
发布 2021-05-18 14:08:28 阅读 9236


一、 词汇。


young(名)__true(名)__副)__deal(过)__imagine (名词)__because(名)__silence (形容词)__worry(形容词)__pronounce(名)__correct(副词stress(形容词。

二、 根据汉语提示填词。

1. would you please not___叫醒)me up when i sleep?

2. you should not___放弃)up when you face the trouble.

3. her father told her that she had made a good___决定)

4. tell us the___真相),don’t lie.

5. if you want to join us,you must get your___父母)support.

6. he hasn’t been to tibet,me___也).

7. this book is well worth看).

8. it seems that he spends less time练习) the piano .

9. what will you do if someone笑) at you ?

10. i decided to work it out though there were many困难)

11. it is共同的,平常的) for students to h**e problems.


1. we don’t h**e enough timechat) on the internet .

2. please keep the windowsclose), it’s cold outside .

3. that is wi am telling you my problems

4. i do not h**e close friends. sometimes, i feel l

5. i hope i can oyou some useful suggestions.

6. you will feel better if you syour problems with you friends.


on处于工作状态中;在进行着 low/high marks in exams考试中得低/高分。

up 熬夜 (well)worth doing sth (很)值得做某事 strict with sb in sth 在某方面对某人要求严格 a list of 列一张。清单 idea of 让某人了解。8.

laugh at sb嘲笑某人 over 复习;回顾 sth. to yourself 不将。说出去 of sb’s age 与某人同龄 sb mad 使人受不了 with /solve the problems 处理/解决问题 awake 保持清醒 into trouble陷入困境;惹麻烦 out 待在户外;(晚上)不回家 (代词放在中间)算出;解决。

to 根据 little progress in sth 在某事上几乎无进步 english aloud 大声读英语 unhappy with 对。不满意/不喜欢 22. feel stressed (about...

对。感到有压力23.吃得太多eat too much 24.

少吃多锻炼eat less and exercise more fat 变胖 26.怎样处理 how…deal with…= what… do with…27.青少年的问题 teenage/teenagers’ problems 28.

得到足够的睡眠 get/h**e enough sleep.29.整天/整夜 all day/night 30.

别在意…… pay no attention to….

31.如何在我的学业和爱好之间获得平衡how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies32.提供某物给某人 offer /give sb.

sth. =offer sth. to sb.

33.收到某人来信 hear from sb.(短)= get/receive a letter from sb.(短)

h**e a letter from sb.(延)34.这条建议 this piece of advice=a suggestion

35.忘记某事 forget about sth.--forget doing sth忘记做过某事(已做)//forget to do sth忘记要做某事(未做)36.

上交(我的作业)hand in (my homework ) 代词放中间)37.按时;准时on time 及时in time 38.怎样解决这个问题 how to solve this problem 39.

和某人分享某物 share sth. with sb.40.

为…感到骄傲be proud of = take pride in…41.放弃某事(代词放中间)give sth. up 42..

放弃做某事 give up doing sth.43.有价值 be of value=be valuable 44.

对某事要求严格 be strict in/about sth

45.期待做…..look forward to doing sth 46.同意sb agree with sb

47.出什么问题….what’s the problem/trouble/matter with…..what’s wrong with…..

you’re right.=you may be right.49.

有亲近的朋友说话h**e a close friend to talk to…50.别无选择只好做某事h**e no choice but to do sth 51.拒绝做…refuse to do sth 52.

主动提出做…offer to do sth 53.允许(不)做…allow sb (not)to do grade 9 student 一个九年级的学生 some spare time for my hobbies 有一些空余时间从事我的爱好 doing sth 想象做某事 of a long holiday梦想一个长的假期 crazy about...对。

很痴迷 about =be worried about 担心 of the top students 优秀学生之一。

五、 选择题。

( )1. last saturday my mother had __much work to do that she couldn’t go shopping.

a. so b. suchc. very d. too

) 2. _may not seem very __

a. watch tv; usefulb. watch tv; usefully

c. watching tv; usefullyd. watching tv; useful

) 3. jim sat __to his mother with his eyes half __

a. closed; openedb. close; open

c. closely; openingd. closely; opened

) 4. we must be strict __ourselves and strict __our work.

a. in; with b. with; inc. in; ind. with; with

) 5. bob doesn’t know __to write about.

a. howb. thatc. whatd. where

) 6. don’t __late as your parents don’t allow you __outside after 7 in the evening.

a. stay up;to play b. stay out;to play c.

stay up;playing d. will yo ( 7. he was __at the __news.

a. excited; excitingb. exciting; excited

c. excited; excitedd. exciting; exciting

) 8. the workers were made __the whole day.


一 教学思路介绍。1 背景。如何上好初三的复习课一直是我们的困惑,大量的练习和满堂的讲解使学生毫无兴趣,复习效果不好。我一直在思考,如何做到既结合自己学生的实际问题,进行查缺补漏,又能按照中考的要求和题型进行听说读写的综合训练。让学生在环环紧扣,层层递进的课堂中扎实地巩固语言知识点,提高课堂的实际有...


我们英语备课组根据近几年中考试题新特点及学生实际情况,制订如下复习计划。第一轮复习教材 1。重点句型 词汇 短语,3.23 4.20 2.结合教材配用综合题 第二轮复习 按语法分类 以课标为依据复习 并包含语言交际项目。4.21 5.20 每项语法并配套练习。第三轮复习 按题型分类练习查缺补漏指导答...


导语 要学习好,首先要制定一个切实可行的学习计划,用以指导自己的学习。古人说 凡事预则立,不预则废。因为有计划就不会打乱仗,就可以合理安排时间,恰当分配精力。一 指导思想 以课本为本,重读 精讲 精练。不给学生增加压力,不搞题海战术。让学生有的放矢地复习。目标。九年级英语期中复习计划。二 课堂复习步...