
发布 2021-05-22 11:14:28 阅读 1135

--thank you.

3. -how do you usually come to school?

--i usually come to school by subway.

4. -how often do you go to the library?

--once/twice/three times a week/very often/every day/sedom

early bird catches the worm.

谚语) 笨鸟先飞。

/ study must come first.

工作/ 学习必须放在第一位!

beginat eight.

=class begins at eight.

time does the class begin?

what time do the classes begin?

h**e no more time.


h**e four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.


goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.


unit 5 topic 2

重点短语:1. make cards 制作卡片。

2. on the playground 在操场上。

3. in the library 在图书馆。

4. in the gym在体育馆。

5. on the shelf在书架上(shelves 复数)

6. at the lost and found在失物招领处。

the room打扫房间。

a soccer game举行足球比赛。

9. h**e an english class上英语课。

10. write a letter 写信。

11. some of his photos= some photos of his他的一些**。

time 准时/in time及时。

13. do better in sth在某方面做得较好。

14. show sb. around…带领某人参观……

the moment“此刻,现在”=now.

v.计划plan to do sth

kind to sb

be friendly to sb 对某人很友好。


重点句型:1. -what are you doing?

--he is cleaning the dormitory.

2.--are you doing your homework?

--yes, i am./no, i am not.

3. -how long can i keep them?

--two weeks.

4. -thank you.

--it’s a pleasure/a pleasure/ my pleasure.

别客气。5. -sorry, i don’t h**e any.

-thank you all the same.


unit 5 topic 3

重点短语:1. outdoor activity 课外活动。

2. easy and interesting 容易又有趣。

3. difficult and boring 又难又乏味。

4. be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb.



6. learn(…)from… 向…学习…/从…中学…

about the past了解过去。


by oneself自学。

7. from…to… 从……到……

8. in the morning / afternoon / evening

在早上/ 下午/ 晚上。

monday 在星期一。

monday morning在星期一的早上。

11. tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事。

重点句型:1.--what day is it today?

--it’s sunday. (在英语国家每周的第一天是星期天而不是星期一)

2. -what class are they h**ing?

-they are h**ing a music class.

3. -what time does the class begin?

--at ten o’clock.

4. -what do you think of math?/ how do you like math ?


--it’s difficult and boring.

5. -why (为什么)do you like english ?

--because(因为)it’s easy and interesting.

7.--what subject (学科)do you like best ?

-i like history best.

8. at school, my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.

9. i study chinese, english, politics, geography and some other subjects.

other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数。another 泛指又一个、再一个、另一个+名词单数。the other 两者中的另一个)

is my f**oritesubject.

also like and music.

i like and music , too. (也)

you tell me something about it?


七年级下册重点短语及句型。unit 1 重点短语 1 想加入一个英语俱乐部。want to join an english club 5 讲故事俱乐部 the story telling club 7 弹吉它 play the guitar 8 敲鼓 play the drums 9 给 说 与 交...

人教版七下英语复习重点 句子

9.人们砍伐了许多树木,因此,大象正渐渐失去它们的家园。10.别人说话的时候他总爱插嘴。11.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。12.葡萄酒是用葡萄做成的。13.她难道不漂亮吗?unit 6 1.我喜欢在家看书。2.你晚上看电视吗?3.你在 上能看到多少只鸟?4.妈妈经常为我洗衣服。5.你可以为我洗一下杯子...

人教版七下英语复习重点 句子

unit 1 汉译英。1.我想加入美术俱乐部。2.你很擅长讲故事。3.他对我很好。4.我们为学校演出招募学生。5.你会唱歌 跳舞或跳舞 唱歌吗?6.请放学后跟张老师说。7.是的,他会,但是他不会唱歌。8.我会说英语,我也会踢足球。9.用英语帮助运动。10.你善于与老年人相处吗?11.请在今天拨打 x...