
发布 2021-05-18 06:13:28 阅读 7096


unit 1

part i complete the passage with the correct form of the words.

children learn from their teachers, but they learn from other children too. this (1has been proved in a lot of research, (2with young they find themselves in the (3of other children, the desire to imitatethem is a(n) (4aid to learning.

adults may lose their motivation, but not children! but real progress comes whenchildrenlearntothinkforthemselves–andthat,asweallknownow,isa(n)( it’s an important skill to learn.

part ii sentence translation (from chinese to english)

1.独立思考能力是大学生必备的素质之一。(think for yourself; quality)

2.虽然大家对这部电影好评如潮,我却不怎么喜欢这部电影。(despite; not thinkmuch of)


4.正要离开书店时,他发现了自己一直在寻找的一本书。(be about to do sth)

5.会上,大家对如何提高学生的阅读技能进行了更详细的**。(at length


unit 2

when the first olympic games of the modern (1were held in 1896they(2atraditionwhichwasnearly3, years (3from all over the world h**e come together hoping to win agoldmedalintheir theyears, thegames h**echanged:theinternationalolympic committee has (4some sports (such as rope climbing and livepigeonshooting),butintroducedothermorefamiliarones, (there were no games during the first and second world wars), but todaytheolympicidealsseemstrongerthanever,andthe(7sneedforcultural(8and peaceful cooperation.

part ii sentence translation (from chinese to english)

1.虽然体育运动的形式多种多样,但它们有一个共同之处:所有的运动都是为了增强人们的体质。(despite; h**e … in common)


3.两国间的文化交流在中断了两年后,于去年重新开始。(exchange; resume

4.体育锻炼是很重要,但它代替不了健康的饮食。(substitute for)

5.在中国,只要说到国球,人们自然会想到乒乓球。(whenever; speak of)


unit 3

years blair committed numerous “acts of journalistic (4insteadof (5the news in the traditional way, he preferred to write his stories fromhishomeinnewyork,usinghiscomputertogetup-to-datenewsandpicturesfromdifferent sources. he copied the stories he found there, adding some more details at the( a landscape which didn’texist. his editor began to suspectsomething waswrong, and set up a seven-person team whose job was to find information that showedblair had invented his material.

they examined everything blair had written over fouryears,andfounddozensofinventeddetails,somequite( the story of the cheating journalist on its front page.

part ii sentence translation (from chinese to english)

1.新闻工作者的职责是提供真实准确的报道,因为公众有权知道事实的真相。(accurately; be entitled to do)

2.《中国**》是中国唯一的全国性英文**,日发行量达40余万份。(usingphrases in apposition使用同位语)

3.经济发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,否则后患无穷。(at the expense of

4.这名记者拒绝透露她的****,以免带来不必要的麻烦。(disclose; for fearof doing sth)

5.他因发表有关人权的错误报道而受到指控。(be charged with)


unit 4

itisdifficultto(1theenglishcountrysidewithoutthem:horses,smartly dressed riders and a group of barking dogs, all chasing a small animal across

activists( with the (4argument that killing of foxes is necessary to protect farmanimals.

what’s more, they said, no one can (5that fox-hunting is crueler finally (7to ban hunting in england and wales. but fox hunterseverywhere (8the new law. they said that it is not clear, and they countryside–even though it is technically illegal.

part ii sentence translation (from chinese to english)

1.我们应立即采取行动反对非法捕猎。(take action against)


3.成立该组织的目的不仅仅是要保护动物权益,还要推广野生动物保护知识。(notjust to … but also to4.

即使在今天,很多药物研究还都是在动物身上进行的。(test on)

5.他冒着被蛇咬的危险在森林里生活了数月,收集了大量的第一手资料。(run therisk of; first-hand)

2019级大学英语II考试题型 新视野

2014级大学英语ii考试题型及分值。i.writing 15 分 选题范围不限。来自课外。ii.listening 35 分,每题1分 视听说课本内容占25分 基本按照四级题型。其中section b 和 section c部分全部是视听说课本所学单元内容 unit 1,3,5,6,8 secti...


主编 无盐不解淡 题型 1 words in use 选择题10个,共10分。2 ranked cloze 选择题10个,共10分。3 expressions in use 选择题10个,共10分。4 translation 英译汉5句,共15分。5 课外阅读理解四篇,共40分。6 作文,共15分。...


主编 无盐不解淡 题型 1 words in use 选择题10个,共10分。2 ranked cloze 选择题10个,共10分。3 expressions in use 选择题10个,共10分。4 translation 英译汉5句,共15分。5 课外阅读理解四篇,共40分。6 作文,共15分。...