
发布 2021-05-20 06:26:28 阅读 5117

1.(2011·吉林质量检测)there is___like the taste of a glass of cold milk —it has been described as the perfect food by westerners.

a.something b.anything

c.nothing d.everything

解析: 本题考查代词。句意为:

没有什么能比得上一杯凉牛奶的味道,牛奶被西方人称为完美食品。something 某事,某物;anything 任何东西,任何事物;nothing 没有什么;everything 每件事,所有事物。

答案: c2.(2011·海南五校联考)nine thousand guests took part in the outdoor ceremony,__that impressed so many people at the white house.

a.that b.this

c.it d.one

解析: 考查代词。one 指代前面提到的the outdoor ceremony,one 及其后的定语从句与前面的the outdoor ceremony是同位关系,其他代词没有这样的用法,故答案为d。

答案: d3.(2011·苏锡常镇四市教学调查)the man has made___a rule never to regret and never to complain.

a.it b.that

c.himself d.this

解析: 考查代词的用法。it 是形式宾语,后面的不定式never to regret and never to complain作真正的宾语。

答案: a4.(2011·黑龙江检测)he paid 30% of the price for the house,and promised to pay___by the end of the month.

a.those b.the others

c.the rest d.the other

解析: 考查指代。从语意“承诺剩下的在月底支付”可知,the rest 表示“剩下的”,常用来指代前面提到的名词,选c项。

答案: c5.(2011·湖南师大附中第三次月考)my uncle promised to buy a nice gift for my birthday,__beyond my imagination.

a.which b.that

c.something d.the one

解析: something beyond my imagination一件我意想不到的东西,作a nice gift 的同位语。

答案: c6.(2011·山东青岛一模)will you see to___that my birds are well looked after while i am away?

a.them b.yourself

c.it d.one

解析: 句意为:在我离开期间你能不能负责照顾好我的鸟?it 是形式宾语,代替后面的that 从句,see to it that...可看作固定搭配。

答案: c7.(2011·陕西西安分科质检)—may i ask for le**e tomorrow?

no,you can’t.__applying for the scholarship must be present.

a.someone b.anyone

c.one d.no one

解析: anyone 表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。

答案: b8.(2011·江苏南京第一次调研)—which of these two books will you take?

i’ll takein case the journey is boring.

a.either b.both

c.all d.neither

解析: 根据these two books 排除选项c;再根据in case the journey is boring 判断说话者要把两本书都带上。

答案: b9.(2011·陕西宝鸡质检)because they hadn’t booked a room in advance,there were___left when they arrived at the hotel.

a.none b.no one

c.nobody d.nothing

解析: 句意为:因为他们没有预订房间,所以当他们到达旅馆时,没有剩余的房间了。

none 指代前边出现的名词时,相当于no加那个名词,此题中none 相当于no rooms。b项是单数,与谓语不一致。

答案: a10.(2011·陕西宝鸡质检)—what do you think of the cars on the exhibition?

well, i don’t think much of __you’ve bought.

a.that b.which

c.one d.the one

解析: 句意为:——你认为展览会上的那些车怎么样?

——噢,很好。但我认为你买的那辆车不怎么样。受限制性定语从句you’ve bought 的影响,空中的代词相当于the 加可数名词car,所以要用表特指的the one。

答案: d11.(2011·安徽皖南八校)—how much salt did you put in the soup?

i’m sorry to sayi forgot.

a.none b.no one

c.nothing d.no

解析: 根据问句可知回答的应是数量,所以用none,表示“一点也没有”;no one 只能指人,不能指物;nothing 用来回答what 提出的问句;no回答的是一般疑问句。

答案: a12.(2011·南通一模)—what kind of food do you prefer?

___but japanese.

how about korean,then?

a.something b.nothing

c.anything d.everything

解析: 本题考查不定代词。句意为:除了不要日本的食物其他的任何食物都可以。anything but 表示:任何……除了。根据句意,应选c。

答案: c13.(2011·湖南十二校第二次联考)mr green asked me to borrow a book for him,__about how to be a good volunteer.

a.it b.one

c.ones d.which

解析: 考查代词的用法。one 在此作同位语,代指a book,即一本有关怎样成为一名好的志愿者的书。

其他几项不合题意——it 不能作同位语,ones 代指复数名词,which 引导定语从句,而这里不是定语从句。

答案: b14.(2010·西城5月抽样)both of the sofas they ordered online arrived,but __fit through the doorway.

a.none b.nor

c.neither d.either

解析: 代词辨析。由both 可以看出范围为两个,所以应该排除a和b;由连词but 可知应该用neither。


答案: c15.(2010·南京第三次模拟)i dislike___when i am left alone to start a conversation with a stranger.

a.that b.this

c.it d.one

解析: 本题考查代词。it 在句中充当形式宾语,代替后面的内容。

答案: c


1 2011 吉林质量检测 there is like the taste of a glass of cold milk it has been described as the perfect food by westerners.a something b anything c nothing...


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