run 9.say 10.see 11 read 12.sleep 13.eat 14 drink 15.think 16.know 17.help 18.laug...