
发布 2021-05-14 03:39:28 阅读 9329


一。 教学内容:


一。 定义与分类。



例:lucy and lily are twins.



并列连词:and, or, but, so ,both…and, either…or, neither…nor

从属连词:that ,if when ,until, after, since ,before ,whether as soon as, so…that, such…that, so that, because ,though/ although ,in order that ,as…as

二。 并列连词的用法。



1. and“和,并且”,连接并列关系的项。

例:she lives and works there.

2. both…and…“既……也……”

例:both jim and jack are americans.

3. either…or…“或者……或者……”


例:either you or i am right.

4. neither…nor…“既不……也不……”


例:neither you nor she is right.

5. not only…but also…“不但……而且……”

例:i play not only the piano, but also the violin.

二)表示转折关系的but 类连词。

1. but“但是”

例:he is old, but he looks very young.

2. yet“然而”

例:she is young, yet she is very clever.

3. however“然而”

例:he wanted to go there, however, he didn’t know the way.

4. while“然而”

例:i am good at swimming while my father is good at skating.


1. or“或者,否则”

例:you or i am right.

2. otherwise“否则”

例:get up at once, otherwise you will be late for school.


1. so“因此,所以”

例:it’s raining he**ily now, so i h**e to stay at home.

2. therefore“因此,所以”

例:she can’t come here today, therefore you needn’t wait for her.

3. for“因为”

例:the days are short now, for it’s december.

三。 从属连句的用法。

一)引导时间状语从句的从属连句,如when, while ,as soon as, as, till, until, since, once, after, before等。

1. when“当……时候”,既可表示时间的“某一点”,也可表示“一段时间”。因此主句和从句有时用进行时态,有时用一般时态。

例:he went to bed when he finished his homework.

2. while“正当……时候”,表示的是“一段时间”,它引导的从句里的谓语动词不能是点动词,而应是延续性动词。从句中的行为动词应用进行时态。

例:she was skating while you were riding in the park.

3. as“同时”

例:we sang as we danced.

4. since“自从……以来”,从句多用一般过去时,主句多用现在完成时。

例:we h**en’t seen each other since we met last.

5. as soon as “一……就……”

例:i’ll buy it as soon as i h**e enough money.


6. till/until“到……时,直到……才……”当主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词时,主句要用否定结构,即not…until/till…,当主句的谓语动词是延续性动词时,主句可用否定结构,也可用肯定结构。

例:i waited till you called me.


i taught them english until/till they left this school.

7. once“一旦……”

例:once you meet me ,you will find i am a funny person.


8. after“在……之后”,before“在……之前”。当before引导的从句是过去时态时,主句一般用过去时态完成时态,但也可以用一般过去时态。

例:we were really very tired after we visited so many places.

before you come here, please call me.

二)引导原因状语从句的从属连词,如because, for, as, since等。

1. because“因为”,表示直接原因并且强调造成结果的原因。回答why引导的问句时只能用because。

例:because we are late ,we h**e to hurry.

2. for“由于……”其引导的从句并不表示原因,而只是为主句中所说的话提供推断的理由并加以解释,用以说明前面所说的话。通常主句在前,且for 前常有逗号。

例:she must be afraid of snakes for she is a girl.

3. since“既然……”表示间接或附带的一些显而易见或对方知道的原因,语气比because稍弱。

例:since you like it, take it.

4. as的语气最弱,多用于日常会话中,它引导的从句常放在主句前。

例:as it is raining he**ily, you’d better go there by taxi.


选择填空:1. study hard, _you’re sure to h**e a good result in the exam!

a. but b. and c. or d. but

2. _all of us enjoy playing computer games we can’t spend too much time on them.

a. though b. and c. but d. before

3. my sister and i were asleep __my parents came back late last night.

a. and b. when c. as soon as d. after

4you h**e any trouble, you can call me.

a. if b. and c. so d. or

5. which do you like better, teawater?

a. but b. and c. or d. with

6. i love springthere are beautiful flowers everywhere.

a. and b. so c. though d. because

7. the man is very oldstill works hard.

a. or b. and c. but d. so

8. you can __stay at home __go out to play.

a. either ,or b. both ,and c. so, that d. as, as

9. neither he nor i __a teacher.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

10. either you or he __swimming.

a. like b. likes c. liking d. to like

11. i h**en’t seen him __i left beijing.

a. since b. for c. before d. until

12. neither of usa farmer.

a. is b. are c. be d. isn’t

13. both of thembooks.

a. h**e b. has c. is d. am

14. uncle wang is __a teacher __a doctor ,he is a driver.


连词。用来连接单词与单词,句子与句子的词。一 并列连词。表示并列,转折,因果关系。常见如下 andyet orhowever butexample you and i are friends.我和你是好朋友。do you want to go shopping or swimming?你是想购物还是...

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