全国中考英语题型分类汇编单词拼写 汉语提示型

发布 2021-05-27 12:19:28 阅读 3538



96.. the internet is becoming a u __有用的)tool for students..

97.. we feel it is our d __责任)to help each other..

98.. you are b __勇敢的) enough to accept such a difficult job..

99.. i'm afraid we h**e to c __取消)the meeting..

100.. bob has many story books and he often s __分享)them with his friends..

key:96.. useful 97.. duty 98.. br**e 99.. cancel 100.. shares



a) 根据括号中所给定汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41-45的相应位置上。

41.. millie lives on a healthy diet.. she很少) has sweet snacks..

42.. stephen was忙碌的) with the report on giant pandas last week..

43.. people aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in nanjing from the next ▲ 月)..

44.. madee felt proud when she升起)the national flag in the playground this monday..

45.. jiangnan examination office in confucius temple attracted千)of tourists on china tourist day this year..

key:41.. seldom 42.. busy 43.. month 44.. raised 45.. thousands


v.. 根据中文形式,填出单词的正确形式。(5小题,每小题2分, 共10分)

56.. han han is as受欢迎的) as guo jingming..

57.. teachers are usually严格的)with their students in class..

58.. people around the world love和平) and hate wars..

59.. lucy often learns french by自己) after school..

60.. the last month of a year is十二月)..

key:56.. popular 57.. strict 58.. peace 59.. herself 60.. december



66..can you想象) what your life will be like in ten years?

67..we listened to a report on how to s**e endangered animals last星期三)..

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