
发布 2021-05-15 11:43:28 阅读 7156

191. like用法:like to do sth.

/doing sth. ;feel like doing sth. ;look like ; nothing like; do as onelikes, if you like

note:作动词是“喜欢”;作介词,形容词是“像”。how do you like…?

你觉得…怎么样?192. likely用法:

be likely to do sth. ;it is likely that…;

note:作副词的时候多和most, very连用。we will most likely be late.

193. little用法:little boy; little hope; a little; little by little


live用法:live and learn, live by, live apart, live from hand to mouth, live on,note:live形容词,活的,与dead相对应,一般作定语;还可以表示实况直播。


lonely用法:a lonely house; feel lonely

note: lonely是以ly结尾的形容词,可以作定语也可以作表语,主要表示孤独的状态。196.

long用法:long face, long memory, for long, all day long, so long再见。note:

long作为动词,意为渴望,跟不定式;long for后面跟名词。197. look用法:

look fine; look as if; look at/into/through/back/down uponnote:与see不同的是,look at主要强调看的动作,不强调看的内容。198.

lose用法:be lost; lose one’s life; lost heart

note: be lost往往表示丢失了,而bemissing强调不在现场。199. major用法:major part; major in

note: an…major表示主修某专业的学生。

200. make用法:make a dash for, make a deal with, make a face, make friends with, make…into…, make it, make out, make sense, make sure, make up, make up one’s mind, make up for,以及用于6123结构。

note:该词后面的宾补不能用现在分词;当反身代词作其宾语时,宾补只能是过去分词。201. manage用法:manage to do; manage it

note: manage to do表示成功地做成某事,不成功不可以用。

202. many用法:too/so many people; as many as; a good/great many, many anote:


203. marry用法:a marry b; got married; marry well/young, be married to marry是点动词,不能表示时间延续。

如要表示结婚的时间长短可以用h**e been marriedfor…

204. matter用法:it doesn’t matter; a matter of fact ; what’s the matter?

note: the matter在句中只能作表语,如:can you tell me what is the matter?

205. mean用法:mean to do sth.

;mean doing sth. ;what do you mean by…?note:

mean to do表示打算做某事;mean doing表示意味着。

206. means用法:by means of; by no means; every possible means, by all means, by this meansnote:


207. measure用法:measure one’s height, the tablecloth measures 18 by 20 feet.

measure one’s owrds

note:用作名词,意为“措施”,可数。take measure s to do sth.

/against sth.208. meet用法:

meet sb. at the station; meet the need; meet with = come acrossnote: meet可以表示有目的的去见;meet with往往表示偶遇。

209. mind用法:mind doing; make up one’s mind to do; do you mind…?

would you mind if idid sth. ?

note:回答mind的问句时,介意用yes,不介意用no.210. miss用法:miss doing; miss the train; be missing

note: miss和hit是反义词,表示没打中/打中。还可以表示想念,怀念。miss sb. /sth.

211. moment用法:at the last moment, for the moment, for a moment , not for a moment, thismoment

note: the moment (that)…引导的是时间状语从句= as soon as

212. more用法:more or less; the more…, the more…; more than,no more than, not more..

thannote:数词要放在more之前,如:one more.

213. most用法:most of all, at the most, make the most of,可作主语宾语;加the是最高级;a表示非常;

note: mostly副词,大部分,大多数,常置于表语中。214. move用法:move over to; be moved to tears


music用法:dance/listen to music; a piece of music


216. must用法:must be; must be doing; must h**e done; mustn’t do

note: must表示推测时翻译成一定是,只能用在肯定句中,而mustn’t表示禁止。

217. name用法:by name, by the name of, call one’s names, in the name of, make one’s name,of the name of

note:用作动词,意为“命名,取名”,常用于句型7。name after, name sb.

as / to be218. nationality用法:what’s your nationality?

note:回答这样的问句时要说i am chinese.

219. necessary用法:if necessary; it is necessary to do/that

note:在necessary后面的从句要用虚拟语气,即it is necessary that sb. should do的形式。

220. need用法:need to do; needn’t do; need doing = need to be done


221. next用法:next to the room; next one; the next day; next door neighbornote:

next to可以表示仅次于,如:next to swimming i like running best.还可以表示“几乎”。

222. no more用法:no more books; no more than

note: no more than表示仅仅;not more than表示不超过。223. none用法:none of; none is there


224. nor用法:neither…nor…; nor do i.


225. notice用法:notice sb. do/doing; notice that; take notice of

note:作名词时可以表示提前通知,如:they wanted two weeks’notice before i left.

226. number用法:a number of; the number of; large/small numbernote:


227. object用法:作名词时表示物体、宾语、目标;作动词表示反对。note:常与介词to搭配,后面接动名词。

228. occur用法:表示发生,不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。note:句型it occurred to sb. that…表示某人突然想起某事。

229. offer用法:offer to do; offer sb.

sth , offer sth. for $ offer $ for 作名词时offer可以表示开出的价钱,如:a special offer.

230. old用法:ten years old; how old; older; oldestnote:


231. once用法:once upon a time; once in a while; once every two weeksnote:


232. open用法:keep the door open; be open to; an open windownote:

be open表示开放;be opened表示开张。

用法:operatesth.及物,开动,操作。不及物时,“起作用”isthisdrugoperating yet?

note:动手术,只能是不及物。常和介词on连用。youcangetaprivatedoctortooperateon him.

用法:either…or..,oneortwo…,orelse,orrather,orso,hurryoryouwon’t make the train.

note: or other和something, sometime等词连用表强调。i’ll think of something orother for the plan.

235. order用法:order sb.

to do;order that…; in order to; out of ordernote: order后面的从句要使用虚拟语气,即order that sb. should do的形式。

236. other用法:would rather, some…or other , others, the others ,the other day不久前有一天。

note: tthe other指两个中的另一个。others , the others可以做主语宾语等。

237. outdoor用法:outdoor activities

note: outdoor是形容词,作定语或表语;outdoors是副词,作状语,如:let’s playoutdoors.

238. over用法:over there; over 40; go over; come over to my house

note:表示在……之上时,over往往表示运动。如:the plane flew over the city.

239. owe用法:owe $ to sb.

=owe sb. $owe…to……应归功于…或者…用归咎于…。note:

owing to由于,后跟名词。his death was owing to an accident.240.

*****用法:a piece of *****; ***** work



81.danger用法 in danger表示处于危险的境地。note 表示一般概念时不可数,表示具体危险时可数。82.dare用法 作为情态动词一般用于否定句,疑问句或者条件状语从句 作为实意动词后跟不定式。note i dare say that 意为 我猜测,可能,或许。83.dark用法 b...


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