
发布 2021-05-15 13:19:28 阅读 6114


一、 反身代词的意义和用法。




它自己( )他自己她自己他们自己反身代词在实际运用中,可构成许多固定词组。

help oneself to…(随便吃 ) enjoy oneself ( 过得愉快 ) teach oneself( 自学 )

say to oneself ( 自言自语 ) learn …by oneself ( 自学 ) lose oneself in…( 沉迷于 )

make oneself at home ( 别拘束 )


1. pleaseto some apples,kids. 2. i can teach __english.

3. the door must do your homework by___

5. kangkang enjoyed___in the park. 6. we bought food for___

7. this girl losed___in playing games 8. they said “we must win”to


一. 一般将来时。

1. 定义:它表示即将要发生的事。或计划,打算,决定在将来某一时间做的事。

2. 结构:表示将来时的句子结构有两种。

1). be going to+do(动词原形)

2). will+(do)动词原形。

3. 一般将来时常与表示将来的时间短语如 tomorrow(明天), next year(明年), in the future(在将来) next week(下周)。 the day atfer tomorrow(后天)等连用。

iplay) basketball with li ming tomorrow.

theyvisit) the great wall next year.

therebe) a sports meet in our school the day after tomorrow.

3. 它的否定句式是在be或will后直接加 not 。一般疑问句是把 be 或will放在句前。

特殊疑问句是用特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成。 is not=isn`t are not=aren`t will not= won`t

she is going to fly kites.{变否定句shefly kites.

they will going to h**e a picnic.(同上theyh**e a picnic.

i am going to be a teacher.(变一般疑问句yoube a teacher?

li ming will h**e a talk. (对划线部分提问li ming going __

he isn`t going to climb hillshehills.

what will they dowhat __theydo?

二. 过去进行时。


它常与表示过去某个具体的时间连用。如 at this time yesterday(昨天这时), at nine yesterday morning(昨天上午九点),at this time last week(上周这时)等。请再写出两个。

2结构:was / were +doing

3.句式:(1)否定句在was 或 were 后直接加 not 可缩写为wasn`t , weren`t2)一般疑问句是把 was 或 were 放在句前。

3)特殊疑问句是特殊疑问词 (what how…) 加一般疑问句。

1). ilisten) to the music at this time yesterday.

2) shenot play) the guitar at three o`clock yesterday afternoon.

(3) what___you___do) at this time last week?

4) wetake) a shower while the telephone rang.

5)she is skating now.(用 at this time yesterday 改写) sheat this time yesterday.

6)were they dancing to music? (作肯定,否定回答) _theythey __

7)he was doing his homework at that time. (改否定) hehomework at that time.

8)they were singing at that time. (划线提问theyat that time?

9)these flowers are beautiful. (变感叹句these flowers are!

10) he often plays football.(写反意疑问句。


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