
发布 2021-05-21 04:08:28 阅读 8991




a) 请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


) 1. what’s wrong with ben?

a. he has a headacheb. he has a stomachache. c. he has a backache.

) 2. what will the weather be like tomorrow?

a. rainyb. sunnyc. windy.

) 3. what was bill doing when the soccer game began?

a. shopping in the storeb. watching the soccer game. c. staying at home.

) 4. how long has the woman been away from her hometown?

a. for five yearsb. for twenty-five years. c. for thirty-five years.

) 5. where did the man go?

a. to shanghaib. to beijingc. to shenzhen.

) 6. why hasn’t simon finished his homework?

a. because he forgot itb. because it’s too difficult. c. because he was sick.

) 7. what is the boy going to do this afternoon?

a. to do some housework. b. to go to the mountains. c. to do his homework.

) 8. what did the woman do in england?

a. visited her daughter. b. had a meetingc. studied english.




) 9. how many times has the man been to beijing?

a. three timesb. oncec. twice.

) 10. when will the man go to beijing again?

a. next morningb. next weekc. next month.


) 11. what did ann do this afternoon?

a. did her homework. b. had a yard salec. bought a toy bear.

) 12. who is jack?

a. ann’s friendb. ann’s fatherc. ann’s brother.


) 13. where are they talking?

a. on the phoneb. in the man’s officec. at the girl’s home.

) 14. what kind of volunteer work did the boy once do?

a. helped kids in the schoolb. worked in an after-school care center.

c. helped kids in the hospital.

) 15. when can the boy come to help?

a. on weekend mornings. b. on saturday morningsc. on sunday mornings.


) 16. which is the woman’s hobby?

a. playing gamesb. playing cardsc. playing football.

) 17. how many sports does the man like?

a. twob. threec. more than three.

) 18. what are they going to do first?

a. see a filmb. search onlinec. go to the museum.


) 19. what did mr. wang want to be when he was young?

a. a pilotb. an artistc. an astronaut.

) 20. when did mr. wang le**e his hometown?

a. at the age of twelve. b. at the age of fifteenc. at the age of twenty.

) 21. how did he make a living at first?

a. by working in restaurants. b.

by working in a factory. c. by selling news*****s.

) 22. why did mr. wang become famous in his hometown at that time?

a. because he helped build a new school.

b. because he g**e the poor children much money.

c. because he had got much money.


i 考试依据。以教育部修订的20xx年全日制义务教育 英语课程标准 为依据,同时兼顾学生的实际水平,考试重在考察学生最基础的的英语知识和运用能力,突出英语学习的生活性与实用性。词汇 语法知识不超出江苏教育出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书 英语 九年级上册 以下简称 教材 的范围。ii 考试内容...


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