中考 动词 英语

发布 2021-04-10 20:39:28 阅读 3503


9.1 实义动词。

9.2 系动词。

9.3 助动词。

9.4 情态动词。

9.5 非谓语动词。

9.6 动词的语态。

9.7 动词的时态。

9.1 实义动词:实义动词是能够独立作文娱的动词。按期句法作用可分为及物动词和不及物动词。

9.1.1. 及物动词:及物动词本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。

1) 及物动词 + 宾语。

i like the book very much.

2) 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补。

we call the bird polly.

i saw the children play in the yesterday.

注意:带省略to的不定式或现在分词作宾补的动词有:make, let, h**e, see, watch, notice, hear等。

3) 动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。

please pass me the salt.

常见带双宾语的动词有:give, bring, huy, get, le**e, lend, make, offer, pass, teach, tell, write, read, return等。

9.1.2. 不及物动词:不及物动词自身意思完整,无需接宾语且不能直接接宾语。

he run fast.

they work in a factory.

1) 有些动词既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词。

we study english. (vt)

we study hard. (vi)

boys fly kites. (vt)

birds can fly. (vi)

2) 有些不及物动词与一些别的词搭配在一起构成短语动词,它的作用等于一个及物动词。

1) 动词 + 介词:此类动词后面的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都只能放在介词后面,不能放在动词和介词之间。

look at the blackboard.

listen to me carefully.

2) 动词 + 副词:代词作宾语时逼穴放在动词后、副词前,当宾语是名词时,放在副词前后均可。

he turn off the light when he left.

he picked it up and g**e it up.

3) 动词 + 副词 + 介词:宾语只能放在介词之后。

let’s go on with the work.

he gets along well with.

4) 动词+名词+介词:名词前可以加形容词作定语,宾语只能放在介词之后。

we can make good use of air.

5) be+形容词(包括过去分词作形容词)+介词:这类动词短语也相当于及物动词,宾语位于介词后面,形容词是短语动词的真正词义。

we are proud of being chinese.

i know he is slow at understanding,but you h**e to be patient with him.


1)延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, h**e, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。

表示时间段的短语有:for+一段时间,for 2 years; since从句,since he came here; since+时间点名词,since last year, since 5 days ago; how long; for a long time等。

we h**e lived in china since 2001.

you can keep the book for two weeks.

2) 非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。 如:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。


非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two years ago; at 5 o'clock;

he bought the computer two months ago.

he has been here for five days. (这里不能用has arrived here)

the film has been on for ten minutes. (这里不能用has begun.)


i h**en’t bought anything for two months.

例1: -how long can i __the booktwo weeks.

a. borrowb. lendc. getd. keep

例2:--shall i take you to the shopping mall after work?

- no, thanks. my father said he wouldon his way home.

a. look for me b. pick me up c. let me down d. take after me

例3:—why couldn't you the correct spelling of the word?

err. .i hadn't got a chinese-english dictionary at hand.

a. look for b. look down c. look up d. look at

例4:h**e youyour new classmates yet?

a. had friends with b. made friend with c. got friend to d. made friends with

例5:if you don't know how to spell a new word,you'd better

a.look up a dictionary b. look up an dictionary.c.look it up in a dictionary d. look up it in an dictionary.

9.2 系动词:

即连系动词,本身有词义,用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态,性质,特征或身份。表语通常由名词、形容词,或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样。 系动词不能用于被动语态和进行时态。

9.2.1 系动词分类。

1)常见的系动词是be,它的变化形式为:am/is/are/was/were .

2) 除了 be 动词,其他的系动词(半系动词)大致可分为4类:

感觉”类:与五种感觉器官相关的动词。常见的有: look(看起来), feel(摸上去),smell(闻起来) ,taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。

it sounds (like) a good idea

the soup tastes good.

she looks well today.

主观判断”类: 包括 seem(似乎是),appear(似乎、显得),prove(证明是), turn out (结果是, 证明是) 等。

he appears/seem to h**e made a mistake.

it turns out to be a mistake.

状态变化”类: 表示主语从一种状态变化成另一种状态。常见的有: become, turn, grow, go, come, fall, get 等。

put the fish in the fridge, or it will go bad in hot weather.

he grew older day by day.

状态持续”类:表示主语持续某种状态。常见的有: remain(依然),keep(保持),stay(保持),continue(继续、仍旧)等。

the fish will stay fresh for several days.

it remains a problem.

the weather continues cold.

例6:those oranges taste

a. good b. well c. to be good d. to be well

例7:the material __very soft.

a. is feeling b. felt c. feels d. is felt

例8:why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? it will __for several days.

a be stayed b. stay c. be staying d. h**e stayed

例9:what you h**e said___

a is sounded interesting b.sounds interesting c sound interested d.listens interested

例10:the class begins. please keep

a silent b.silence c.the silence d.silently

9.3 助动词:

助动词本身无词义或意义不完整,不能单独用作谓语。它必须和别的动词连用,帮助构成各种时态、语态、否定句和疑问句等结构。常用的助动词有be, has, do, does, did, will和shall等。


一 系动词。系动词本身有词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,说明主语的状态 性质 特征或身份。常见的系动词有 be,become,get,look,seem,turn,sound,smell,taste,feel,keep等。这些词没有被动语态的形式,也不用于进行时态。he is str...


out 出版,开花。on 来吧。into being 形成。from 来自。come across 偶遇。up with 提出。to 去,达到。in 进来。back 回来。up 上升。down 下降。on 继续。through 穿过 go out 出去。by 时间流逝,经过。ahead 开始吧。al...


反对做某事。善于,擅长于。当心,注意,仔细。担心做某事。例句 过马路之前左右看。小心不要从梯子上掉下来。被 覆盖 用 覆盖 为 作好准备。准备好做某事。准备好 当我到家的时候,妈妈已准备好了晚饭。对 感到惊讶。做某事很吃惊 我很吃惊的发现动物园几乎没什么人。对 感兴趣。出生。在进行,在上演,灯 亮着...