
发布 2021-05-20 06:13:28 阅读 4008





教师可以带读,个别词汇进行适当强调发音特点、拼写特点、搭配特点等,例如**ailable, provide的搭配: be **ailable for, provide with。为了巩固词义,布置学生做以下练习。

a1) the children are finding it hard totheir new school.

2) the university is trying to make more accommodationstudents.

3men smoke more cigarettes than women.

4) the housemy grandfather.

5) who isyour dog while you are away?

6) from these facts we canabout how the pyramids were built.

7) various factorshis failure.

8their work is unpaid.

9) most of the young men went off to the war, andnever came back.

b1) i h**e told youdon’t play soccer near the windows.

2) ben suddenlytears.

3) i like toof the speed racing.

4) childrentheir parents for all of their material needs.

5) mother teresa hascaring for the poor.

6) his encouragementme.

7) if you try toi believe you can work it out.

8) i h**e been theretimes.

9) simonstomachache.

答案: 1. (1) adapt to (2) **ailable for (3) on **erage (4) belongs to

5) taking care of (6) draw a conclusion (7) contributed to

8) a good / great deal9) a good / great many

2. (1) again and again (2) burst into (3) meet the challenge (4) depend on

5) devoted herself to (6) has a great effect on

7) use your head (8) dozens of (9) suffers from

教师在核对答案过程中,要注意读完整的句子。解析: a


a.1) 中国的饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。

the chinese dietbe thein the world.


1.add 作动词,意为 加,增加 常用以下结构 1 add to 意为 把加到 例如 don t add fuel to the flames.别再火上浇油了。2 add to表示 增加 增添 其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。例如 whichaddedtotheirbeauty.参加晚会的姑娘人人...


汇精讲。prepare for prepare作动词,意为 准备 其用法归纳如下 1 prepare sth.意为 准备 宾语是所准备的内容。例如 mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen.妈妈在厨房准备饭菜。he had a speech to prep...


abandonvt.丢弃 放弃,抛弃。abidevt.by 坚持,遵守 vt.忍受。abolishvt.废除,取消。abruptadj.突然的,意外的 举止 言谈等 唐突的,鲁莽的。absencen.缺席,不在场 缺乏 absorptionn.吸收 专注。absurda.不合理的,荒唐的。abund...