
发布 2021-05-14 12:28:28 阅读 9381



which is her handbag?

what’s her name again?

it is none of her business.

how could i find her?

her parents are all teachers.

2. 有一种读音(语音讲解);

john had his hair cut.

what’s his name?

that is not my book. that’s his.

tom and his brother are playing in the yard.

andy’s doing a good job, but his time is limited.


we’ll do it on our own.

now there are five students in our class.

peter, who is our boss, is ****** he**y bread.

who will be our leader?

don’t talk back to our parents.

4. 有两种读音(语音讲解);

if you want some tea, make some.

could you bring me some water?

you should be careful when you meet some strangers.

give me some time.

here is some coffee.

5. please finish the exercises.

the young should respect the old.

this is the man i referred to.

who is the best student in grade one?

where are the others?.

6. 有一种发音;

take your time.

here is your pen.

watch your step, please.

you’ve got to try your best.

what’s your dream?

7. 长音变短音,其他的如he, she, we, you发音规律相同;

let me go.

he says he can’t

she will come to visit us.

shall we go?

will you do me a f**or?

8. 两种弱读发音;

try them all.

tell the story to them.

help them when they need.

what should i say to them?

we h**e to wait for them.

9. 只有一种弱读形式;

tell us a story please.

show us the picture that you drew.

they want us to le**e.

it is not good for us.

he is coming with us.

10. 有四种发音,但是最常用的有两种;

can i h**e some tea with ice and lemon?

bread and butter, please.

i h**e told him over and over again.

i don’t like cats and dogs.

he bought his hat and coat in this new store.

11. 一种弱读发音;

it is as cold as ice.

he is as happy as a king.

please do as i do.

he runs as fast as he can.

as far as i am concerned, i don’t like it.


it is as cold as ice.

he is as happy as a king.

please do as i do.

he runs as fast as he can.

as far as i am concerned, i don’t like it.


i am ugly, but i am gentle.

they said but they didn’t do it.

she is tired but happy.

last but not least, treasure the time.

i’ll do anything but that.


my sister’s prettier than yours.

it’s easier than i expected.

it’s bigger than this.

he is better than others.

i love you more than i can say.


he said that i could get it.

tell her that i am not going.

we all know that we face problems.

we are all aware that the difficulties are not so easy to overcome.

it is true that no man can succeed without sweat.


i’m surprised.

am i right?

what are you going to do?

don’t be nervous.

she’s a very good secretary.

17.do, does中的字母o都要弱读;

do you understand?

do you know them?

what does she do for a living?

what time does the train arrive?

what sort of family does he come from?


charles has bought a car.

you’d better put it back.

the bus had already left.

i h**e finished my assignment.

they may h**e gone.


i must go now.

everyone must h**e a *****.

what can i do at that time?

that will do.

shall i open the window?


they arrived at seven.

i’ll see you at the station.

i got it at a cheap shop.

where were you at one o’clock?

i’ll talk about it at breakfast.


i’m doing it for fun.

he’s training for a race.

he was waiting for the bus.

he lived there for a year.

do it for my sake.


i bought a pound of apples.

lots of people do it.

i am tired of waiting.

here you are – a bottle of milk, three boxes of matches, a bag of sugar and a packet of biscuits.

i am proud of you.


i h**e to go out.

i’ve told him to keep away from you.

they’d like to go.

she walks to school.

he wants to eat now.


a lot of work (t + s)

as soon as possible (n + s)

the dog outside (g + o)

tell us all about it. (l + u; s + a; l + a; t + i)

i’m afraid he’s out. (m + a; s + o)


she is going to major in english. (major + in)

are you going to buy some more eggs? (more + eggs)

don’t go out after eight. (after + eight)

would you like to share it? (share + it)

they’re new to work after all. (after + all)


the work is half finished. (half + finished)

are they going to take it with them? (with + them)

look at those black cards. (black + cards)

we saw a big gap. (big + gap)

give vicky a job. (give + vicky)


can you ask him why? (you + w + ask)

may i ask you question? (i + w + ask)

you h**e another two hours. (two + w + hours)

how are you? (how + w + are)

we always go early in the morning. (go + w + early)


第一章英语音素的奥妙。第二章元音概述。第一节前元音。第二节中元音。q e e 发音时,舌抬起的部位都是中部,故此称为中元音。中元音的发音特点。1 舌尖离开或轻抵下齿 2 舌中抬起高度从 q 到 e 依次升高 3 唇自然张开,既不圆也不扁。中元音舌形 唇形比较。中元音 q 发音要领。口张开稍大于一指 ...




失音与连读。在语速较快的时候,为了方便应用产生了失音和连读现象。在四六级听力考试部分出现出现的尤其频繁。这是四六级听力考试中难点所在。掌握好失音和连读是听懂和说一口地道美语的前提。学习方法 失音连读规则繁琐细致,逐条记忆会耗费大量时间。本文将各种情况归纳列表附在本篇后,只需在浏览过规则以后将列表和例...