
发布 2021-05-21 21:26:28 阅读 2681



六角螺丝(栓) hex head cap screws(hex bolts)

六角机械螺丝 hex head machine bolts

六角木牙螺丝 hex lag bolts

四角螺丝 square head bolts

t头螺丝 t head bolts

马车螺丝 carriage bolts

环首螺丝 eye bolts

内六角孔螺丝 hex socket cap screws

固定螺丝 set screws

螺椿栓 stud bolts

螺旋椿 screw studs

轮壳螺栓 wheel bolts

翼形螺丝 wing screws

自攻螺丝 self tapping screws

自削螺丝 thread cutting screws

钻尾螺丝 self drilling screws

旋入螺丝 drive screws

机械螺丝 machine screws

木螺丝 wood screws

家具螺丝 furniture screws

塑板螺丝 chipboard screws

墙用螺丝 drywall screws

基础螺栓 foundation bolts

u型螺栓 u bolts

勾头螺栓 hook bolts

套挂螺丝 toggle bolts

突缘螺丝 flange bolts

轨道螺栓(鱼尾螺丝) track bolts

耐候钢螺丝 corten steel he**y hex bolts


高张力螺栓 high strength bolts

剪力钉(焊接螺丝) welding studs

螺丝附华司组合 screws and washers assembled(sems)

大尺寸螺栓 big size bolts

不锈钢小螺丝 stainless steel sheet metal screws

不锈钢大螺丝 stainless steel bolts

铜螺丝 brass screws

铝螺丝 aluminum screws

合金钢螺丝 alloy steel screws

电子螺丝 electronic screws

微小精密螺丝 micro screws

塑料螺丝 plastic screws

复合材料用螺丝 particle board screws

钛合金螺丝 titanium alloy bolts

钛、锆、钼、铌等螺丝、零件、材料 ti,zr,mo,nb pare metal bolts parts

拇指螺丝 thumb screws

双头牙螺丝 double end screws hanger bolt

车辆(汽车)螺丝、螺帽 automotive fasteners

航天用螺丝 aerospace fasteners

飞机特殊扣件 source control bolts

拉栓 blind bolts

面板螺丝 panel fasteners

电梯螺丝 elevator bolts

四角头固定螺丝 square set screws

大头马车螺丝 step bolts

单向螺丝 one way lag screws

管夹螺丝 hose clamp screws

不锈钢固定螺丝 stainless steel hex socket cap screws

不锈钢内六角螺丝 stainless steel hex socket cap screws

铰链螺丝 hinge screws

货柜螺丝 container screws

复合材料钻尾螺丝 bi-metal self drilling screws

三角牙螺丝 trilobular thread screws

高低牙螺丝 high low screws

夹板用螺丝 particle board screws

马桶螺丝 toilet closet bolts

特长螺丝 special longer screws

建业螺丝 building fasteners

不锈钢六角螺丝 stainless steel hex socket cap screws

其它特殊螺丝 special screws or bolts

不锈钢特殊螺丝 special stainless steel screws

宽牙螺丝(粗牙螺丝) coarse thread screws

链带螺丝 collated screws

水泥螺丝 concrete screws

板模螺丝 c

onstruction bolts

锌蝶螺丝 die cawin

g screws; zinc alloy

重型车螺丝 he**y duty wheel hub bolts

内六角固定螺丝 hex socket set screws

复合材料用螺丝(夹板用) particle board screws

犁壁螺丝 plow bolts

机(踏)车用螺丝、轴心 screws and shafts for motorcycle or bicycle

针车用螺丝、轴心 screws and shafts for sewing maching

止付螺丝 socket set screws

不锈钢宽牙螺丝 stainless steel coarse thread screws

不锈钢高低牙螺丝 stainless steel high-low thread screws

不锈钢机械螺丝 stainless steel machine screws

不锈钢钻尾螺丝 stainless steel self drilling screws

不锈钢自攻螺丝 stainless steel self tapping screws

不锈钢自削螺丝 stainless steel thread cutting screws

不锈钢三角牙螺丝 stainless steel tri-lobular thread screws

不锈钢木螺丝 stainless steel wood screws

套挂螺栓及螺丝 toggle bolts

钛合金膨胀螺丝 titanium alloy expansion bolts


六角盖头螺帽 hex cap nuts

六角锯齿螺帽 hex serrated nuts

六角轮缘螺帽 hex flange nuts

高脚螺帽 hex coupling nuts(high nuts)

圆螺帽 round nuts

四角螺帽 square nuts

管用螺帽 pipe nuts

轮壳螺帽 wheel nuts

蝶型螺帽 wing nuts

u形螺帽 u nuts

t形螺帽 t nuts

环首螺帽 eye nuts

齿形螺帽 kep nuts

齿花螺帽 clinch nuts

耐候钢六角重型螺帽 corten steel he**y hex nuts

焊接螺帽 weld nuts

高张力螺帽 heigh strength nuts

建业用螺帽 structural nuts

不锈钢螺帽 stainless steel nuts

铜螺帽 brass nuts

铝螺帽 aluminum nuts

合金钢螺帽 alloy steel nuts

重型车螺帽 he**y duty wheel hub nuts

铁器焊接袋帽 acorn cap nuts

金属预置扭矩式螺帽 all-metal prevailing torque type nuts

壁虎螺帽 anchor nuts

大尺寸螺帽 big size nuts

铁盖袋帽 closed end acorn nuts

盘形华司螺帽 conical washer nuts

铁盖+尼龙圈组合盖帽 din 986 domed cap nuts

突缘尼龙盖帽 flange nylon inlock nuts

平面华司螺帽 flat waser nuts

六角割沟螺帽 hex slotted nut

自锁螺帽 self-locking nuts

制止螺帽 sliding nuts

sln-自动防松螺帽 sln self-locking nuts

其它特殊螺帽 special nuts

弹簧螺帽 spring nuts

不锈钢突缘螺帽 stainless steel flange nuts

不锈钢六角轮缘尼龙螺帽 stainless steel flange nylon inlock nuts

不锈钢六角重型螺帽 stainless steel he**y hex nuts

不锈钢六角螺帽 stainless steel hex nuts

不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽 stainless steel nylon inlock nuts

锌压属螺帽 zinc die caing nuts

普通六角螺帽 hex nuts

六角重型螺帽 he**y hex nuts

薄型螺帽 hex jam nuts

尼龙嵌入防松螺帽 nylon inlock nuts

机械螺丝用六角螺帽 hex machine screw nut


合金钢线材盘元 alloy steel wire rod

球状化线材 annealing wire and rod

黑铁丝 black wire

黄铜棒线 brass wire and rod

磨光棒。钢 bright steel bar(hex/round/square)

铜合金线 copper alloy wire

线切割线 cutting wire

快削钢线材盘元 free cutting steel旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴。无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。


英语单词 英语单词

f.food and daily necessities.食物和日常用品。dinner dn n.正餐,宴会。meal mi l n.一餐,一顿饭。breakfast brekfst n.早餐。lunch lnt n.午餐。supper sp n.晚餐。dinner n.晚餐。food fu d n...


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