
发布 2021-05-14 21:25:28 阅读 9783


常用引导词:when, while, as, as soon as, before, after, till/until, since

1、when, while, as


i met kang li while/when/as i was walking along the street.当我沿街散步时碰见了康丽。

don’t make any noise while/when/as i am recording. 我录音时(你们)别发出声音。



while they were crossing the atlantic, many people died. 他们中的很多人在横渡大西洋时丧生了。


while the wife was cooking, the husband was watching tv. 妻子在做饭的时候,丈夫在看电视。


lucy likes dancing while lily likes doing sports. 露西喜欢跳舞而莉莉喜欢运动。



when the weather is fine, many people go out for a walk. 天气好时,很多人都出去散步。

when i got home, i found my baby girl singing in the sitting room. 我到家时,发现我的小女儿正在客厅里唱歌。


we were talking when the teacher came in. 我们正在讲话,老师(突然)进来了。

试比较:while we were talking, the teacher came in. 我们正在讲话的时候,老师进来了。(不强调突然性。)


i was le**ing when somebody touched my shoulder. 我正要离开,就在此时有人碰了一下我的肩膀。


as you get older, you get more knowledge. 随着年龄的增长,你获得的知识就越多。

they sing as they walk. 他们一边走一边唱。

练习。一)用when, while, as填空。

1. i was looking out of the windowthe teacher asked me.

2. what is he doinghis parents came back?

3. mike was playing gamesjack was studying.

4. i was about to fall asleepthe baby began to cry.

5the children walked along the lake, they sang happily.

6. someone stepped on my toesi was waiting for the bus.

7she grew older, she became more responsible.


1. when i got to the factory, the workers __about the film.

a. are talkingb. talkedc. were talking d. h**e talked

2. i __a letter when my mother came in.

a. writeb. am writingc. was writingd. h**e written

3. my mother __while my father __tv.

a. cooks; was watchingb. was cooking; was watching;

c. was cooked; watchedd. cooked; watched

4. they were sleeping __they heard a man __help”.

a. when; shouting b. while; to shout c. when; to shout d. while; shouting

2、as soon as


we began to work as soon as we got there. 我们一到那儿就开始工作了。

we always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. 假期一开始,我们就会去某个好玩的地方。

i will write to you as soon as i arrive there. 我一到那里就会给你写信。(主将从现)

3、before, after


before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food. 吃饭前,我父亲会表达感激之情。

mother sometimes prepares dinner after i come back from school. 妈妈有时在我放学回家后才准备晚饭。



i will wait until/till you finish all the work. 我会等到你完成所有的工作。(主将从现)

主句用肯定句时,主句动作为持续性动作;主句用否定句时,主句动作为瞬间性动作,常用搭配not ..until “直到……才……”如:

he waited until all the guests left. 他一直等到所有客人都走了。

the boy didn’t go to sleep until his mother came back last night. 昨晚那个小男孩直到他妈妈回来才去睡觉。



i h**e known bill since he was born. 从比尔出生起,我就认识他。

he has studied very hard since he came to our school. 自从来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。


1he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.

2. h**e a good look at that manyou pass him.

3. henry is in charge of the officemr. smith is away.

4. it was already eight o’clockwe got there.

5. i was about to go outa visitor came.

6. he learned to speak germanhe was in berlin.

7. i waitedhe came back.

8. he had learned chinesehe came to china.

9the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience.

10. i h**en’t seen himhe moved to the other side of the town.

11. she likes everything to be in placeshe starts to work.

12. the thieves ran awaythey caught sight of the police.

13. they decided to go back hometheir money ran out.

14i get to the airport, i will phone you to pick me up.

15. they were about to le**eit began to rain.

16. he always stay in bedlunch time.

17. i like playing tennismy younger sister prefers watching ball games.


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