
发布 2021-05-22 23:18:28 阅读 7666

1. 去玩游戏怎么样?

to play games?

2. 理解那句话真是太难了。

it’shardunderstand that sentence.

3. 这座山没有你想象的那么危险。

the mountain isn’tyou think.

4. 如果你不会读生词,就查字典。

you don’t how to speak the new wordsin the dictionary.

5. 我过去害怕黑暗。

iof the dark.

6. 劳斯莱斯牌轿车太贵,很多人买不起。

the price of rolls-royce isthat most peopleit.

7. 我认为应该允许学生和朋友一起做作业。

i think studentswith their friends.

8. 她既会唱歌又会跳舞。

she can sing dance.

9. 这支钢笔花了我两元钱。

i two yuanthe pen.

10 他们为许多濒临灭决的动物提供了家园。

theymany animals.

11 当你离开房间时,请关灯。

pleasethe lights when you the room.

12 海牛大约有10英尺长。

manatees about 10 long.

13 我早晨不再跑步,改为做操了。

i do morning exercisein the morning.

14 老师要鼓励学生独立解决问题。

teachers need totheir studentsproblem

15 我捐了一些衣服,因为我穿着太小了。

isome clothes because they are too small

16 医生要求我爸爸戒烟。

the doctor asked my father

17 你能告诉我在这座城市是否有许多好的博物馆吗?

there are many good museums in the city.

18 地面盖着厚厚的叶子。

the ground isthick le**es.

19 切记一到家就给我打**。

rememberas soon as you

20 这个注意听起来不错,我会考虑的。

this ideaa good one. i willit.


they make me

22 虽然我仍然犯许多错误,但它们不象以前那样捆扰着我了。

although i still lots of , they don’t me like they used to.

23 我习惯用筷子和勺子吃饭。

iwith chopsticks and a spoon.

24 让孩子们对读书产生兴趣是重要的。

it is important to childrenreading.

25 他不喜欢在海南居住,因为那儿天气炎热。

he doesn’t like living in hainanthe hot weather.

26 我想让生病的孩子快乐起来。

i’dsick kids.

27 我们每人可以打**给10个人,请他们来。

we could eachten people and ask them

28 他们总是自愿贡献他们的时间来帮助他人。

they alwaystheir timepeople.

29 他想出的方法结果证明很好。

the idea that he up with

30 “你怎么了?” 我今早睡过头了”

to youithis morning.

31 当我到学校时,我意识到我把书包忘在家中了。

when ischool, i imy schoolbag at home.

32别弄出嘈杂的声音) in the room, your father is sleeping.

33 i don’t think they should允许开车)

34 he asked me我的老师是否平易近人)

35 i hope you canprovide)(给我提供更多的信息)

36 i爱上了它) when i visited there for the first time.

37 he靠打篮球谋生)

38 iprefer) (更喜欢舞曲)

39 i’d想去暖和的地方) (somewhere)

40 do you know**是在什么时候发明的)?

41 we不被允许大声讲话)

42 could you please tell me我能在**借到自行车)

43他过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多)that he wasn’t interested in his lessons. (spend)

44 it’s too boring. please给我们讲点有趣的吧)

45 it’s上课的时间到了)

46 he looks sad让我们做点什么使他高兴起来)

47你学习越用功),the more progress you’ll make. (hard)

48 i已经用完了) all my money.

49 my life已经改变了很多) in the last few years。

50 i love自己作曲的**人) (musician)

答案:1. how/what about going

2. too to

3. as danger as

4. if know look them up

5. used to be afraid

6. so high can’t afford

7. should be allowed to do homework

8. both and

9. spent in buying

10. provide homes for endangered

11. turn off le**e

12. are feet

13. instead of running

14. encourage to solve by themselves

15. h**e donated for me

16. to give up smoking

17. can you tell me if

18. covered with

19. to call me get home

20. sounds like think about

21. feel at home

22. make mistakes bother

23. am used to eating

24. make interested in

25. because of

26. like to cheer up

27. call up to come

28. volunteer to help other

29. came worked out fine

30. what happened overslept

31. got to realized had left

32. don’t make noise


i 同义句转换 根据上句完成下句,使上 下两句意思相同或相符。1 we don t h e much money to buy a car we can notbuy a car 2 she was worried and the librarian was worried,too she was ...


1.对 内提问 2.对 内提问 the door,please.改为否定句 ball is big.改为否定句,句意不变 you miss fang?肯定回答 is mr zhang.用who提问 am fine.用how提问 can read a book.改为一般疑问句 can see a 用w...


一 it句型。it is best for us not to do sth.我们最好不要做某事。it is also important to do sth.做某事也是重要的。it was hard and boring to do sth.做某事困难且无聊。it is adj.for sb.to...