
发布 2021-04-18 20:15:28 阅读 7718


unit 1四、单项选择。

16-20 cbdcc 21-25 aaaab 26-30 ddaac五、完形填空。

31-35 bdacc 36-40 abbda六、阅读理解。

41-45 acdab 46-50 ddabb 51-55


56-60where, do; do, speak; to, him; children, don’t; doesn’t, like


61-65 an, studies, years, english, in

66-70 with, his, interested, be, speak九、单词拼写。

71-75 language, canada, dislike, difficult, from

76-80 going, japanese, countries, sydney, lives十、书面表达。

略)unit 2一~三、听力。

1-5 aabbc 6-10 babbc11-15 bacab四、单项选择。

16-20 bbabd 21-25 abacb 26-30 cdbac五、完形填空。

31-35 a bcdd 36-40 cddaa六、阅读理解。

41-45 a b d b b 46-50 cbcad 51-55 bcccb七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 is, an, hotel;

do, want, to, any;

where is; is there; can not play八、词语填空。

61-65 girl, brothers, are, with, on 66-70 look, from, play, things, our九、单词拼写。

71-75 dirty, garden, neighborhood, passes, across 76-80 hungry, arrive, beginning, walking, third十、书面表达。

略)unit 3一~三、听力。

1-5 bcbab 6-10 bccbb 11-15abbac四、单项选择。

16-20 cbddb 21-25 ddbbd 26-30 abbcc五、完形填空。

31-35 adbcc 36-40 dbbac六、阅读理解。

41-45 ccabd 46-50 abdac 51-55 caebd七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 where, is; is, there, anything; is, from, australia/is, an, australian; put, on; had, better, not


61-65 english, to work, too, likes, chinese

66-70 has, lots, in, vegetables, some九、单词拼写。

71-75 animals, map, lions, dolphins, friendly

76-80 le**es, beautiful, quiet, meat , during十、书面表达。

略)unit 4一~三、听力。

1-5 accbc 6-10 cacac 11-15 bbaca四、单项选择。

16-20 bcbac 21-25 abddb 26-30 acabc五、完形填空。

31-35 bacda 36-40 baadb六、阅读理解。

41-45 cbadc 46-50 abcab 51-55bdeca七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 where does work;

doeslike;don’t speak; what does ;can you work for a news*****?


61-65 american, from, her, with, teachers

66-70 speak, goes, stays, watching, takes九、单词拼写。

71-75 works, waiter, doctor, students, reporter 76-80 thieves, children, teachers, is, job十、书面表达。

略)unit 5四、单项选择。

16-20 ccdab 21-25 caccc 26-30 bbcba五、完形填空。

31-35 dcbbd 36-40 cbbdb六、阅读理解。

41-45 bcdad 46-50 acdba 51-55beadc七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 what, doing; are, doing; does, want; is not talking; where is, reading八、词语填空。

61-65 your, my, playing, second, swimming

66-70 family, are, last, sister, watching九、单词拼写。

71-75 hungry, volleyball, birds, reading, camera 76-80 clean, mall, pool, telephone, waiting


略)unit 6四、单项选择。

16-20 badbc21-25 bacad26-30bcabd五、完形填空。

31-35 bbcaa36-40acddb六、阅读理解。

41-45 cdbac 46-50 a aa cb 51-55 caedb七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 what is, like; .h**ing a good time; what is, doing;

which,is drawing; isn't reading八、词语填空。

61-65 waiter, restaurant, .begin, .meet, dinner

66-70 tired, busy, boring, exciting, relaxed九、单词拼写。

71-75 studying, watching, snow, cleaning, reading 76-80 birds, sure, lying, warm, cooking十、书面表达。


16-20 dcacc 21-25 addac 26-30 cccbc五、完形填空。

31-35 cadbb 36-40 bdbdc六、阅读理解。

41-45 acdbd 46-50 cdbcb 51-55cbaed七、按要求改写句子。

56-60are, any; don’t ,or;is, playing; what, like; what, does八、词语填空。

61-65other, can’t, children, taking, happily

66-70 watching, with, her, goes, so九、单词拼写。

71-75 le**es, cameras, dangerous, yourself, across 76-80 lying, countries, terrible, relaxes, first十、书面表达。


16-20 bacdb 21-25 ccdbc 26-30 bdcba五、完形填空。

31-35 ccacb 36-40 dadbb六、阅读理解。

41-45 abbbb 46-50 adbdd 51-55 bcdea七、按要求改写句子。

come; what, doing; is, any; why, like; boy, washes八、词语填空。

61-65 city, in, green, are, animals

66-70 monkeys, visiting, other, or, their


71-75hungry, living, hot, library, children’s

76-80 front, wears, lying, friendly, other十、书面表达。

略)unit 7四、单项选择。

16-20 cbadb21-25 ccadc26-30babdc五、完形填空。

31-35 bcdbc 36-40 bacac六、阅读理解。

41-45 daabd 46-50 dbcab 51-55 dbeac七、按要求改写句子。

56-60what, look like; don’t think, anything; with glasses; they h**e, hair;who, your八、词语填空。

