高考英语二轮基础词汇语法强化练习 14 外研版

发布 2021-05-22 13:46:28 阅读 3189




1.the children walked in the rain in their赤裸的) feet.答案:bare

2.they asked him to be仁慈的) to the prisoners.答案:merciful

3.the market of their products is缩小).答案:shrinking

4.people存储) their money in the bank.答案:deposit

5.thecompanyhasannouncedthatitwill着手)afullinvestigationintothe accident.答案:undertake

6.in order to look after her sick mother, mary decided to辞职) herposition as a manager in the company.答案:resign

7.we选举) him as headmaster.答案:elected

8.the setting sun投射)an orange glow over the mountains.答案:cast

9.i did some义务的,无偿的) work at the local hospital.答案:voluntary

10.she is good at积累)english sayings.答案:accumulatingⅱ.选词填空。

show off,resign,squeeze in,knock into,be sentenced to death,be burdened with,deserve,wind into being

1.the bus was so full that not one more passenger could h**e答案:squeezed in

2. is a capable a task in his company.答案:is burdened with

3.the old woman burst into tears when she heard her son



答案:was sentenced to death

4.bruce asked his unclehim till he rented a new flat.答案:to accommodate


6.the young boy likeshow well he speaks french.答案:showing off

7.dinosaurslivedontheearthtensofmillionsofyearsago,longbeforehumans答案:came into being

8.calm down!can’t you see he’s only __you___答案:winding;up

9.finding a better job in another city,andrewlast sunday.答案:resigned

10.the young man rode his motorbike so fast that he nearlya boy onthe street.答案:knocked intoⅲ.


1.they are the people来自不同的文化).答案:from diverse cultures

2到时候了) you decided to solve the problem.答案:it’s time

3.he was被叛三年徒刑) in prison.答案:sentenced to three years

4.i was so hurried that i撞在我老师的身上).答案:knocked into my teacher

5.excuseme,willyouplease照看)mysuitcase?答案:keep an eye onⅳ.语法专练。

1.(2012·河北唐山一中模拟)—what can he do?—i___that he follow my





后接虚拟语气的宾语从句。虽然wish后面的宾语从句也用虚拟语气,但谓语应用过去时态。2.(2012·潍坊教学质检)—i’m going to see the victim’s brother.

—i’d rather you___a.didn’tc.don’t

b.do notd.do

解析:选a。would rather后面接从句时,从句谓语应用过去时的形式,表示虚拟。

3.i told sally how to get here,but perhaps i___for to write it outb.must h**e written it outc.should h**e written it outd.ought to write it out

解析:选c。should h**e done的意思是“本该做某事,而实际上未做到”,表明说话人后悔、懊恼之情。


4.(·福建师大附中期中检测)—it has become a nationwide requirement that everystudent___h**e daily exercise for one hour.

is high time that we___special attention to physical payc.will;shall pay




5.(2012·山东省实验中学诊断)if only he___himself and explained who he was,then,of course i should h**e given him proper introducedc.has introduced

b.introducedd.h**e introduced


ifonly后的从句用虚拟语气,从后面主句用shouldh**egiven可知,句子表示的是与过去事实相反的假设,故从句用过去完成时。6.it’s time we___our beginc.begun



7.“it is strongly recommended,”added the firefighterduring an interview on afireaccidentinanthreestarhotel,“thatnobody___backtoyourroomtocollect



your belongings during a fire.”a.goesc.go

b.wentd.will go


8.__in my present work,i would be quite willing to do what you ask me i am not engagedc.if i don’t engage

b.were i not engagedd.didn’t i engage

解析:选b。由“i would be quite willing to do...


9.(·青岛质检)it is required that every student___a foreign language beforegoing learn


d.should h**e learnt

解析:选a。以that引导的名词性从句,前面有表示建议、要求、命令的动词、名词或过去分词时,that从句中用虚拟语气should do的形式,should可以省略。

10.his failure in the college entrance examination suggested that he___studyc.study

b.should not studyd.had not studied


thesmileonhisfacesuggestedthat he was happy to give his life for the country.


定语从句 高考英语二轮语法精讲精练

高三英语二轮语法词汇复习系列第十一章定语从句。定语从句是在句中起形容词作用的句子,通常修饰它前面的名词或代词。高考重点要求 1 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句区别和结构特点。2 关系代词who,which,that,whose,whom引导定语从句时的使用特点。3 关系副词when,where,w...


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