
发布 2021-05-19 04:35:28 阅读 6432



1.组内1, 2 号记忆unit1 全部单词。







三.读课文sectiona 1a-3b and reading,完成以下重要功能句。

1. 你曾经去过水族馆吗you everan aquarium?

2. 我们从没去过水上公园。webeen to a water park.

3. 我们大多数人很可能都听说过mickey mouse. _of us __probablymickey mouse

4. 过山车是以迪斯尼人物为主题的。the roller coasterdisney character.

5. 你可以看到迪斯尼人物一直在迪斯尼乐园里到处走。you candisney charactersdisneyland

6. 你可以在船上兜风好几天,你可以在船上睡和吃。you canon the boat __several days,and you can sleep and eat

7. 船的旅行都走不同的路线,但是他们都在同一个地方结束。the boat rides allbut they allin the same place.

8. 在迪斯尼乐园就是有这么多的乐趣。 it is justin disneyland.

9. 这个在东南亚的小岛是一个度假的好地方。this small island in southeast asia is a wonderful place

10. 它也是一个练习你的英语的好地方。it’s also a good placeyour english.

11. 如果你感到勇敢,新加坡是一个尝试新食物的好地方。if you are feelingsingapore is an excellent placenew food.

12. 超过四分之三的人口是中国人。__thanof the population are chinese.

13. 你将不会有任何问题找到米饭、面条和水饺。you won’tanyrice, noodles, or dumplings.

14. 在天黑的时候去动物园也许看起来很奇怪。it might __strange __go to the zoo when it’s dark.

15. 它的气温一整年几乎都是一样。the temperature is __the same

16. 你可以选择在你喜欢的任何时候去。you can choose __goyou like.

四.仿写段落 sectionb 3a 1,2全部背诵 3,4号背诵第2段。




2组内检查非黑体 3.教师抽查1组。


4 短语教师听写(板书,抽查)反馈记忆。



检查方法2 根据课文内容用词的正确形式填空。

i want __be) a tour guide. in fact ,it’s all i __ever __want) to be. i want to tr**el, especially to english __speak) countries such as the united states such and australia.

however, i know that i h**e to __improve) my english,so i’ve started __take) lessons at the hilltop language school. the hilltop language school has really helped me___learn )english. i___be) a student here for a year now, and i really love it, maybe when i __le**e) school i’ll think about___become) an english teacher rather than a tour guide!


1. 现在完成时:1)构成:肯否问。

2) 用法1:表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响:

时间标志词: ever, never, already, yet, just, before, so far,during /in the past/last---背诵)

跟踪练习:ieverbe) to beijing.

we __alreadyfinish)our homework. he __neversee)an english movies.

___she ever___speak) to a foreigner? theymeet) the movie star.

inevertr**el) to an english-speaking country.

tom __everwrite) a letter in 50 stamps so far.

3)用法2:表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作和状态。(与for+段时间,since+点时间,these days, recently等表示一段时间的词连用。动词一定要用延续性动词)

helive) in xiamen for 6 years now.

welearn) english since we were 10 years old.

4)for /since的区别。

for 后跟一段时间(如:a day, a week, two years---

since 后跟点,月份,年代,lasta day, a week, two years) ago

跟踪练习:i h**e taught here __1995i h**e taught here __15 years.

i h**e taught here __15 years ago. he has waited fou you __2 o’clock.

he has waited fou you __2 hours.


borrow –keep, buy/get---h**e, begin --be on, go/come---be in, le**e—be away, join—be a member /be in, open—be open die—be dead become-be (背诵)

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