61-65 with, comes, math, but, and 66-70 years, kind, us, weekends, reading九、单词拼写。

71-75wear, nobody, black, glasses, build

76-80quiet, rock, look, curly, jokes十、书面表达。

略)unit 8四、单项选择。

16-20 c b c d a 21-25 b a b a c 26-30 c c b a b五、完形填空。

31-35 a c c b d 36-40 d a d c a六、阅读理解。

41-45 acdcc 46-50ddcda51-55


56-60 what , size;. wants, with; what, do;

pay , phone; would, like八、词语填空。

61-65 fruit, kind, strawberries, others, different

66-70 express, specials, only, bananas, quickly九、单词拼写。

71-75 large, size, tuesday, number, address

76-80 tomatoes, porridge, order, juice, thursday十、书面表达。

略)unit 9四、单项选择。

16-20 abbad21-25 cccbb 26-30 abaca五、完形填空。

31-35 abbcc36-40 dbbab六、阅读理解。

41-45dbcdd46-50 bcdcc 51-55 fftft七、按要求改写句子。

56-60didn’t listen; did your,see;wasn’t , were; what did ,do;

did , read


61-65 lessons, cooked, walk , looking, needs 66-70 helped, later, happy, girl’s, felt


71-75 weekend, reading, spend, enjoys, with

76-80 history, about, friendly, little, visited十、书面表达。

略)unit 10四、单项选择。

16-20 babdb 21-25 ac a ca 26-30 ccbac五、完形填空。



41-45 cadba46-50 dbcad51-55 cebad七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 had no; did, go; when did;doesn’t like;

how was


61-65 men, began, thinking, for, himself

66-70on, newton’s, minutes, see, egg


71-75 feel, unfortunately, weather, till, awful

76-80 vacation, movies, pretty, boring, tired十、书面表达。

略)unit 11四、单项选择。

16-20 cbabb 21-25 cbddc 26-30 bcdba五、完形填空。

31-35 bdadc 36-40 bdbcd六、阅读理解。

41-45 bdbcc 46-50 adcda51-55七、按要求改写句子。

56-60 what, does, think, of;does, like;

how, love;didn’t play;dislikes, and /or


61-65 is, school, speak, chinese, working 66-70 friendly, children, on, live, talking九、单词拼写。

71-75 agree, nothing, welcome, stand, joining 76-80 host, situation, watching, culture, fact十、书面表达。

略)unit 12四、单项选择。





41-45 bccdd 46-50 bacbc 51-55eabdc七、按要求改写句子。

56-60what is; when, you h**e; what time; don't get; why do


61-65 in, homes, on, coming, good

66-70 buy, presents, clothes, kinds, read九、单词拼写。

71-75 outside, watch, loudly, fight, swimming 76-80 children, else, arrive, music, h**e十、书面表达。


16-20 cacbb 21-25 bccdb 26-30 caadc五、完形填空。

31-35 abcbd 36-40abcaa六、阅读理解。

41-45 cabda 46-50 ddcdb 51-55 debac七、按要求改写句子。

56-601did, read; how, was; don’t, be; how, like; what kind八、词语填空。

61-65 bad, much, some, week, kind 66-70 eats, because, money, but, healthy九、单词拼写。

71-75 specials, crowded, straight, nobody, le**es 76-80 playing, lying, relaxed, thieves, else十、书面表达。


16-20 dbdab 21-25 adcdb 26-30 accac五、完形填空。

31-35 ccdba 36-40 bacbb六、阅读理解。

41-45 dcdbc 46-50 cadab 51-55 sksks七、按要求改写句子。

56-60dose, want; how, like, is, playing;didn’t, do; what, do八、词语填空。

61-65 sleep, comes, weekends, work, to h**e 66-70can’t, and, there, away, hours’


71-75 talk, hungry, swimming, with, surprised 76-80busy, crowded, waiting, today’s, enjoys



期末模拟测试参 一 1 a 2 d 3 a 4 d 5 d 解析 a.语序不当,许多有关 b.搭配不当,改为 掀起 高潮 c.成分残缺,删掉 通过 6 c 7 春潮带雨晚来急 杳杳钟声晚 有约不来过夜半,闲敲棋子落灯花 江山代有才人出,各领 数百年。例如 问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来 江山代有才人...


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