Unit2 8A 短语句型

发布 2021-05-22 23:26:28 阅读 2628

1.比人聪明cleverer than people2.……怎么样?

what’s…like?3.得更加努力工作h**e to work harder4.

就象看电视be like watching tv5.理想的学校生活ideal school life6.更少的广告fewer advertisements7.

买一些饼**uy some biscuits8.有一个重要的比赛h**eanimportant

match9.英式英语british english10.美式英语american english

11.全世界的学校schools around the world12.一个英式学校的生活lifeinabritish



grade 8

14.一所男女混合学校a mixed school15.一起上课h**e lessons together16.在我所有的科目中among/ofallmysubjects


languages is fun.


week19.有一个阅读周h**e a reading week20.把家里的书和杂志带来bring in books

andmagazines from home


each class

22.在……尽头at the end of


sb/talk about sth with sb.24.在课堂上in class

25.时间过得更快time seems to go faster

26.去好伙伴俱乐部go to the buddy club27.帮助新同学更多的了解学校helpnewstudents learn more about the school28.

认真倾听我的问题listencarefullytomy problems

29.给某人提供某物offersbsth/offersthto sb

30.给我提供帮助offer me help

31.结束的比往常早end earlier than usual32.一周两次twice a week33.

赢得两场比赛win two games34.我的偶像my hero(es)

35.放学后打棒球play baseball afterschool

36.读一篇美国男孩写的文章readanarticle by a boy from american

37.我们三个中amongthethreeofus / of us three

38.比……多more…than39.比……少(可数名词)fewer…than40.比……少(不可数名词)less…than41.参加的俱乐部比我少joinfewerclubs than i



44.赛跑中得了第一come first in therace

45.比我班其他同学都好betterthananyotherstudentinmyclass/theotherclassmates in my class

46.放假、请假h**e ..off

47.多休假几周h**e more weeks off48.学生的数目thenumberofthestudents

49. every day?

50.穿校服wear school uniforms51.做早操do morning exercises52.花更少的时间做家庭作业spendless time on homework/doing homework


54..暑假放更少星期的假h**efewerweeks offfor the summer holiday


56.你每天花多长时间在你的业余爱好上?how much time do you spend onhobbies every day?

57.另半小时下象棋anotherhalfanhour for playing chess

58.至多at most至少at least59.做一些阅读do some reading60.每门学科进行一次月考h**eamonthly test on each subject

61.迅速浏览问题lookthroughthequestions quickly

62.坚持用英语记我的日常生活keepwriting in english about my daily life

63.在周末看英语录像watchenglishvideos at weekends

64.63.起初at first最后at last65.64.学习更好地使用英语learntouse english better

66.我的理想学校my ideal school67.三点结束finish/end at 在午餐时at lunchtime69.课后活动after-school activities70.举行学校郊游go on /h**e(a

school trip / schooltrips)

71.有充足时间做某事h**elotsoftime to do/for sth.

72.有一小时时间吃午饭h**e an hourfor lunch

73.戴领带wear ties

74.有一个小时的家庭作业h**eanhour of homework


76.举行一次去。的学校旅行77.go on a school trip to ..重点句型:

1.why don’t dogs go to school?2.what is school like?3.it is like watching tv.

4.they h**e to work harder.


6.time seems to go faster when we arereading interesting books.

7.learning foreign languages is fun.8.ih**elessfreetimethanjohn,butnancy has more free time than john.

9.shewritesmorequicklythantheother students in my class.

11.how much time do students spendon homework every day?

12.we h**e an hour of homework.13.weh**elotsoftimeforafter-school activities .


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