
发布 2021-05-23 12:32:28 阅读 3435


once and without hesitation立刻而不犹豫地:eg. her answer camepat.她回答得很乾脆。

idm: h**e/know sth. off pat对某事物记得或了解得很清楚。

eg. he had all the answers offpat.他把所有答案都记得很清楚。a.

1)恰好的;适当的;适时的。 2)(贬) too quick; glib过於快的;伶牙俐齿的;油嘴滑舌的:v.&n.(-tt-)轻拍patted,patted,patting

idm: pat sb/oneself on the `back对某人[自己]表示庆贺﹑鼓励或赞扬。


简爱》presence of mind镇定自若(absence of mind心不在焉)a man of no presence .其貌不扬的人。

idm: in the presence of sb/in sb's presence当着某人;有某人在场eg. she asked them not to discuss the matterin her presence.


present a.现在的;出席的v/a提出;介绍;赠送vi.举枪瞄准n.现在;礼物;瞄准3. promising

a. showing signs of being successful in the future有前途的,有希望的a promising youth .有希望的青年。

eg. i would like to work in apromisingcompany like yours.

我希望在如贵公司一样有前途的公司里就职。n. &v.许诺,允诺;给人以…的指望或希望4. lower

vt. 1. reduce sth.

in amount, price, degree, strength, etc.减少;降低 sb. or sth.

down from a higher position降下。

eg. the price will beloweredfrom $150 to $100 to attract more customers.为了吸引更多的顾客,**将从150美元降到100美元。


lower class社会底层lower classman低年级学生5. romantic (romanceromantismromantist)

to feelings of love or a loving relationship浪漫的the woman writer is famous for herromanticlove stories.这为女作家因她所著的浪漫爱情**而闻名。6.


n.[u] the feeling of being grateful感激,谢意。

grateful a.感激的→ungrateful a.忘恩负义的gratitude n.

感激→ingratitude n.忘恩负义的out of gratitude出于感激with gratitude感谢。

eg. i owe a debt ofgratitudeto you.我真得感谢你们。7. perceptivity =perceptiveness/insight

n.[u] the ability of being quick to notice and understand知觉;理解力。

eg. you can always sense heperceptivitywhenever she makes comments on something.每次他就某事发表评论时,你总能感觉到他敏锐的洞察力。

the writer is worth admiring for his outstandingperceptivityand memory.这位作家因其超群的洞察力和记忆力而值得钦佩。8.


in size. quantity, degree, etc.大的,严重的,大量的massn.团;块;堆:大量;大批;众多。

(of sth) (a) quantity of matter without a regular shape团;块;堆:there weremasses ofdark clouds in the sky.天上有朵朵乌云。

9. approximately


辨析】approximate,about, or soapproximately原义为“最接近地”,因而数量或质量上接近正确,误差极小,可以忽略about原义为“在周围”,about因而指大致接近,相差可多可少。

or so常放在表示**、数量的数字之后;about和approximate常放在表示**、数量的数字之前。


correct or exact but not completely so近乎正确或精确的;大概的10. breeze

n.微风,和风vi吹微风,飘然而行breeze in/out飘然而入/去。

when he saw us .the master justbreezed inand smiled.主人看到我们后就轻快地走了过来微微一笑windbreezegustgale风微风阵风强风11.


1)~ about/over)complain over small matters: (因小事)抱怨;小题大做eg. stopfussingand eat your food!

别大惊小怪的,吃你的东西吧!if you keepfussingabout, we're sure to be late.你要是总瞎忙个没完,我们非迟到不可。

2) annoy or disturb (sb)扰乱,打搅(某人)

eg. don'tfussme while i'm driving.我开车时别打搅我。

lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about sth.小题大做,大惊小怪phrv:make a fuss of/over sb/sth娇惯某人,对某人[某事过于注意don'tmake so much fuss overthe children.

