
发布 2021-05-25 02:41:28 阅读 9194


quality ( c ) quantity ( c )

fun ( u ) funny adj

make + sb/sth + n make him our leader

sb/sth + adj make the room clean

sb + do

sb/sth+done make me understood

agree + to sth

on sth

with sb

with + 从句。

argue + with sb ( about/ over sth)

for/against sth为/反对….而争辩。

fill in 填写,添满,消磨时间。

reason ( c ) 原因,理由。

for … reason 由于…的原因。

the reason for + 短语/ why + 句子 … 的原因。

the reason why + 句子 + is/was that + 表语从句。

cause 起因,缘由 + of the cause of the accident

interest n ( c/u ) vt

take/h**e/ show/ find/ feel an interest in sth=be interested in

with interest 怀着极大兴趣地。

imagine vt 想象,认为。

imagine + n

+ doing sth

+sb’s doing sth i can’t imagine their stealing.

+ that + 从句。

survive vt vi + from

he was very lucky to survive the war.

many patients h**e survived from the disaster.

alone adv/adj (客观上)独自地 live alone

lonely adj(主观上)孤独的 feel lonely

on a flight 在飞行中。

on a trip/journey 在旅行中。

on the go 忙个不停。

crash v 撞碎,撞坏,坠毁,倒塌,崩溃。

desert n 沙漠,荒原 v 离/放/遗弃逃离。

deserted adj 荒芜的,无人的。

learn to do sth 学会做… …

learn doing/n 学做… …

all alone = all by oneself

all along = always 一直,始终。


gather 把散的东西集中在一起。

fire n ( u )

make fire 生火。

catch / be) on fire 着火。

put out the fire 灭火。

set sth on fire 放火烧sth

challenge n (c) 挑战 vt向…挑战,对…质疑。

accept a challenge to do …

challenge sb to do 向sb挑战做….

develop v发展,研制,开发,培养。

develop a friendship with sb ( 建立 )

develop an interest in sth ( 培养 )

realise 认识到,体会,领悟,实现。

think about = think over仔细思考。

think of

think nothing of 觉得…不怎么样。

think back to回想。

think out 想出。

think/speak highly/much of 对…评价高,赞赏。

think little of 对…评价不高,不赞成。

treat vt 对待,**,处理,款待。

treat a as b 把a当作b

treat sb for…. 给sb治…病。

treat sb to sth 用……款待sb

h**e sb do sth 让某人做某事。

h**e sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事。

h**e sth done 使… …被做 ( 主观有/无意 )

get sth done 使… …被做 ( 主观有意 )

make friends/ enemies (with sb) 与sb交友树敌/

care about 在意,在乎。

care for 喜欢,照顾,关心。

example n ( c )

take … for example 以… …为例。

set an example to sb = set sb an example 为sb树立个榜样。

joke n ( c )

tell jokes 说笑话。

play a joke on sb 戏弄sb

share sth with sb 与sb分享/共用sth

be tired of sth/doing 厌烦做… …

be tired from sth/doing 因做了… 而累。

at all 真地,竟然,究竟,到底。

not… …at all 根本不,一点也不。

半情态动词:need / dare

need / dare to do sth 用于肯定句,疑问句,否定句。

need / dare do 用于疑问句,否定句。

be/feel at home 随便,自由自在。

make sb at home (使…)别客气,别拘束。

mean to do

mean doing

in the/one’s way 妨碍,挡住…的路。

in a way从某种意义/程度上说。

by way of经由…. 取道…

lose one’s way 迷路。

make one’s way 努力向前。

all the way 一路上。

on one’s way to sp.

not a bit 一点也不。

not a little = very much

majority + n 复数,谓语用复数。

the majority 做主语,谓语单复数均可。

equal 相等的,同样的,平等的,be equal + with/to

on one’s own = alone = all by oneself 独自地。

situation 情况,处境,形势 (指环境/外在)

condition 状况,状态(指个体/内在)

state 状态/况(只用单数,与in 连用)in a state of ….

wide adj /adv widely adv

high adj / adv highly adv

deep adj / adv deeply adv

close adj / adv closely adv

late adj / adv lately adv 最近 = recently

on/ over the radio 通过无线电 on tv

on the phone 通过**。

knowledge n [ u ]

to one’s knowledge 据… …所知。

a/ the knowledge of … 的知识。

in the future 在将来 in future 从今以后。

exchange n / vt 交换,交流,兑换。

exchange sth with sb

come about = take place 发生,产生。

come across (偶然)遇见/发现。

come along with 随同。

while 而,却;尽管。

end up with 以… …结束/告终。

begin/ start with 以… …开始。

over + 时间段 (强调动作发生在时间后)

during + 时间段 (强调动作发生在时间内)

for + 时间段动作或状态持续的时间。

consider doing sth 考虑做….

consider sb/ sth to do … 认为… …

means n (单/复数)同形,“手段,方法”

meaning n [ c意思,含义”

by means of通过…的方式。

by this/that means 通过这种/那种方式。

by no means决不。

follow 跟随,理解,沿着…走,听从。

follow one’s advice / instructions 听从某人的建议。

follow the example of 以…为榜样。

as follows如下

go through = experience get through = finish

try to do sth 尽力地去做… try doing 试着做…

watch out for = be careful

wear 强调状态 put on 强调动作

h**e on 强调状态(不用进行时)

up : 向上/高,向北,进城,进入。

down : 向下/低,向南,下乡,出去。

in danger 处于险境 in danger of 有…的危险。

out of danger 脱离险境。


必修5短语。module 1.is obvious to sb.that从句对某人来说,是显然的。an attempt at doing sth.试图 尝试 做某事 one s first attempt第一次尝试 at doing sth.尝试 做 某事 f our of同意,支持,拥护 f ou...


to sb.for sth.sth.to.onesely to.require doing to be done difficulty to sth.do sth.sb.announce to to.toup.up to.an announcement present an attempt to d...


必修5词组1 module1.1.从句对某人来说,是显然的。2.把a和b相混淆。3.被 搞糊涂了。4.困惑的 困窘地。5.和 比较。6.把 比作。7.和 相比 作状语 8.各种各样的。9.与某人或某物有区别,相异。10.在某方面不同。11.和某人或某物有相同之处。12.与 有很多共同之处。13.与 ...