
发布 2021-05-15 19:31:28 阅读 5006

lose his cool失去冷静。

cool off 冷静,天气变冷。

play it cool 冷静。

不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least

不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth

对人宽容go easy on sb. be lenient with. be kind to

挤时间做某事:get around to do sth, take time out/off from doing sth, spare time to do sth, afford time to do sth, squeeze/steal time to do

健忘slip one's mind/memory. h**e a shot memory, not good with.. be terrible with..

forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brain, go in one ear and out the other. wops.

快,马上:in no time, by and by, on short notice, right now/away/off, in a moment/minute/second

去**,朝**去head to/for sw, make for, le**e for, set out for, be off to, be away to

生气:be put out with sb, be burned up at sb, get one's back up, hit/raise the roof/ceiling, be enraged, get on one's nerve, rub sb the wrong way, annoy/irritate sb.

顺便看望:drop/stop/come by/over/in

太忙he**y/busy/tight schedule

太热super/burning/blazing/unbearable/scorcher hot

听某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to one's suggestion

一点也不奇怪:no wonder. little surprise.

有时,偶而:occasionally, sometimes, every so often, every now and them, every once in a while, at times, from time to time, on and off.

在某方面擅长:know the stuff/ropes/tricks/one's beans

逐步地:gradually, step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch , piece by piece, line by line, word by word.

bottom line 说话的核心,well, the bottom line is that…

check out①检查,询问②借书③出院④退房。

come in handy 派上用场,会有用的。

for the life of sb无论如何。

get over: ①完成作业②病全愈③忘掉(不愉快)

go through ①用完②检查③经历过④办手续。

我认为i suspect, 我确认i bet, 我估计i expect, 我不认为i doubt, 我原以为i thought, 我原以为i was hoping, 我曾经是i used to be, 我本应该i was supposed to

on one's way 马上出发; on the way已经在路。

pick up ①取东西②接人③买东西。

put up ①挂起②住宿。

up to :胜任:it's up to sb to do sth, sb is up to doing sth②熬夜sit/be up to do sth③达到up to sth


as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and carrots(形影不离),apples and oranges(大不相同),as proud as peacock, as changeable as moon, as punctual as a church clock, as sly as fox, as light as feather, as hungry as a wolf.

be the last thing +定从,最不希望的,最不需要的,最不愿意的。

hasn't he, isn't it +ever/though.可不是吗!(很同意)

if only 要是…就好了。答案的标志是虚拟语气和wish.

not that, not as…adj….as you think不至于那么过分吧。

不辞辛苦做某事go out of one's way to do. take great trouble to do sth. go extra miles to do sth.

吃惊:jees. boy! man! jesus christ! dear me! wow!

对我都一样:it makes no difference to me. does it make any difference.

what differencedoes it make. it's all the same to me.

感觉如何:what do you think of sth? how do you like sth?

how do you find sth? how do you feel about sth? would you like a or b?

do you feel like sth? are you in a mood for anything?

开玩笑吧:so you say. pull my leg.

流泪my eyes swim in tears, shed tears of remorse, i can't hold back my tears

你真了不起:you are somebody. you are a big potato.

提醒:i don't think you'll do… i was wondering if you will do sth. i don't imagine if you do.

you h**e not done sth, h**e you?

听我说:you know why. tell me why.

我本想做某事(但没做)i meant to do.. should h**e given. was supposed to do sth.

i h**e been meaning to..

赞同:you bet. sure thing. and how. isn't it though/ever. go ahead. by all means.

责备:when will you ever do sth? do i h**e to tell you?

don't i tell you sth? why didn't you…


怎么了?what's up/matter/wrong with sb? how h**e you been?

how are you coming along/doing? what's new with you?


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