不要对孩子照顾得太过分。12. rebel(rebellious, rebellion )

vi.(against)fight against sb. in authority or against an idea or situation造反;反叛;反抗the poor rebelled against the emperor but were defeated quite soon.


n.[c] a person who rebels造反者,反叛者,反抗者。

eg. no one would believe that the priest was one of the anti-governmentrebels.没有人会相信神父是***分子的一员。

13. shift


make shift (with sth./ to do sth.)勉强使用,将就,设法shifton/onto把推卸给,转嫁给【辨析】



alter最普通的用法是表示改衣服,使之合身,另外alter还可表示态度,性格等的改变transform指外貌、性格或性质的彻底改变14 makeshift

at the time because there is nothing better权宜的;暂时的。

he couldn't find his way before it got dark, so he decided to find a makeshift shelter for the night.他无法在天黑前找到路,所以决定先找个临时的过夜之处。n.


use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table.用空板条箱权充桌子15. passion

n.[c,u] a strong feeling about sth. or a strong liking for sth.


h**e a passionfor酷爱。

to do热切希望做get/fly into a passion大怒,大发雷霆。

16. assert(asserting v.主张,声称, asserted a&v.

宣称的, assertor n.主张者,维护者) or declare sth. firmly断言;声称;维护;坚持。

eg. sheassertedthat he was innocent.她断言,他是无罪的。phr:

assert oneself坚持自己的权利;显示自己的权威assert national independence维护民族独立assert one's rights维护自己的权利assert sth. to be true断言某事是真实的17. swear(swore, sworn)vi.

(at sb/ sth.) curse咒骂。

eg. the foreman is always swearing at the workers.那工头总是对工人骂骂咧咧。

a promise to do sth.发誓to swear to fight for…宣誓为…而战。

eg. i swear that i would never let the secret out.我发誓我永远不会泄露这个秘密。

swear by极其信赖swear in使宣誓就职。

swear off保证戒掉、放弃18. persist

to do sth. in spite of opposition or warning坚持 to exist or happen继续存在或发生【辨析】

persist in means going on doing sth.

eg. he persisted in asking her annoying questions.

insist on means being very firm in doing or saying what you want toeg. he insisted onphrv:

persist in sth./doing sth.坚持做某事。

eg. if youpersist in beinglate for work, you will be fired.如果你老是上班迟到,你会被开除的。

persist with继续努力,坚持不懈。

eg. he is stillpersisting withhis opinions.


persistencen.[u]坚持不懈;持续;存留persistenta.坚持的;持续不断的;不间断的19. frown

vi .1.~ at sb/sth)皱眉,蹙额(以示生气﹑沉思﹑忧愁等):2.~on/upon sthisapprove of sth不赞成某事;不许可;不同意:

eg. my parents always frown on late nights out.我父母向来不赞成深夜外出。20. rank

a particular position in a list of people or things位于。等级(或地位)eg. our success in research ranked as one of the greatest achievements in this field.

我们在研究上取得的成功被列为该领域最大的成就之一。 the position of sb. or sth.

based on importance or quality排列eg .all fruits were ranked neatly in the boxes.水果全都整整齐齐地排列在盒子里。

n.[c, u] the position or level that sb. holds in an organization;one's social position职位;社会地位。

eg. he held the rank of chief executive officer.

他担任首席执行官一职。ranking n.[c]排名;级别。

eg. he has the poorest ranking in his class.他在班里排名最后。21. indissoluble=insoluble

a. impossible to destroy坚不可摧的。

the indissoluble friendship between us is the thing i value most in the world.我们之间深厚的友谊是我在这世界上最为看重的东西。indissolubilityn.


新视野大学英语1复习 2 unit

交通工具 车辆。2 embarrassmentn.尴尬。3 rustv.使 生锈。n.铁锈。4 bladen.刀片。5 trashn.垃圾。6 dumpv.倾倒 扔掉。7 closetn.壁橱。8 stuffv.填 塞。n.各种物品。9 sackn.麻袋。使 整齐地堆起 摞起。n.一堆。蝗灾 鼠灾 ...


u1butitwasn untiltheni 为自己而写。拉塞尔 贝克。从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着...


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