
发布 2021-05-14 07:07:28 阅读 5315


**erage v 1 [i, tn] find the **erage of (sth) 求(某事物)的平均数; 平均: i've done some **eraging to reach these figures. 我平均以後得出这些数。

2 [tn no passive 不用於被动语态] do or amount to (sth) as an **erage measure or rate 平均值为; 平均为: this car **erages 40 miles to the gallon. 这辆汽车平均每加仑可行40英里。

*the rainfall **erages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均为36英寸。

phr v) **erage `out (at sth) result in an **erage (of sth) 达到(某事物的)平均数; 以(某事物)的平均数为结果: meals **erage out at 5 per head. 膳食平均每人5英镑。

*sometimes i pay, sometimes he pays it seems to **erage out (ie result in a fair balance) in the end. 有时我付钱, 有时他付钱--到头来似乎两相抵销。

p2line 13

fond attrib 作定语] (a) kind and loving; affectionate 慈爱的; 深情的: a fond look, gesture, embrace, etc 充满深情的目光﹑ 手势﹑ 拥抱等 * fond eyes 慈爱的目光。 (b) foolishly loving; indulgent or doting 痴爱的; 溺爱的:

spoilt by fond parents 被父母溺爱而惯坏的。


rise 1

brit) (us raise) increase (in wages) (工资的)增加: demand a rise (in wages) from next october 要求从下个十月份起增加工资。

rise 2

i] (fml 文) get up from a lying, sitting or kneeling position; get out of bed (躺﹑ 坐或跪後)起立, 起身; 起床: accustomed to rising early 习惯於早起 * he rose (in order) to welcome me. 他起身欢迎我。

*unable to rise because of his injuries (他)因受伤而起不了床。

i, ipr, ip] ~up) (against sb/sth) (fml 文) rebel 反叛; 造反; 起义: rise (up) in revolt 起来造反 * rise (up) against the foreign invaders 反抗外国侵略者。

i] (of the sun, moon, etc) appear above the horizon (指太阳﹑ 月亮等)从地平线上升起: the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起, 至西方落下。

cf 参看 set2 19.

i] increase in cheerfulness (情绪)增高: her spirits (ie her mood, feelings, emotions) rose at the news. 她听到那消息异常兴奋。

i, ipr] reach a higher rank, status or position (in society, one's career, etc) (在社会上﹑ 职业上等)升至较高的级别﹑ 地位或职位: he rose from the ranks to become an officer. 他由士兵升为军官。

*rise from nothing to become a great leader 由无名小卒一跃而为伟大领袖 * a rising young politician 平步青云的年轻政治家。

idm 习语) early to bed and early to rise =>early.

phr v) rise above sth (show oneself to) be superior to sth, capable of dealing with it, etc (表明自己)优於某事物﹑ 有能力处理等: she rose above her difficulties and became a tremendous success. 她战胜了重重困难, 取得了巨大的成功。

rising n [c] armed rebellion; revolt 武装反叛; 造反; 起义: troops put down a rising in the capital. 部队平息了发生在首都的叛乱。


be lost in sth be absorbed in sth 专注於某事物: lost in thought/wonder/admiration 想得入神[不胜诧异/欣赏入迷].



h**ing more than one possible meaning 有不止一种意思的; 有歧义的: `look at those pretty little girls' dresses' is ambiguous, because it is not clear whether the girls or the dresses are `pretty'. 看看那些漂亮的小女孩儿的连衣裙’这句话有歧义, 因为不清楚是‘小女孩儿’还是‘连衣裙’是‘漂亮的’.

uncertain in meaning or intention 意向不明的; 暧昧的: an ambiguous smile, glance, gesture, etc 用意含糊的微笑﹑ 一瞥﹑ 手势等。


rough 1

h**ing an uneven or irregular surface; not level or smooth 高低不平的; 参差不齐的; 不平滑的; 粗糙的: a jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶。

*a rough stone wall 里出外进的石墙 * rough hands 粗糙的手 * rough woollen cloth 粗糙的毛料布。 cf 参看 smooth1.

not gentle or calm; moving or acting violently 粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 剧烈的: rough beh**iour 粗暴的行为 * his children are very rough with their toys. 他的孩子很不爱惜玩具。

*rugby is a rough sport. 橄榄球是一种很剧烈的运动。 *that area of the city is quite rough (ie dangerous) after dark.

那一带市区天黑之後很危险。 *this suitcase has had some rough handling, ie has been badly treated. 这个手提箱用得很不在意。

*he has a rough tongue, ie often speaks rudely or sharply. 他讲话很不中听(言语粗野或尖刻). rough seas 风浪大的海 * h**e a rough crossing from dover to calais 在大风大浪中从多佛港横渡到加莱港。

made or done without (much) attention to detail, esp in haste or as a first attempt; approximate 粗制的; 粗略的; (尤指)粗率的或初步的; 概略的: a rough sketch, calculation, translation 草图﹑ 概略的计算﹑ 粗略的翻译 * a rough draft of his speech 他的演讲草稿 * give me a rough idea of your plans. 请把你那计画的大概意思告诉我。

*i'll give you a rough estimate of the costs. 我给你大致估计一下费用。 *rough justice, ie more or less fair, but not necessarily strictly according to law 勉强的公正。

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高考冲刺 句子写作。题型介绍。高考对简单句的考查一方面是在各大题型中对简单句的理解,另一方面在短文改错和书面表达中直接考查到对简单句的判断和写作能力。不能正确理解简单句,就无法理解考点背后的语境,阅读理解的很多长难句的主干结构其实是简单句 写不出正确的简单句,书面表达无法完成。简单句需要同学们好好训...


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