
发布 2021-05-20 08:43:28 阅读 4317


词汇过关:eon her face showed that she was shocked at the news.

has a strong love for chinese music. he hopes to sit all over the world.

teacher often警告) the children to wash their hands before lunch.

does well in all her lessons. she makes her parents really自豪).

don’t quite understand what our monitor means, but i’ve got a总的) idea of the plan.

短语过关:6无论) what the result is, laura will try to do it well.

is still watching the football match on tv即使) he’s very tired.

8突然), kelly remembered the accident happened on a sunday.

shouldn’t顶嘴) to your teacher like that. it was impolite.

changes发生) since i left my hometown ten years ago.






语法过关:16. in north america, most students go to school the school bus.

a. by b. take c. on

17. the passage is very hard because there are many new words in it.

a. very b. so c. such

18. the girl red dress is my friend’s daughter.

a. with b. wear c. put on d. in

19.—why was he late. tom?

he was late he was ill, not the bad weather.

a. because, because of b. because of, because c. because, because

20. he did not writethough he had .

a. careful enough, enough timeb. carefully enough, enough time

c. enough careful, enough timed. enough carefully, time enough


two off, when, le**e tv, while, cook meet, china看图写句:


请以“being a volunteer is great!”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。





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2019高考英语重点词组 词汇 短语句型专题

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