英语抽测复习新 口语和句子

发布 2021-05-18 13:50:28 阅读 5985

句型10:turn on the stove/milk is in the fridge/be careful with 's dangerous打开炉子。牛奶在冰箱里。


句型11:h**e some candy/pizza /pie /cake / cheese. 吃一些糖果/比萨饼/馅饼/蛋糕/奶酪。

句型12: how are you feeling? i am happy/sad…. 你感觉怎么样?我很高兴/难过…

句型13: what do you want? i want water/juice…你要干什么?我要水/果汁…

句型14:i love my mummy/daddy……我爱我的妈妈/爸爸……

句型15:put on your jacket/ boots / scarf/gloves/earmuffs /mask.穿上你的夹克/靴子/围巾/手套/耳罩/面罩。

句型16:what’s this? it’s a reindeer/mouse...这是什么?这是驯鹿/老鼠……

句型17:what do you want for christmas? i want a gift / candy……圣诞节你想要什么?我想要一份礼物/糖果……

句型18:what is it? it’s my bed/ blanket /chair /closet/ table . 它是什么?这是我的床/毯子/椅子/壁橱/桌子。

句型19:i want to be superman, i want to be batman, i want to be spiderman, i want to be ironman, hulk is big 我想成为超人,我想成为蝙蝠侠,我想成为蜘蛛侠,我想成为铁人,绿巨人是大的。

20句型:hands can touch, eyes can see,ears can hear, feet can walk, tongue can taste。手能触摸,眼睛能看见,耳朵能听见,脚能走路,舌头能尝。

口语复习。口语1:what’s your name?my name is…. 你叫什么名字?我的名字是…

口语2:how’s the weather? it’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy. 天气怎么样?天气晴朗/下雨/多云/下雪。

口语:3:how are you? i‘m fine , thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

口语4:good morning / afternoon / good bye. hello ! 早上/下午/再见好。你好!

口语5:how old are you? i’m four/five. 你多大了?我四岁/五岁。

口语6:stand up/sit down. who can try?

teacher teacher let me try.起来、坐下。谁能试试?


口语7:one two three,eyes on me. three two one,hands on kness. 123,看我的眼睛。321、双手放在膝上。

口语8:wash your hands /go to pee/be quiet. 洗你的手/去尿尿/安静。

口语9: merry christmas/ happy halloween/happy new year. 圣诞快乐/万圣节快乐/新年快乐。

口语10:see you again./ hand in hand/line up/drink some water. 再次见到你。/手/线手/喝一些水。

初二英语复习 词组和句子

unit 15 1.do you agree with me?agree with sb.同意某人意见 2.do you help your parents with do the housework?帮助某人做某事 3.neither dad nor my brother helps.既不 也不 ...


1 我好像睡不着。i can t seem to sleep.2 你一定要想办法。you must find a way.3 一个巴掌拍不响。one clap won t clap.4 十年风水轮流转。ten years of wind and water alternate.5 要就要,不要就拉倒...


1 i like all kinds of fruit.我喜欢各种各样的水果。2 don t cry over spilt milk.不要做无益的后悔。divided by3 equals 5.15除以3等于5。4 they crowned him king.他们拥立他为国王。5 i will ar...