
发布 2021-05-15 01:15:28 阅读 1529


i’m an employee now.

she is an employee now.

you are an employee now.

they are employees now.


i’m at home everyday.

she is very busy everyday.

you are with him everyday..

they are in the garden everyday.


i am going to be a boss next week.

i shall be a boss next week.

she will be very busy tomorrow.

she is going to be very busy tomorrow.

you will be an engineer tomorrow.

you are going to be an engineer tomorrow.

they will be employers tomorrow.

they are going to be employers tomorrow.


i was an engineer yesterday.

she was a hairdresser yesterday.

you were a mechanic yesterday.

they were postmen last month.


i can be a teacher tomorrow.

she can be an air hostess.

you can be my boss tomorrow.

they can be bosses tomorrow.


i want to drink some water right now.

she wants to eat an apple right now.

you want to turn off the light right now.

they want to close the window right now.


i like being a teacher now.

she likes being an employee now.

you like being an employee now.

they like swimming now.


i am swimming now.

我每天学英语i study english everyday

我下周将打扫办公室。 i am going to clean the office next week

我昨天遇见2个德国人 i met two germans yesterday.

我明天能买两块巧克力。 i can buy two bars of chocolate tomorrow.

她现在在等我she is waiting for me now.

你现在正在步行上班 you are walking to work now.

他们现在吃桃子 they are eating peaches now.

她每天给我一张纸 she gives me a piece of ***** everyday.

你每天看电视 you watch tv everyday .

他们每天喝茶 they drink tea everyday.

她明天弹钢琴 she is going to play the piano tomorrow.

你明天将打电脑游戏 you are going to play computer games

他们下个月认真地关教室前部的灯。they are going to turn off the light in the front of the classroom carefully.

我昨天买了三袋新大米 i bought three bags of new rice yesterday.

你昨天制做一些刀 you made some knives yesterday.

他们上个月看见一些日本人 they saw some japanese last month.

她明天能关门 she can close the door tomorrow.

你明天能说英语 you can speak english tomorrow.

他们明天能关灯 they can turn off the light tomorrow.


英语专项练习。一般现在时练习。在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即常在动词原形后加 s或 es。但有些同学们对于哪些主语是第三人称单数还不十分清楚,现归纳总结如下 所有单数主语中,除了i和you外,其它都是第三人称单数。1.we oftenplay in the ...


part a 一般现在时,表示经常性的事情 表示现在的时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态 1 时间状语 often always usually sometimes every day week,month,year at 经常总是,一直通常有时每天 周,月,年在几点钟。2 只有第三人称单数用动词三单...


小学各种时态练习题。一般将来时练习。1.我打算明天和朋友去野炊。ih e a picnic with my a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛?我想去打篮球。whatnext monday?iplay basketball.whatyou do next m...