
发布 2021-05-15 13:16:28 阅读 1111

eg:in the beginning, i was just asexcited as my mother, maybe even more so.

这句句末的so是一个替代词(pro-form),替代上文提到的just as excited as mymother。句中的even moreso意为even moreexcited than my mother。



she was frightened, but i was not so.

he was very angry, and his wife was evenmore so.

i feel rather hungry. don’t you feel so?

mary looks pretty, but her sister doesn’tlook so.

可以用so替代的谓语部分主要包括“动词+宾语”、“动词+状语”、“动词+宾语+状语”等结构。如果这些结构已在上文出现过,在下文中便可用do so来替代。例如:

jane has read the news***** today, and shewill do so tomorrow.

tim drinks a lot. does his father do so?

he worked very hard in the past, and hewill do so in the future.

tom speaks quickly, but his son doesn’t doso.

dr. smith always examines his patientscarefully, and he is doing so now.

she read the words clearly, but the othergirls didn’t do so.

在主语补语或谓语部分被替代的情况下,如果上文和下文都是肯定陈述句,而它们的主语又不相同,通常要用“so + be / do +主语”的结构。例如:

he was angry, and so was his wife.

mary looks pretty, and so does her sister.

they play cards after dinner, and so do we.

my father caught a cold, and so did mymother.

jack got up late, and so did janet.

i answered the question correctly, and sodid lisa.


a: he is a clever boy.

b: so is my little brother.

a: tom came to the class early.

b: so did i.

a: the chair needs repairing.

b: so does the one you’re sitting on.

如果上文和下文都是否定陈述句,则下文要用“neither / nor +be / do +主语”的结构。例如:

allen isn’t an actor, and neither / nor isrobert.

she doesn’t speak good english, and neither/ nor does her husband.

a: i’m not worried about it.

b: neither / nor am i.

a: peter didn’t answer the question.

b: neither / nor did henry.

有必要提示学生注意的是:“so + be / do +主语”或“neither / nor +be / so +主语”结构中的be / do只是最常用的形式。如上文的动词短语中包含除be / do以外的助动词或情态助动词,则下文中要用相同的助动词或情态助动词。

例如:i h**e been to america, and so has ed.

he hasn’t come yet, and neither h**e hisfriends.

a: richard can play the piano.

b: so can linda.

a: tom mustn’t come back very late.

b: neither / nor must his brothers.

用替代词so替代分句的情况常见于充当宾语的名词分句,这些宾语分句常跟在一些表示看法、意见的动词之后,这些动词常见的有believe, be afraid, expect, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose等。例如:

a: does fred live here?

b: i think so.

a: am i late?

b: i’m afraid so.

a: does tom agree with you?

b: i believe so.

a: will the lakers win the game?

b: many people say so.

a: is barbara going to the party tonight?

b: i suppose / hope so.

a: was she an actress when she was young?

b: i’ve been told so.

a: your girl friend is going with you,isn’t she?

b: i expect so.


a: do you think fred lives here?

b: i think not. /i don’t think so.

a: is there going to be a meeting tomorrow?

b: i suppose not. /i don’t suppose so.

请注意:并非上面列出的所有动词都能同时用于“not作替代词”和“动词否定式+ so”两种形式。例如:

i’m afraid not.

误] i’m not afraidso.

i hope not.

误] i don’t hope so.


不定代词。不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词,在句中可作主语 表。语 宾语和定语。现将几个常用的不定代词举例说明如下 1.some与any的区别。1 some多用于肯定句,表示 一些,几个 作形容词时,后面可以接 不可数名词 单数动词 可数名词 复数动词。look some of the s...


三 指示代词 1 定义 是具有指示概念的代词,表示 这个,那个,这些,那些 以及it,such,same等词叫做指示代词,指示代词在句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。2 指示代词分类。指示代词用法歌诀 this,these靠近我,that,those离我远。this,that指单数,these,thos...


疑问代词的基本用法 sme i 指的就是表示你我他等不同人称的代词。2,同时还要考虑它与所代替的名词在数 单数还是复数 方面保持一致。一,叫做人称代词,说话的人把i 我 放在第一位 1,形式上都没有变化。他不能久留?谁打碎了玻璃。我和他该受批评。相互代词的基本用法 单数。2 we。8.我不会游泳 疑...