
发布 2021-05-30 14:01:28 阅读 5659

with+宾语(名词/代词)+ 宾补被称为with的复合结构。。


with 复合结构在句中作状语表示条件,原因,伴随等,因此可以和相应的状语从句转换也可以和and的并列句转换。

1 时间状语从句转化为with 复合结构。

when the moon rose in the sky, the children sang merrily.

with the moon rising in the sky , the children sang merrily.

as soon as the film star appeared, all the audience cheered.

with the film star appearing , all the audience cheered..

2 原因状语从句转化为with 复合结构。

because the prices of oil h**e increased, many people h**e to go to work by buses not by car.

with the prices of oil increasing , many people h**e to go to work by bus not by car.

as the diamond ring was stolen, the bride cried all night long .

with the diamond ring stolen , the bride cried all night long .

3 条件状语从句转化为with 复合结构。

if you help me , i’m sure i can learn to drive the car.

with you to help me , i’m sure i can learn to drive the car.

if time permits, we will go to the flower show..

with time permitting, ,we will go to the flower show..

4 and 的并列句转化为with 复合结构作伴随方式状语。

he is h**ing supper and the tv is on.

he is h**ing supper with the tv is on.

tom went out of the room and the door was unlocked.

tom went out of the room with the door unlocked .

two boys stood in the classroom and their faces were to the wall.

two boys stood in the classroom with their faces to the wall.

he worked from morning till night, and he had little time to rest.

he worked from morning till night with little time to rest.


表示”随着” as为连词,接句子。with为介词,接词组。


as time went on, his hair became greyer and greyer.

with time going on, his hair became greyer and greyer.







with nothing to do, i watched tv for a while.

with all the work finished, they went back.

he slept with a magazine covering his face.

he felt free with his parents out.

单项选择:1___the deserts expanding , more areas are facing the danger of sandstorms .

a. as b. for c. with d. by

2 with a lot of dishes __she had to work far into the night.

a. washed b. to wash c. washing d. to be washed

3. with his house __by the big fire, he had no room to live in.

a. destroy b. was destroyed c. destroying d. destroyed

4.with on-line shopping __more and more popular, more people shop at home through the internet.

a. has become b. becomes c. becoming d. became

5. he stared at his friend with his mouth

a. wide open b. widely open c. wide opened d. widely opeded

1. [解析] 答案 c。本题考查介词with的复合结构“with + n / pron + prep. phrase(介词短语)”的用法。


句意是:由于沙漠不断扩大 ,更多地区面临沙尘暴的威胁。

2.[解析] 答案b。这里用介词 with的复合结构作状语表示原因,转化为从句:

because there were a lot of dishes for her to wash, she had to work far into the night.


单句该错:with the door closing , he couldn’t get on the bus.

with his father stands beside, the girl felt a bit uneasy.


with复合结构 即 with 宾语 补足语 在英语中,特别是在书面语中是一个很常用的结构,它既可以充当状语,又可以充当定语。由于 with复合结构 在逻辑上是一个主谓关系完整的结构,因而,它也可以用相应的从句或分句代替。观察下面句子,找出with复合结构。he lay in bed with he...


1 构成形式 with 宾语 名词或代词 宾语补足语 形容词 副词 介词短语 不定式 现在分词 过去分词,六种补语简称形副介不现过 2 功能 在句中作状语。3 例句 with 宾语 形容词。don t sleep with the door and windows open.不要开着门窗睡觉。wit...


1.with 宾语 名词。he died with his daughter yet a school girl.他死的时候,他的女儿还是个学生。2.with 宾语 形容词。he used to sleep with all the windows open.他过去常常开着窗子睡觉。she lay ...