中考英语复习 B

发布 2021-05-18 07:14:28 阅读 7618

(b)back 【误】 i'm sorry. i h**e to back home.

【正】 i'm sorry. i h**e to go back home.

【正】 i'm sorry. i h**e to go home.

【析】 back用作"回到(某处)"之意,不是动词。

be 【误】 where do you from?

【正】 where are you from?

【析】 "你从何处来"应为where are you from?或where do you come from? 但要注意这两句话均是问对方从哪个国家来的。

要是口语中问"你是从什么地方来?"应讲where did you come from? 回答用i came from the library.

beat 【误】 we h**e won your class.

【正】 we h**e beaten your class.

【正】 we h**e won the game.

【析】 win是胜过之意,它是及物动词,但其后的宾语只能接比赛、战争、奖品、奖金的名称,如:which team won the football match? 而beat指打败对手、敌人……如:

my brother beat me at poker.(要注意的是,beat的过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten)。

【误】 the ball beat me badly.

【正】 the ball hit me badly.

【误】 he used to hit the little boy black and blue.

【正】 he used to beat the little boy black and blue.

【析】 beat指打击多次,而hit则为击中对方的一次性打击。


【误】 he is a beautiful boy.

【正】 he is a handsome boy.

【析】 我们可以讲she is a beautiful girl. this is a beautiful park. 但要讲男人的"英俊"时要用handsome.


【误】 the reason why i was late is because i was ill.

【正】 the reason why i was late is that i was ill.

【误】 because it was sunday, so the park was crowded.

【正】 because it was sunday the park was crowded.

【析】 这种错误是因为中文的习惯与英语的表述法不同,中文常讲我来晚了的原因是因为我病了,而英文中的第二个因为要用that代替。又因中文常讲因为……所以……,而英文中用了因为就不能再用所以了,同样用了"所以"也就不要再用"因为"一词。例如:

because we study hard, we passed the exam easily. 或者:we study hard so we passed the exam easily.

because because of

because后要接从句,例如:we like physics because we can learn a lot of new ideas. 而because of后要接名词作介词宾语,如:

he is not at school because of the illness.


【误】 we h**e two hours to kill before we will go home.

【正】 we h**e two hours to kill before we go home.

【析】 kill time意为"消磨时光"。

英语状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。如:if it rains we will not go to the park.

【误】 i did this work two days before.

【正】 i did this work two days ago.

【析】 用ago组成的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词要用过去时,而before引起的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词多用完成时,如:i has done this work a few days before.

before long long before

before long是"不久"之意,例如:i shall go to america before long. 而long before则是"很久很久"之意,如:

we knew this teacher long before we saw him. (我们在看到这位老师之前很久就知道他了。)


【误】 the meeting will begin from monday.

【正】 the meeting will begin on monday.

【误】 the film has begun for ten minutes.

【正】 the film has been on for ten minutes.

【析】 begin是瞬间动词,所以它的完成时态不能接表示一段时间的状语,如:the film has begun. 这句话是对的,即"电影已经开始"。

但要讲已经开始10分钟了则要用has been on即"上演了10分钟"。

begin start

begin与start两词后面加不定式或动名词都可以,且意思并无区别,但在表达习惯时接动名词的用法较多,如:how old wern you when you first started learning english?但这两个词的进行时态中则多用不定式,如:

i was beginning to get hungry. 但如果句子的主语是物而不是人,则多用不定式,如:the ice began to melt.

it started to get dark before we got to school. 当动词是表达某种心理状态时,要用不定式,如:the student began to understand his mistakes.

【误】 they study hard in the class from the beginning to the end.

【正】 they study hard in the class from beginning to end.

【析】 from beginning to end是习惯用法,即自始至终,不要加冠词,但如单独使用则要加冠词,例如:at the beginning,the teacher g**e us an exam.


【误】 he missed the class because he was behind the time.

【正】 he missed the class because he was behind time.

【析】 behind time一短语意为"晚了",而behind the times意为"落后于时代"。behind是介词同时又是副词,如come out from behind the door(介词). he's a long way behind(副词).

he fell behind with his classmates(副词).


【误】 what's that below the chair.

【正】 what's that under the chair.

【析】 under意为"正下方",而below意为"比……低",或指"在下游"。如:there is a fall below the river.

(河的下游有一个瀑布。)其反义词为over,如:there is a big plane flying over the city.

但在"下面的例子"一表达语中则要用the example below, 而不要用under.


【误】 the students stood besides the teacher.

【正】 the students stood beside the teacher.

【误】 i study english beside chinese.

【正】 i study english besides chinese.

【析】 beside意为"在……旁边",而besides是"除……以外(还如何)"。

beside by near

beside意为"在……旁",如:there is a tall tree beside the river. by多指"倚、靠"、"沿着"之意,如:

she is standing by the window. near多用来表示两地间距离不远,如:there is a post office near our school.


【误】 you had better to do it at home.

【正】 you had better do it at home.

【误】 you hadn't better wake me up at six.


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