
发布 2021-05-19 05:39:28 阅读 5546

m1u1school life


1. 另外三天another three days\ three other days\ three more days

2. 努力工作的时代a time of hard work

3. 低矮的建筑low-rise buildings

4.(与某人在一起)自由自在 (be) at ease with

5. 理想的校园生活dream school life

6. 没有…的经验h**e no experience in doing/be inexperienced in

7. 对…很高兴、满意be happy with/be pleased with/ be satisfied with

8. 作息时间school hours

9. 比以往than usual

10. 参加集会、会议attend assembly/a meeting

11. 紧挨、紧靠next to

12. 校纪校规the rules of the school

13. 做…的最好方法the best way to do

14. 赢得…的尊敬earn respect from

15. 尊敬某人respect sb./show respect for sb.

16. 取得好的成绩、高分 achieve high grades

17. 听起来好像sound like (a good idea)

18. 班主任class teacher

19. 平均on **erage

20. 不如not as … as

21. 过去常常(现在不这样了) used to do

22. 有点a bit/a little /例a bit challenging

23. 一点也不not a bit

24. 非常not a little

25. 在…上花费…(时间、金钱) spend … in) doing …/on …

26. 午餐时间at lunchtime

27. 免费的for free/free of charge

28. 每逢星期一晚上on monday evenings

29. 开班会hold a class party

30. 放弃一些科目drop some subjects

31. 比如、例如such as …/for example/for instance

32. 正餐main meal

33. 在操场上、在…领域on school field/in the field of …

34. 不同的生活方式different way of life

35. 掌握…的大意get a general idea of …

36. 逐字逐句地word by word

from exercises:

37. 鼓励…做encourage … to do …

38. 想、要做would like(love) to do …/should like(love) to do …

39. 首先first of all

40. 向…介绍introduce … to …

41. 在周末at the weekend

42. 上网surf the internet

43. 会上at assembly/at the meeting

44. 准备做prepare to do… /be prepared to do…

in preparation for/make preparations for…

45. 有机会做h**e chances to do …

46. 祝一切顺利best wishes

from word power to grammar

47 . 可利用的be) **ailable (for …)

48 . 整年all year round

49 . 远离far away (from …)

50 . 确信、弄清楚make sure that …/of …

51 . 校园里on campus

52 . 在休息时间during break time

53 . 毕业于graduate from …

54 . 一…就upon/on doing …

55 . 完成学业finish one’s studies

56 . 培养…(方面)的兴趣 develop an interest in doing …

57. 把…捐赠给donate … to …

58. 感谢…的仁慈、善良thank … for one’s kindness/ be thankful to one’s kindness

59. 做关于…的演讲make a speech about/on …

60. 意指/谈到/参考/涉及refer to …

61. 在这种情况下in this case

62. 省略le**e out …

63. 而不是instead of …/rather than

64. 注意pay attention to doing…

from task to project

65. 以简短的形式in short form

66. 节省空间、金钱s**e space/money

67. 做比较make comparisons

68. 比较a与bcompare … with(to) …

69. 把a比作bcompare …to …

70. 越…,越the more …,the more …

71. 完成做finish doing…

72. 在后封面上on the back cover

73. 遗憾、抱歉地(没)说、告知 regret (not)to do (say/tell)…

74. 后悔(没)做regret (not)h**ing done/.regret (not)doing…

75. 通知…、告知inform … of …/that …

76. 随时告知keep… informed of

77. 开办俱乐部start a school club

78. 允许做allow doing…/allow sb to do…

79. 不被允许做be not allowed to do …/don’t allow doing…

80. 在课间during break time

81. 仅仅/和…一样不no more than

82. 不超过not more than

83. 给…些信息give messages to …

84. 密友close friends

1 牛津高中英语模块111词组

牛津高中英语模块1 11词组汇编。模块一。1.for free 免费。2.pay attention to 注意。3.be supposed to 应该 应当 4.do with 处理,处置。5.in charge 负责,掌管。6.go out 灯 熄灭。7.not anymore 不再,再也不。8...


模块三unit 1 sb.doing sth.注意到某人 正在 做某事。sb.do sth.be observed to do sth.注意 被注意到某人做某事 sight out of sight在视线内 外 the sight of一看见。sight of发现42.rather than宁可,而...


模块三 unit 1 1.observe sb.doing sth.注意到某人 正在 做某事。2.observe sb.do sth.be observed to do sth.注意 被注意到某人做某事。3.in sight out of sight在视线内 外。4.at the sight of ...