大学英语常用词汇词义辨析 2 分析解析

发布 2021-05-23 12:33:28 阅读 3244

林明金。base, basis, foundation, ground基础。



例证]iron stand has a rectangular base.这个铁架的底为长方形。

proposal shall furnish the basis of our discussion.他的提议应成为我们讨论的依据。

1. it affords a good foundation of older ideas and beliefs. 这是一个可以建造多层高楼的好地基。

2. the grounds for his decision were never clearly stated.他从来没有清楚说出他的决定所依据的理由。

begin, commence, start 开始


例证]1. the building hasn’t even been begun.这座建筑物还没有开工呢。

mass meeting commenced in tiananmen's square at 8 o'clock.群众大会八时在天安门开始。

must start early.我们必须早些动身。

beneficial, advantageous, profitable带来益处和收获的。


例证]air is beneficial to one’s health.新鲜空气有益于健康。

is advantageous to take their side.站在他们这边有利。

would be more profitable to combine the two factories.把这两家工厂联合起来更能赚钱。

benefit, advantage, f**our, profit利益。


例证]1. it was achieved with the benefit of modern technology.借助现代技术,这个目标已经达到。

2. he has the advantage of a steady job.他有工作稳定的有利条件。

3. they make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.他们每**一本获利十便士。

br**e, bold, courageous勇敢的。


辨析]1. a br**e fireman rescued the woman.一个勇敢的消防队员救了这女人。

2. the young man had a bold plan to sail across the sea all by himself.这位年轻人有个独自驾船过海的大胆计划。

3. it was courageous of him to s**e the child from a burning house.他真勇敢,把那孩子从燃烧的房子里救了出来。

carpet, rug地毯。


例证]1. we h**e fitted carpets in our house.我们家已全铺了地毯。

2. there is a hearth-rug in the room.房间里有一块壁炉前的小地毯。

cease, stop停止。


例证]1. the officer ordered his men to cease fire.长官命令士兵停火。

2. the earthquake stopped all the clocks.**把所有的钟都震停了。

childish, childlike孩子般的,孩子气的。


例证]1. don’t be so childish!不要这么孩子气。

2. she has childlike enjoyment.她有孩子般的快乐。

circumstances, environment, surroundings情况,环境。


例证]forced us to change our plans.客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。

unhappy home environment can affect a child’s beh**iour.不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。

in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.动物园中的动物没有自然环境。

clasp, grasp, grip紧握。


例证]1.they clasped hands briefly before saying goodbye.他们匆匆握手告别。

2.he grasped her firmly by the arm.他紧紧地抓住她的胳膊。

3.the frightened child gripped its mother’s hand.受惊的孩子紧抓住他母亲的手。

compact, agreement, contract协定,约定。


例证]1.the two states made a compact to cooperate against terrorism.两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。

2.an agreement with the employees was finally worked out.与雇主门的协议终于达成。

3.he has agreed salary terms and is ready to sign a new contract.他同意了薪金条件,准备签新合同。

companion, acquaintance, friend朋友。


例证]dog is a faithful companion.狗是忠实的伙伴。

has a wide circle of acquaintances.他交游甚广。

are all good friends.我们都是好朋友。

compile, edit编辑。


例证]1.we are compiling an english dictionary for students. 我们正在编一本供大学生用的英语词典。

2.we are editing a shakespeare plan for use in schools.我们正在编辑一部莎士比亚剧本供学校使用。

complex, complicated, intricate, involved复杂。



例证]1. a computer is certainly a complex machine.电脑当然是一种结构复杂的机器。

is too complicated to explain their relationship.要解释他们的关系实在太复杂。

3. this is a novel with an intricate plot.这是一部情节错综复杂的**。

4. that’s really an involved style of writing.那真是复杂的文体。

conceal, hide隐藏。


例证]1.he concealed the sweets in his pocket. 他把糖果藏在口袋里。

大学英语常用词词义辨析实例 一

林明金。abandon,desert,forsake,relinquish,discard 丢弃。辨析 abandon是失去控制,或丧失了占有的能力,强调永远和完全放弃。desert 遗弃,抛弃 强调违背允诺 誓言或逃避责任。forsake 放弃,抛弃 强调断绝感情的依恋。relinquish强调放...


aabout around round 作副词时都含 四处 遍地 的意思。about 系常用词,如 look about 四处看。around 具有 about 的基本意思,因此 look about look around,但在下列短语里 around没有 about正式,如 tr el arou...


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