8A1 4短语句型

发布 2021-05-22 23:23:28 阅读 8516

新8a 单元短语、句型(unit 1 — unit 4)

unit 1

welcome - comic)

1. do you want some你要不要来点(吃的或喝的)?

2. can i h**e something to drink / eat我能不能来点吃的 / 喝的?

something to drink / eat一些吃的、喝的。

3. can i h**e some more food / drink我能不能再要点吃的、喝的?

some more food / drink / money / books再来点吃的、喝的、钱、书。

4. there is nothing in the fridge冰箱里什么都没有;冰箱里是空的。

= there isn’t anything in the fridge. no=not any

5. an honest student / boy / girl / child一个诚实的学生、男孩、女孩、孩子。

6. share(d) one’s (如:her / our / his) joy (with与…分享…人的快乐。

7. keep (kept) a secret = keep secrets保密。

8. make (made) sb. /sth. +形容词使……人……怎么样。

9. care(d) about关心,关注。

10. tell (told) him / her everything about告诉…人关于…的一切。

11. h**e (had) problems有问题;有困难。

h**e (had) problems doing sth做……有困难。

12. be (was / were) ready / willing to do乐意做……

13. you can trust them because they never tell lies. 你可以信任他们因为他们从不说谎。

tell (told) lies / a lie / a funny joke / funny jokes 说谎;讲(有趣的)笑话。

14. what makes (made) good friends什么样的人适合做好朋友?


15. one of my best friends我最好的朋友之一;

one of the most excellent cities其中一个最出色的城市;最出色城市之一。

16. she is helpful and ready to help people any time. 他乐于助人且愿意随之帮助别人。

17. give the seat / seats on the bus to someone in need 在公交上让座给有需要的人。

18. h**e (had) a good / beautiful voice有优美的嗓音。

19. she wants to be a singer when she grows up她长大后想成为一名歌手。

20. wear (wore) small round glasses带小小的圆眼镜。

21. make (made) sb. (him / her) look smart / beautiful 使…人看起来精明 / 漂亮。

22. feel (felt) bored / excited / amazed觉得枯燥 / 激动 / 惊奇。

23. knock sth, onto the floor把…撞掉在地上。

24. h**e (had) big bright eyes and long straight hair 长着明亮的大眼睛和长长的直发。

25. never say(s) /said) a bad word about anyone / others 从来不说任何人 / 别人。

26. when something worries me, i can always go to her. 当有事情困扰我时我总是能去找她。

27. he looks smart in his small round glasses他戴着小小的圆眼镜看起来聪明。

28. who would you like to choose as your best friend? 逆向选择谁作为你最好的朋友。


29. my book is more interesting than his我的书比他的有趣。

30. this is the most expensive computer in the shop. 这是店里最贵的电脑。

= this computer is more expensive than any other computer / the other computers in the shop.

31. lucy is the cleverer girl of the twinslucy在双胞胎中更聪明点。

32. among the six students, millie is the slowest swimmer. 六名学生中,millie是最慢的游泳。

= among the six students, millie swims the most slowly. 选手 / 游泳游得最慢。

33. sandy’s drawing is the most beautiful in her class. sandy的画是她班上最漂亮的。

= sandy draws the most beautifully in her class. sandy在她班上画画最好。

integrated skills)

34. meet (met) different people / everyone遇见不同的人 / 和每个人碰面。

35. make (made) friends (with sb和…人)交朋友。

36. listen to people carefully仔细倾听人们的心声。

listen carefully to my / people’s / others’ problems 仔细倾听…人的困难。

37. help people with their problems帮助人们解决问题。

38. tr**el(ed) around the world环游世界。

39. our future plan(s我们的未来计划。

40. be / become a social worker成为社会工作者(成为义工)

41. i am always kind / friendly to people我总是对人们友好。

42. it’s kind of you to give seats to others你把座位让给别人真是太好了。

43. i’ll be happy if i can make others happy如果我能让别人开心,我也会开心。

44. be as famous as he is和他一样出名。

45. learn more about art / learn from sb学习更多关于艺术的 / 向…人学习

46. who’s the boy on the left? /the girl next to peter? 左边的男孩 / peter旁边的女孩是谁。

task)47. dark brown / blue / gray / green / red深棕 / 蓝 / 灰 / 绿 / 红。

48. kate is both my neighbour and my best friend. kate即是我的邻居,又是我好朋友。

both important and interesting / both you and i即重要又有趣 / 你和我都……

49. smiling eyes/ h**e (had) /wear (wore) a smile on her face 笑眼 / 面带微笑。

50. make (made) /become (became) an excellent teacher / student 成为优秀的老师 / 学生。

unit 2

comic - welcome)

1. they h**e to work harder. /they work (the) hardest. 他们得更努力地工作 / 工作最努力。

2. —what’s school like? —it’s like watching tv学校像什么?— 它就像看电视。

what does he look like? what is he like他长什么样?/ 他这个人怎么样?

3. british english; american english英式英语;美式英语。


4. be in year 8 (eight) =be in the 8th grade在 / 上八年级。

5. among all the subjects, i like french best所有的科目中,我最喜欢法语。

6. help new students learn more about the school帮助新生更多地了解学校。

7. offer sb. sth = offer sth. to sb主动 / 免费提供……给……人。

8. our school ends earlier than usual我们学校放学比平时早。

9. near the end of = at the end of the week在那周接近尾声 / 快要结束的时候。

10. time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 当我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快。

11. discuss sth with sb in class / in each class在课上 / 每节课上与…讨论…


unit 8 h e you read treasure island 1 重点短语。125 在第2 5 页。2书的背面。3赶快 匆忙。4在两周之内。5出海。6一个满是宝藏的岛屿。7写作关于 的内容 8做完某事。9等待另一艘船到来 10学会做某事。11种水果和蔬菜 12几个星期前。13另一个人的脚印...

Unit2 8A 短语句型

1.比人聪明cleverer than people2.怎么样?what s like?3.得更加努力工作h e to work harder4.就象看电视be like watching tv5.理想的学校生活ideal school life6.更少的广告fewer advertisements...


希望做某事hope to do sth.决定做某事decide to do sth.同意做某事agree to do sth.需要某人做某事need to do sth.使用某物做某事use sth to do sth 迫不及待做某事can t wait to do 准备做某事get be read...