
发布 2021-05-14 07:04:28 阅读 3705

unit3 (m2)

1. curse(n.)诅咒;咒语 (v.)诅咒;咒骂。

2. mummy(n.)木乃伊。

3. explorer(n.)探险家

exploration (n.)

4. curious(adj.)好奇的,求知欲强的 curiosity(n.)好奇心。

be curious about

he asked the question out of curiosity.

5. set sail启航。

set sail for france

head for le**e for set off for

6. tomb(n.)坟墓。

7. egyptian(adj.)埃及的,埃及人的

8. fortune(n.)大笔的钱,财富;运气。



make a fortune

seek one’s fortune寻出路,谋求出路。

fame and fortune

tell one’s fortune

9. jewel(n.)宝石;珠宝首饰 (c)

jewellery (u)

10. preserve(v.)保存,保护,保持。


preserve historic buildings/food

11. valley(n.)山谷,峡谷。

12. lord(n.)勋爵;贵族;大臣;封建领主。


13. come across(偶然)遇见;发现。

run into=meet by accident/chance=happen to meet

14. entrance(n.)入口。

the entrance to the park

the college entrance examination

15. content(n.)内容;目录 (adj.)满意的。

the contents of a bag

a contents page

be content with sth=be satisfied with

be content to do

16. swallow(v.)吞下,吞咽 (n.)燕子。

17. death(n.)死亡 die v. dead adj.

18. shortly(adv.)不久,很快。

19. within(prep.)在---之内,不超过

within one’s reach

out of/beyond one’s reach

20. coincidence(n.)巧合,碰巧

cooperate coexist co-worker

what a coincidence!

by coincidence=by chance/accident

on purpose/by design

21. connection(n.)联系。

22. punishment(n.)惩罚。

he deserves punishment.

he deserves to be punished.

he deserves punishing.

23. scientific(adj.)科学的 science n.

24. virus(n.)病毒。

antivirus software

25. disturb(v.)打扰,扰乱。

disturb the balance of nature

26. breathe(v.)呼吸。

breathe deeply=take a deep breath

27. result in导致,结果是---

lead to/contribute to/bring about/cause…

result from 由…引起。

his carelessness resulted in the accident.

the accident resulted from his carelessness.

28. clothing(n.)衣物 (u)

29. riddle(n.)谜。

30. labour(n.)/vi.)劳动,努力工作。

31. whichever(pron.)无论哪个;无论哪些。

32. airplane(n.)飞机。

33. signal(n.)信号 (v.)发信号;表明。

traffic signals

34. captain(n.)船长,飞机机长;队长;海军上校,陆军、空军上尉。

35. warning(n.)警告。

warn sb of sth

warn sb (not) to do

36. iceberg(n.)冰山。

37. widespread(adj.)广泛的,普遍的。

38. requirement(n.)要求,规定。

meet/satisfy one’s requirements

require that sb (should) do

your requirement that she (should) wait till next week is reasonable.

39. inspire(v.)启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞。




inspire sb to do

an inspiring teacher

40. sex(n.)性别。

41. female (adj.)/n.)女性(的)


42. nationality(n.)国籍。

43. native(adj.)本国的;本地的。

native language=mother tongue

he’s a native speaker of english.

giant pandas are native to china.

china is home to giant pandas.

44. outgoing(adj.)外向的;友好的;爱交际的。

45. gorilla(n.)大猩猩。

46. data(n.)(pl.)数据;资料。

47. companion(n.)伴侣。



keep sb company=accompany sb

enjoy one’s company

48. rare(adj.)稀有的,罕见的。

rare animals


he rarely gets drunkhe?

rarely does he go to school late.

49. discourage(v.)使灰心;劝阻。

discourage sb from doing

encourage sb to do

50. devotion(n.)奉献;忠诚;专心。

her devotion to the job

devote oneself to=be devoted to

51. phd=doctor of philosophy(哲学)博士学位。

52. murder(v.)/n.)**


attempted murder

53. various(adj.)各种各样的。

variety n. 不同种类,多样化。


various reasons=a variety of reasons

opinions vary from person to person.

the menu varies with the season

54. organization(n.)组织;机构。

55. voyage(n.)航行;(尤指)航海,航天。

56. orbit(n.)轨道。


57. astronaut(n.)宇航员。

58. north-east(n.)东北。

59. desire(n.)愿望,欲望,渴望(v.)渴望,期望。

desire sth=h**e a desire for sth

desire to do=h**e a desire to do

60. apply(v.)申请;使用;应用。



apply (to sb) for sth

he applied to the company for the job.

apply theory to practice

what i am saying applies only to some of you.

apply oneself to sth/doing勤奋工作,努力学习。

an application form

61. candidate(n.)候选人;申请人。

62. survival(n.)幸存,存活。

survive v.

survivor n.

she survived her husband by ten years.

63. rocket(n.)火箭。

64. status(n.)地位,身份

social status

65. superior(adj.)更好的,更高的。


be superior to 无比较级。

66. be in control (of sth.)掌管,控制(某物)

67. quality(n.)品质;质量。

this product is of high quality.

spend quality time together

68. optimistic(adj.)乐观的,抱乐**法的 pessimistic adj.

optimism n. optimist n.

be optimistic about sth/that…

69. indeed(adv.)的确,确实。

a friend in need is a friend indeed.

70. look up to敬佩。

look down on/upon


unit3 m4 1.virtual adj.通过计算机软件 虚拟的,模拟的 很接近的,实际上的。vr virtual reality 虚拟现实。the virtual world 2.reality n.现实,事实 realize v.实现。in reality事实上。my dream will ...


unit3 m1 1.work out锻炼 vi.计算出 解决 制定 成功地发展vi i work out regularly to keep fit.i believe that you can work out this math problem by yourself.the police w...


m1u2 一 单词 1n.戏剧的 一幕。2n.成年人。3n.过错,错误。4n.戏剧的 一场 场面 景色。5adj.不高兴的,失望的 vt.使不高兴,使失望。6n.突发整件 紧急情况。7vt.值得 应得 应受。8adj.粗鲁的,无礼的。9vt.处理 应付。10vi.坚持,坚持认为。11vt.禁止。12...