中考英语模拟试卷分类汇编 状语从句 含答案

发布 2021-05-27 12:22:28 阅读 8040


1.in my family,our kids aren’t allowed to play outside___they finish their homework.

long time2.we’ll go hiking if itrain this

3.usually,wedon’tknowhowimportantsomethingis___we lose it.

4.--do you thinkhe has taken the bagi’m mistaken.

5.they were afraid to complain about the noisethey didn’twant to make an enemy of their

6.you shouldn’t h**e too much junk foodit’s bad for yourhealth.

7the girl is only ten years old, she can takecare of her brother and cook meals every

8.you must le**e here nowyour mother can get some more


9.i am waiting for my friend., i will go swimming he doesn’t he won’t he hasn’t come

10.—iwilldomybestinthetalentshow___imayfail.—wonderful! i will support you all the do you likewearing this old sweater?

i likewearing this old sweaterit was made bygrannny by hand .

12.idon’ i anyone, i will get nervous.

a. will know, won’t know b. will know, don’t knowc.

know, won’t knowd. know, don’t know13.—why do you like koalas?—.a.becausethey’recute b.ilikethem c.thankyou14.donaldtrumpwilltakeofficeonjanuary20,2017_barackobama le**es the white house.

soon as

15.__this is your first visit to shanghai, let me show you aroundthe city.

















中考语文模拟试卷分类汇编 话题作文及 解析版

各地中考语文模拟试卷分类汇编 话题作文及范文 解析版 话题作文。1 写作 50分 1.成长路上,父母的一声叮咛,老师的一丝关怀,同学的一句慰问,温暖着我们的心窝。请你以 温暖 为题,写一篇作文。2.书包上我们每个人必备的学习用品,以 书包 为话题写一篇作文。要求 结合个人生活经历,选取真实的生活片段...

参考 中考英语复习教案 第34讲 状语从句

名题实战 1 mumsays a idomyhomeworknow,icanwatchtvfor an hour tonight.2014,广州 a if b though c because d while 2 c itisraininghard,theyarestillworkinginthe ...


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