
发布 2021-05-22 22:25:28 阅读 4880

1. 我一到纽约就给你打**。

i will call you as soon as i arrive in new york.

2. 他和他的哥哥一样聪明。

he is as clever as his brother.

3. 这本书不像那本书那么有趣。

this book is not as interesting as that one

4. 尽可能多地讲英语。

try to speak as much as possible.

5. 汤姆总是向他妈妈要零花钱。

tom always asks his mother for pocket money

6. 我的同学经常请我和他们一起去游泳。

my classmates often asks me to go swimming with them.

7. 彼得的妻子经常求他不要吸烟。

peter’s wife often asks him not to smoke.

8. 老师总是告诉同学们要按时完成作业。

the teachers always tells the students to finish homework on time.

9. 妈妈告诉她的儿子别在街道上玩儿。

mother told her son not to ply in the street.

10. 玛丽害怕狗。

mary is afraid of dogs.

11. 我害怕上学迟到。

i am afraid of getting to school late.

12. 足球队的每个人都害怕输了这场比赛。

everybody on the football team is afraid to lose the game.

13. 恐怕你这次不对。

i am afraid that you are not right this time.

14. 学生们正忙着准备即将到来的考试。

the students are busy preparing for the coming exam.

15. 看!人们正忙着农活。

look! people are busy with farm work.

16. 西安以它悠久的历史而闻名。

xi’an is famous for its long history.

17. 下次开会别迟到。

don’t be late for the meeting next time.

18. 昨天我到校晚了。

i was late to get to school yesterday.

19. 我为比赛做准备。

i am ready for the match.

20. 约翰随时准备着帮助别人。

john is always ready to help others.

21. 我忘了你的生日,为此我感到抱歉。

i forgot your birthday. i am sorry for that.

22. 我很遗憾地告诉你有没有通过驾驶考试。

i am sorry to tell you that you didn’t pass the driving test again.

23. 我很高兴大家都准备好了。

i am glad that everything is ready.

24. 我们既是同学又是朋友。

we are both classmates and friends.

25. 我的爸爸上星期给我买了个蛇板。

my father bought a snakeboard for me last week.

26. 请把水给我。

please give some water to me.

27. 请出示您的票。

please show me your ticket.

28. 在你妈妈生日的时候,如果你不能回家,也应该给你妈妈买件礼物。

on your mother’s birthday, you should send your mother a present if you can’t go back home.

29. 马克,请递给我一张纸。

mark, pass a piece of *****.

30. 当明天来这里的时候,请带来一本故事书。

when you come here tomorrow, please bring me a storybook.

31. 请不要把这辆自行车借给别人。

please dong’t lend others this bike.

32. 如果你需要的话,我会接一些钱给你。

i can lend some money to you if you need some.

33. 他总是向别人借东西,却从来不还。

he always borrow things from others but never gives back.

34. 我想告诉你一些关于我自己的情况。

i would like to tell you something about myself.

35. 这些外衣不是大了就是小了。

the coats are either big or small.

36. 她喜欢看逗乐的故事

she enjoys reading funny stories.

37. 我讨厌在炎热的天气下在室外工作。

i hate working outside in hot weather.

38. 如果你做完你工作, 你可以做你喜欢的事。

if you finish doing your work, you can do what you like.

39. 坚持练习英语,你的英语就会提高。

keep practicing english, your english will improve.

40. 你介意关上窗子吗?

do you mind closing the window?

41. 天气变的越来越热了。

the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

42. 我已经准备好晚餐了。

i h**e already go ready for dinner

43. 把一切准备好,我马上就出发了。

please get everything ready, we will stat soon.

44. 我们应该与别人相处融洽。

we should get on well with others.

45. 你最好现在就离开,因为天要黑了。

you had better le**e now because it is getting dark

46. 你最好别喝喝多酒, 那对你的健康不好。

you had better not drink much. it is bad for your health.

47. 他经常帮助我做清洁。

he often helps me do some cleaning

48. 我们应该帮助父母做家务。

we should help our parents with house work

49. 我不认为你每次都会赢。

i don’t think you can win every time.

50. 我愿意帮助那些需要帮助的人。

i would like to help those who need help

51. 你愿意加入我们吗。

would you like to join us?

52. 每个周末洗衣服都要花费我三个小时。

it takes me about three hours to do the washing every weekend.

53. 健康饮食对你有好处。

it is good for you to eat healthily

54. 吃太多的糖对你有害处。

it is bad for you to eat too much sugar.

55. 是该我做饭的时候了。

it is time for us to do some cooking.

56. 自从我成为一名老师已经有两年了。

it has been two years since i became a teacher.

57. 这堵墙有三米高。

the wall is three meters tall

58. 不要让我等你太长时间。

don’t keep me waiting for you for a long time

59. 锻炼能使我保持健康。

doing exercise can keep me healthy.

60. 帮助别人能使你快乐。

helping others can make you happy.

61. 如果他不能做好,让他走吧。

if he can’t do well, let him go.

62. 在假期里, 我喜欢躺在沙滩上。

i like lying on the beach on holiday.

63. 春天既不太冷也不太热。

spring is neither too cold nor too hot.

64. 我对集邮根本不感兴趣。

i am not interested in collecting stamps at all.

65. 不但我的父母, 而且我都想在一个村子里度过夏天。

not only my parents but also i want to spend our summer in a village.

66. 妈妈直到她的儿子晚上回来才睡觉。

mother didn’t sleep until her son came back at night.

67. 我有两条消息给你, 一个是好的,另一个是坏的。

i h**e two pieces of news for you, one is good, the other is bad

68. 学生们正在为新年晚会做准备, 一些在练习唱歌, 另一些在练习跳舞。

students are preparing for the new year party. some are practicing singing, others are practicing dancing.

69. 我经常看到他帮助汤姆学汉语。

i often see him help tom with his chinese.

70. 昨天当我路过操场的时候, 我看到马克正在那儿打篮球。

yesterday when i walked past the playground, i saw mark playing basketball there.

71. 他擅长唱歌,因为我经常听到他在他的房间里唱歌。

he is good at singing because i often hear him sing in his room.

72. 听!你能听到他在隔壁的房间里说话吗。


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预备级。1 请坐。2 同学们,请起立。3 请问,你叫什么名字?我叫玲玲。4 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。5 这是 她是我的老师。6 这个女孩是我的朋友。7 这个用英语怎么说?这是个教室。8 这些是什么?他们是脚。9 这是什么?它是一只胳膊。10 教室里有多少张桌子?有十张。11 苹果是什么颜色的?他们是红...