
发布 2021-05-23 00:44:28 阅读 4715




class begins.(课开始了)

the customer is coming.(客人正进来)

he runs in the park.(他在公园里跑)

i live in guangzhou.(我住在广州)

i work for a trading company.(我在**公司上班)

the customer will come next monday.(客人下周一来)

my boss will come back at 5:00 我老板下午五点回来)


不可忽视:常用不及物动词有break, burn, smoke, swim, skate, appear, disappear, work, think, etc.




my father read the book.

she likes english.

i know him very well.

they want to go.

he stopped writing.

she knows what to do.

we h**e received your letter.

i need two samples.

we love peace.

i will pick you up at the hotel tomorrow.


常用动词有:see, watch, need, love, like, study, answer, carry, etc.



系动词主要是be动词(be动词中文只有3个意思:是、在、到)和感官动词(feel, look, sound, taste, smell及become, seem, turn, get, grow, appear, keep)。后面必须接表语,才能用来说明主语,表示“……是……”变成……”等意思。


they are honest.

his face turns red.

it grew dark.

he become a scientist.

that book looks interesting.

it’s getting warmer year by year.

she is getting more and more beautiful.


例:我们的生意(是)很好=our businessisvery good.


am the sales manager.(我是业务经理。)

is our new sample.(这是我们的新样品。)

are a manufacturer.(我们是工厂。)

is a big city.(上海是个大都市。)

phone number is 81769396.(我们的**号码是81769396。)


am tired.(我很累。)

am very busy.(我很忙。)

colour is too dark.(颜色太深。)

price is too high.(你们的价钱太贵。)

quality is excellent.(我们的品质很好。)

business is turning better.(生意好转。)

不可忽视:常用系动词:be, get, turn, feel, seem, appear, look, taste, sound, smell, become, go, prove, etc.



he g**e tom a present.

we can give you two free samples.


i left him a message.

i told him what to do.

he will buy me some books.

my friend bought me a gift.

we send you a fax yesterday.

we will place you a new order.

he asked me why to sing this song.

he taught me how to read the word.

our cooperation will bring you big profits.

注意:间接宾语(人)放在直接宾语(物)后面,要多放一个介词。动词give, send, open的介词都用to, 但是有两个动词例外:

place的用with, bring的用for。

1)i passed it to my mother.

2)we send a fax to you yesterday.

3)we will place a new order with you.

4)we can give 5% commission to you.

5)we will give two free samples to you.

6)our cooperation will bring a big profit for you.


buy, make, do, get, play, call, choose, cook, fetch, find, keep, order, s**e, etc.


bring, give, hand, pass, lend, offer, pay, promise, sell, send, show, tell, throw, write, etc.



动词后面需加宾语补足语的动词,常见的有call, keep / make(使得),find, let, ask, think, consider, wish, hear, feel, h**e, get, elect, choose…(按照中文顺序直接翻译)

we call him peter.

they made me happy.

we elected him president.

please make the colour dark.

we think your price too high.

i found the movie interesting.

jim asked me to help him with his homework.


1)名词。the couple named their babyjohnson.


i keep the dooropen.

3) 副词。

the naughty boy knocked the bottleover.

4) 不定式。

he ordered his mento fire.

4)分词。he heard me singing.

i saw the vasebroken.

6) 介词短语。

they look on himas a teacher.


i asked himwhat he was doing.


主 vi 不及物动词 谓 time flies.1 s v adverbial 状语 birds sing beautifully.2 s vi prep phrase 介词短语 he went on holiday.3 s vi infinitive 不定式 we stopped to h e a...

英语5种基本句型 初中

句型1 主语 subject 谓语 verb一般是动词 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如 work 工作 sing 唱 swim 游泳 fish 钓鱼 jump 调高 arrive 到达 come 来 die 死 disappear 消失...


解说本句型的谓语动词所发出的动作有两个对象,一为 人或动物等 称为间接宾语,另一为 物或事 称为直接宾语。本句型也可以把 置于 之前表达如下 至此我们可以明白,间接宾语实际上是介词的宾语,不过因为它间接地也是谓语动词所发出的动作的对象,所以称为间接宾语。取间接宾语和直接宾语的谓语动词叫做授与动词 d...