高考英语语法学案 专题1冠词

发布 2021-05-20 03:34:28 阅读 9893



关于冠词的基本用法和习惯用法,我们要记住这个口诀: 名词冠词不分家,泛指特指惯用法。


泛指特指惯用法:泛指即不明确具体所指,是不定冠词a (an)和零冠词(即不使用冠词)的基本用法。而特指是指说话者和听话者都明确无误地知道所指,是定冠词the的基本用法。



注意:the与可数名词单数搭配有时可泛指,表类属。如:the horse is a useful animal.


如:用在序数词,形容词最高级及形容词only, very, same等前面的the其实就是the的基本用法,即特指。请体会:

that's the very thing i've been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。如:

1) [2010·四川卷] in __most countries,a university degree can give you __flying start in life.

a.the;a b.the;/ c./;d./;a

【解析】 d 考查冠词词义辨析。第一空是泛指大多数国家,省略冠词;第二空也是泛指,start在这里作可数名词,意为“起始优势;良好的基础条件”。a start in life为习惯搭配,意为“有利于人生成功的优势”。


2) —i knocked over my coffee cup. it went right over keyboard.

—you shouldn't put drinks near __computer.

a.the;/ b.the;a c.a;/ d.a;a

【解析】 b 考查冠词特指和泛指的用法。keyboard是对话双方都已知的事物,所以其前用the;而computer表示泛指,其前用a/the都可以。

3) some people fear that __air pollution may bring about changes in __weather around the world.

a./;the b.the;/ c.an;the d.the;a

【解析】 a air pollution 是抽象名词,这里是泛指,不用冠词;weather在这里特指全球的气候,因此用the。

2. 冠词的习惯用法


in town in the city 在城里。

h**e a cold catch (a) cold 感冒了。

at a distance 在一定距离外。

in the distance 在远处

in danger of…有……的危险。

in the habit of…有……的习惯。

1) [2010·辽宁卷] there are over 58000 rocky objects in __space,about 900 of which could fall down onto __earth.

a.the;the b./;the c.the;/ d.a;the

【解析】 b 考查冠词。第一空in space 是固定短语,不用冠词;第二空名词earth属于独一无二事物的名词,其前必须用定冠词。句意为:


专题一 │ 正面解读。

2) many people are still in __habit of writing silly things in __public places.

a.the;the b./;c.the;/ d./;the

【解析】 c 第一空是固定搭配中冠词的使用:in the habit of;第二空考查冠词的基本用法,“在公共场所”是泛指,故不使用冠词。


1. 不可数名词的具体化,包括抽象名词的具体化和物质名词的具体化。所谓抽象名词的具体化,是指冠词用在抽象名词之前,表示“一种”、“一类”或“一个具体情况”等概念,使本来抽象的名词具体化,具有了“一”的含义。

the house is full of joy.

the little girl is a joy to her parents. (令人高兴的人或物)

failure is the mother of success.

he is a success as an actor. (一个成功的人或物)

he g**e me a lot of pleasure.

it is a pleasure to work with you. (一件令人愉快的事情)

she looked up in surprise.

what a great surprise you g**e me. (一件令人惊讶的事情)

knowledge is power.

he has a wide knowledge of animals. (一门……的知识)

he received little education.

he received a good education. (一种……的教育)


i like coffee. would you like a coffee? (一杯咖啡)

i h**e just had lunch. i h**e just had a big lunch. (一顿丰盛的午餐)

2. 有些抽象化的个体名词前一般不用冠词。

by bus/ by train/ by plane

at school/ college/ university/ table/ work/ sea

in class/ town/ church/ prison/ hospital/ bed

go to hospital 去医院看病。

go to the hospital 去医院(并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)

如:gorge couldn't remember when he first met mr. anderson, but he was sure it was __sunday because everybody was at __church.

a./;the b.the;/ c.a;/ d./;a

【解析】 c 第一空是指某一个星期天,sunday 在这里已变成一个普通的名词,所以要加a;第二空at church是指“在教堂做礼拜”,属于具体名词抽象化。


1. 不定冠词a/an

1) 表示“同一”,相当于the same。如:

birds of a feather flock together; people of a kind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。

2) 表示“每”,相当于per。如:

three times a day一天三次。

3) 表示“某一个”,相当于a certain或some。如:

sorry, wrong number. there isn't a mr. smith here.


(4) 用在被修饰语限定的独一无二的东西前。如:

we all hope to h**e a peaceful and friendly world.


5) a+most 表示“非常,很”。如:

this is a most interesting story.


6) a+序数词,表示“又一,再一”。如:

he had decided to give it up, but on second thoughts he decided to try a third time.


2. 定冠词the

1) 用于发明物的单数名词前(phone,car…)。如:

alexander graham bell invented the telephone in 1876.


2) 用于姓氏复数词前指一家人或夫妇二人等。如:

the wangs will come to beijing tomorrow.


3) 用于表达弹奏西洋乐器时的乐器名称前。如:

she plays the violin but gives up lessons on the piano.

高考英语语法学案 专题13特殊句式

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