a dirty dog无耻之人
a gay dog快乐之人
a guard dog 看家狗
a guide dog 导盲犬
a hunting dog 猎犬
a lazy dog 懒散的人
a lucky dog 幸运之人
a pet dog 爱犬
a police dog 警犬
an old dog 行家里手
a top dog 位高权重之人
an underdog 地位卑贱之人
a dog in manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人
a dog’s chance 渺茫的机会
a dog’s dinner/breakfast一团糟
a hair of the dog that bit 可解酒的另一种酒/ 解铃还须系铃人
be like a dog with two tails 开心
die a dog’s death/ die like a dog 惨死
dog paddle [泳]狗爬式
go to the dogs 堕落、灭亡
help a lame dog over a stile帮助别人度过难关;助人于危难之中;雪中送炭。
in the doghouse 失宠,受冷落
keep a dog/walk a dog 养狗/遛狗
treat/kick sb. like a dog 对人很不友好
lead a dog’s life 过艰苦的生活
live a dog and cat’s life 过争吵不休的生活
put on the dogs 装腔作势
the dog days大热天
work like a dog 拼命工作。
as busy as a bee (像蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的
as graceful as a swan (像天鹅)姿态优雅的
as gentle as a lamb (像羊羔)性情温顺的
as cunning as a fox (像狐狸)一样狡猾的
as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗
black sheep 害群之马
buddy, where is john? 要上厕所?
bungee jumping 蹦极跳
dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书
dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠
dog-tired 像狗一样的累
dog watch 夜班
you're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!
as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是'忠实、卖力、辛劳'的化身,
he that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑
a good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人**行赏时常说'好狗应有好骨头
a rug rat 还不会走路的小婴儿。
a dog chance 极有限的一点儿机会(希望)
dog's days 很热的日子。
rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨。
cold fish 冷淡的人。
drink like a fish 酒喝得很多。
a black sheep 害群之马。
follow like sheep 盲目顺从。
swan song 最后作品。
white elephant 昂贵而无用的东西。
until the cows come home 空等,白等。
when pigs fly 绝不可能。
straight from the horse's mouth 根据最可靠的****。
eat like a horse 吃得很多。
a horse of a different color 不同的事,完全不一样。
1. cats hide their claws.
2. the cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.
3. the cat did it.
4. when the cat's away, the mice will play.
不料,猫的厄运招致老鼠的猖獗。很快,鼠害成灾,黑死病一波接一波的横扫欧洲大陆。这段惨痛的历史教训充分证明"狸猫不在,老鼠闹债"--when the cat's away, the mice will play。
5. a cat has nine lives.
古人对此肯定也有所了解,认为"猫有九条命"(a cat has nine lives.)。
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