中考英语专项复习 动词

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1.(2010·潍坊中考)at least 300 million people are using qq___by ma huateng to chat on line.

a. createb. createsc. creating d. created

解析】选d2.(2010·成都中考)—where’s your brother now, bob?

--i saw him __in the street a moment ago and i told him

a. playing ; don’t do so b. playing; not to so c. play; to do so

解析】选b3.(2010·通化中考)the woman made his son___finally after she told him some jokes.

a. laughed b. to laughc. laughd. laughing

解析】选c4.(2010·河南中考)father often tells me too much time on computer games.

a. don’t spend b. not spend c. not to spend d. not spending

解析】选c5.(2010·黄冈中考)—how would your family like to tr**el?

--it’s a problem in my family. mother prefers to take a bus to tr**el, while father always sticks __to tr**el.

a. to driveb. to driving c. driving d. drive

解析】选b6.(2010·聊城中考)the teachers often tell their pubilsacross the road when the traffic light is red.

a. not gob. not to go c. don’t go d. didn’t go

解析】选b7.(2010·陕西中考)don’t forgetan umbrella __going to rain.

a. to take; to take;with

解析】选c8.(2010·梧州中考)english is very important,so i practice___it very hard.


解析】选c9.(2010·莱芜中考)most of the young people enjoy __jay chou's songs.

a.singb.sangc.singingd.to sing

解析】选c10.(2010·哈尔滨中考)as teenagers, we’re old enoughwith housework. we can help

set the table, wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.

a. to helpb. helpingc. helped

解析】选a11. (2009·德州中考) when he arrived at the office, he found all the workers

a. workingb. workc. to workd. worked

解析】选a。find sb. doing sth.表示“发现某人正在做某事”。

12. (2009·宁夏中考) she won’t let her daughterby the river.

a. playb. playsc. to playd. playing


13. (2009·齐齐哈尔中考) -would you mind myhere?

sorry, you’d better not.

a. smokeb. to smokec. smoking

解析】选c。三个选项是动词smoke的三种形式,结合问句中的“would you mind”可排除a、b二项。“would you mind me/my doing...


14. (2009·潍坊中考) –would you like to go fishing with me?

i don’t feel like it. i would ratherat home and h**e a sleep.

a. stayb. to stayc. stayingd. stayed

解析】选a15. (2009·锦州中考) when we practice speaking english, we often end upin chinese.

a. to speak b. speaking c. spoken d. speak

解析】选b。end up doing sth.表示“结束做某事”,故正确答案为b。

16. (2009·绍兴中考) –is jack in the library?

maybe. i saw himout with some books just now.

a. goingb. goc. to god. went

解析】选b。由关键词saw him可知联想到see sb. do sth.

和see sb. doing sth.两个句式。

结合提中所给信息just now可知题意为“我刚才看见他带着一些书出去了”,表示“看见某人做过某事”要用see sb. do sth.,do为省略to的动词不定式,故选b。

17. (2009·雅安中考) sam likes cars. he enjoysall kinds of model cars.

a. collectsb. collectingc. to collectd. collected

解析】选b18. (2009·广东中考) the old man is ill and he doesn’t feel like

a. to eat somethingb. to eat anything

c. eating somethingd. eating anything

解析】选d。feel like后面接动词时要用动词-ing形式,先排除a、b二项;另在否定句中要用anything,故舍c选d。

19. (2009·兰州中考) why notyour teacher for help when you can’t fini**** by yourself?

a. ask; write b. to ask; writing c. ask; writing d. asking; write

解析】选c。why not后面接省略to的动词不定式,即动词原形,先排除b、d二项;另finish后面接动词时要接动词-ing形式,故舍a选c。

20. (2009·深圳中考) -how aboutin the river with us?

sorry i can’t. my parents often tell methat.

a. swim, don’t dob. swim, to do

c. swimming, not dod. swimming, not to do

解析】选d。介词about后面接动词时用动名词形式,先排除a、b二项;另tell sb. not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,故舍c选d。

21. (2009·宿迁中考) the young man used toto work, but he is used toto work now.

a. drive; walking b. drove; walked c. drive; walks d. driving; walk

解析】选a。used to意为“过去常常……”后面接动词原形,先排除b、d二项;另be used to意为“习惯……”其中to是介词,后面接动名词,故舍c选a。

22. (2008·乌兰察布中考) –where’s mr. yu, do you know?

well, it’s hard to say. but i heard himloudly here just now.


专项7 动词。动词的分类。1.连系动词也称为系动词,用于连接主语和表语,表示主语身份 性质 状态。连系动词有一定词义,但不完整,不能单独做谓语,必须和表语连用,构成系表结构。例如 you are a teacher,but not a good one.we feel very happy when...


1 关于连系动词 1 连系动词用来连接主语和表语,连系动词后面常为形容词。2 常见的连系动词有 be become look feel sound smell taste seem turn grow get go fall sit stand lie 等。3 有些连系动词 于实义动词,意思也跟着变...


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