
发布 2021-05-30 11:21:28 阅读 9010





i) beg your pardon.请再说一遍。

it) sounds like a good idea.听起来是一个好主意。

i) see you later.回头见。

i) thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。


they learn french and we (learn) english.他们学法语,我们学英语。

is there ) anything i can do for you ? 要我帮忙吗?

some books are to be tasted, others (are) to be swallowed, and some few (are) to be chewed and digested. 有些书是应当尝尝滋味的,有些书是应当吞下去的,有少数书是应当咀嚼和消化的。

he is a teacher, and his wife (is ) a doctor.他是位教师,他的妻子是一名医生。


are you a teacher? 你是教师吗?

yes, i am (a teacher).是的,我是。


this is the book (that) i'm looking for.这是我正在找的书。

is in his office?

sorry, i don't know (whether he is or not).金先生在办公室吗?对不起,我不知道。


come )this way, please. 请走这边。

what does he want to eat? -他想吃什么?

(he wants) some rice and vegetables. -米饭和蔬菜。

in winter it is colder in beijing than (it is )in nanjing.北京的冬天比南京要冷。

what a good boy (he is )!他是多好的学生啊!

what a wonderful victory (it is )for wilma! 对威尔玛来说这是多么了不起的胜利啊!

(it is) my mistake.我的错。


-to whom did you lend the book?你把书借给谁了?

to john.(i lend the book)约翰。

what do you think made john so upset?你人为什么使约翰如此难过?

(i think)losing his wallet (made john so upset).他丢了钱包。



she looked after the baby as carefully as (she looked) after her own.她就像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾那个婴儿。

he can be( as )happy in hard times as in good days.他在艰难岁月里能像在好时光时一样幸福。

he was (as) delighted as (he was) in middle school.他就将在中学时一样快乐。



we'll go to the doctor's (clinic)in a minute.一会儿我们要到医务室去。

no dustmen come to the turner's (street). 没有垃圾清运工到特纳家所在的街道上来。


1 在以if、when、though、unless、as、as if等连词引导的从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句中的谓语动词是be,可以将状语从句中的主谓省略。

when (he was ) walking in the street, he met a friend.他在街上走的时候,遇到了一位朋友。

he will not come unless (he is ) invited.除非邀请他才肯来。

the research is so well designed that once(it is ) begun it can never be stopped.研究设计得如此好,一旦启动就无法停止。

2 如果从句主谓语是it is或it was,可以省略主谓结构, if it is possible, when it is necessary 等都是这种结构。

he ran as fast as (it was) possible.他拼命跑。

if (it is )necessary, put a comma.有必要的话,加一个逗号。

注意:由after, because, before等词引导的状语从句一般要改写成介词短语等,用-ing代替动词。

because he was ill he didn’t attend the meeting.因为他病了,所以未出席会议。

because of being ill, he didn’t attend the meeting.

because ill, he didn’t attend the meeting.(误)


this is the very reason (why) i want to kill you. 这就是我为何要杀死你的理由。

this was the first time (when) i had visited beijing.这是我第一次参观北京。


he will come back, but he doesn't know when (he will come back). 他将回来,但不知道什么时间。

12) 在状语的独立分词结构中,分词往往可以省略。

the meeting (being)over, they walked out of the hall.会议结束了,他们走出了大厅。

the work (h**ing been) done, he left the office.做完工作后,他离开办公室。



to代替不定式,常同refuse, want, seem, intend, expect, hope, like, be afraid, prefer, care, oblige, forget, wish, try等动词连用。

would you like to come to the party? -你愿意参加晚会吗?

i'd like to (come to the party).-我愿意。

you may go with them if you want to (go).如果你愿意的话,也可以和他们一起去。

注意:如果不定式中含有be, h**e,或h**e been,一般要保留be, h**e或h**e been。

are you on holiday?你放假了吗?

no, but i’d like to be ( on holiday).没有。不过我真愿意。

she hasn’t done it yet.她还没有做。

she ought to (h**e done it).她该做。

2)so 和not

so 可以代替单词、词组或句子,做call, expect, hope, do, fear, imagine, suppose, speak, tell, think, believe, be afraid, see, notice等宾语;not代替句子,用法和so相似,并可以放在perhaps, probably, absolutely等副词后面。

is the famous singer going to give any performance at the evening party? 这位著名歌手在晚会上要表演节目的吧?

i expect so. 我想是吧。

i expect not. (i don't expect so.)我认为不会。

he must be a teacher. i imagine so.他一定是老师。我认为是。

do you think so? 你是这样想吗?

absolutely not. 当然不是。


are they coming to the party?

i’m sure of it.(正)

i doubt it. (正)

i’m sure so.(误)

i doubt so. (误)

he knows that. (正)

he knows so. (误)


-did you see the film?你去看那场电影了吗?

-yes. i did.是的,去看了。

he speaks english more fluently than you do.他英语讲得比你流畅。


莎士比亚曾经说过 brevity is the soul of wit.言以简为贵 为了使话说得简明扼要,英语句子中某个单词 短语甚至从句或主句都可以省去。这种省去句子某些成分而保持句子意思不变的现象,称为省略 ellipsis 一 省略的目的。省略多见于非正式的文体,尤其在对话中,省略是一种十分普...

高中语法 倒装及练习

倒装句。英语的基本语序是 主语 谓语 如果将谓语的一部分或全部放在主语之前,这种语序叫倒装。倒装分为完全倒装 部分倒装和形式倒装。i完全倒装。英语最基本的词序是主语在谓语动词的前面。如果将句子的主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,这称之为完全倒装。1.there be 句型。there is a mobile ...


英语倒装句。倒装句的定义 英语中主语在前谓语在后的语序称为自然语序。由于语法 修辞的需要谓语置于主语之前,称为全部倒装 助动词 情态动词等移到主语之前而主要动词仍然在主语之后的,称作半倒装。倒装句 1 为了叙述或描绘更加生动,将表示运动方向的副词 如 here,there,out,in,up,off...