
发布 2021-05-15 11:45:28 阅读 3828

高考重点词语复习248. pick用法:pick apples; pick pocket;pick up

note: pick表示采摘;pick up表示捡起,学会,接送,收听到等。

249. play用法:play a part/ role in , play fair, play a trick /joke on, play truant, play with


pleased用法:be pleased with; be pleased to donote: pleased是表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。




252. point用法:5 points; point of view; point at/to/outnote:

point at表示指着一个物体;point to表示指着一个方向。

253. population用法:a large/small population; what’s thepopulation? 5个考点。


254. praise用法:praise sb. for; in praise of,sing the praises

fornote (7)

241. part用法:(a) part of; part with; spare partnote: a part of表示一小部分;part of不强调大小。

242. past用法:go past sb.; in the past; in the past 10 years

note: in the past与过去时搭配;in the past 10 years用完成时。

243. pay用法:pay a visit to, pay attention to , pay back, pay for, pay off, pay one’srespect to , pay out, pay up

note: pay的宾语既可以是人也可以是金钱。用作名词,表示工资待遇,不可数。244. percent用法:percent of


245. permit用法:permit sb.

to do; permit doingnote:与allow用法一样,但还可作不及物动词,如:if weather permits, we will gofor an outing.

246. persist用法:persist in (doing) sth.坚持干。。。note: persist that…坚持说。。。

247. persuade用法:persuade sb. to do; persuade sb. into doing

note:只有表示劝说成功的时候才可以用persuade,否则可以用try to persuade.

255. prefer用法:prefer a to b; prefer sb.

to do sth. prefer to do sth. …ratherthan do sth.

note: prefer后面用不定式表示某一次具体的动作,用动名词表示习惯性的动作。256.

prepare用法:prepare sth.; prepare for sth.

; be preparednote: prepare sth.表示准备某事;prepare for sth.


257. present用法:present…with sth. ,present oneself, be present , be presentin存在。

note:作为名词意为“现在”,“礼物”,把。送给…atpresent, for the present,258.

pretend用法:pretend that…, pretend to do sth. ,pretend to sth.

自称。hepretends to great knowledge.


259. prevent用法:prevent sb.

(from) doing

note:在被动语态中,from不能省略:he was prevented from going to school becauseof his illness.

260. price用法:high/low price; what’s the price?note:经常与介词at搭配,表示以……的价钱/代价。

261. promise用法:promise to do; make/keep/break a promise, promissingnote:

作动词时可以表示显示出,如:the clouds promise rain.262.

prove用法:prove to be; prove sth.; prove that…note:


263. provide用法:provide sth. for sb.; provide sb. with sth.

note:分词经常作连词使用,表示如果……的话,如:she can go with us provided thatshe arrives in time.

264. put用法:put aside / away / back / down / forward / in / into power / off /on / on weight / out/put up with

note: put through接通**,经历,完成;put up修建,张贴,举起手,住宿,捐赠,提出建议。


note: quarrel with还有“找茬,挑毛病,和。过不去” a bad student quarrels withhis pen.

266. question用法:in question; beyond question; out of (the) question, questionsb. on sth.

note: out of question表示没问题;out of the question表示不可能。267.

raise用法:raise the price; raise a question; raise pigsnote:及物动词,要与不及物动词rise分开。

用法:hadrather,orrather,rather…than…,ratherthan,wouldrather…than…,note: i’d rather you did it.


269. reason用法:the reason for/why, reason sb.

into doing sth.通过讲道理使某人做…,note:说明reason的内容时不能用because,如:

the reason why he was late was thathe was ill.

270. receive用法:receive sth. receive sb.


271. recognize用法:recognize sth.

/sb. /that…, recognize …as…note: recognize表示辨认出;而know表示知道,了解;realize表示意识到。

272. recover用法:recover from

note:过去分词表示痊愈了的,如:are you completely recovered from your illness?

273. refer用法:refer to; refer …to …

note: refer to表示谈到、查阅;refer …to …表示归功于……、归咎于……。274.

refuse用法:refuse sth. refuse to do sth.

note:有时候也有这个句式:they refused me permission. she can’t refuse himanything.

275. regard用法:regard …as …;in/with regard tonote:

复数表示敬意,如:give/send one’s regards to…276. regret用法:

regret sth. /that… /doing sth. /

note:如果跟不定式表示“遗憾”,常和say, tell, announce, inform等词连用。277.

remain用法:remain clean; remain to be, remainingnote:可以作系动词或不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。

278. remember用法:remember to do; remember doing; remember me to …note:

remember to do表示记着要去做某事;remember doing表示记着做过某事。279. remind用法:

remind sb. of sth. ;remind sb.

that …note: please remind me to do sth. …表示请提醒我……。

280. repeat用法:repeat the question; repeat oneselfnote:



81.danger用法 in danger表示处于危险的境地。note 表示一般概念时不可数,表示具体危险时可数。82.dare用法 作为情态动词一般用于否定句,疑问句或者条件状语从句 作为实意动词后跟不定式。note i dare say that 意为 我猜测,可能,或许。83.dark用法 b...


191.like用法 like to do sth.doing sth.feel like doing sth.look like nothing like do as onelikes,if you like note 作动词是 喜欢 作介词,形容词是 像 how do you like 你觉得 ...


155.hang用法 表示悬挂,过去式和过去分词都是hung 表示绞刑,过去式和过去分词都是hanged.note 表示悬挂的状态时,用不及物动词形式。如 my shirt is hanging on the wall.156.happen用法 happen to do sth.it so happ...