小升初英语语法练习 物主代词和名词所有格

发布 2021-05-11 17:01:28 阅读 4174



this is(my / i)mother. 2. nice to meet(your / you).

3.(he / his)name is mark. 4.

whats(she / her)name?5. excuse(me / my / i).

6. are(your / you)miss li?7.

(i/ my)am ben. 8.(she / her)is my sister.

9. fine,thank(your / you). 10. how old is(he / his)


1. these arehe ) brothers. 2.

that isshe ) sister.3. tom,this is __me ) cousin,mary.

4. bike is broken. (i )5.

nowher parent) are in america.

6. thosechild ) are __i ) fathers students.7.

do you knowit ) name?8. thanks for helping __i)9ann安)mother is __we) is (we) house is (we).



4. you are(缩写词)__5. lets (全写形式) _6. feet (单数) _




16 h**e(三单形式) 17 study(三单形式) 主格)四单选。

1-is thatuncle?- no,it isnt. a. he b. she c. her

2 kate is a good girl._often helps us learn english. a. i b. you d. we

3 liming is my good friend._f**orite food is chicken. a. his c. she d. he

4 li ming is one of my besta. friends b. friend friends d. a friends

5 __your father older than your uncle?a. is b. are c. am

6 after breakfast,jenny brushesteeth. a. she b. her d. he

7 your pen is red,but __is white. a. my b.

i c. mine d. you8 i usually ride __bicycle to go to school.

b. my c. me d.

shebedroom isand that one is

a. your,my b. yours,my c.

yours,mine d. your,mine10i help you? am b.

should c. would d. may

11 li lei is doing __homework at his b. he c. him d. my

12 .my bag is white,__is you b. your c.

yours d. cheng is __bus us b. our c.

we d. i

want a coat __my son. because __to,its b. to,its c.

for,its d. for,its15 my dress is about?a.

you b. your c. yours d.

youre16 is this computer ours?no, b. ours c.

their d. theirs17 her handwriting is much better b. i c.

my d. me

18 this is___chinese stamp,that is___english a,an b. a,a c . an,an d. an,a





人称代词和物主代词 语法,练习

一 人称代词。主格 1 人称代词主格 作主语,表示谁怎么样了 干什么了。如 i am a teacher.you are student.he is a student,too.we you they are students.2 主语与动词的变化形式 be动词 助动词 实意动词 书本p7 p22 ...


1 首先以下几个句子 我是个老师 你是个学生 她 他也是个学生 它是一支钢笔。让我走,告诉你,和他 她 它玩。2 看看这几个句子中你 我 她 他 它分别放在句子的什么位置,有什么不同的含义。3 这就是我们今天要学的人称代词。一 人称代词 用来代指人物称呼的代词叫人称代词。be动词 am is are...


人称代词和物主代词的用法。人称代词 表示 我 你 他 我们 物主代词 表示所有关系的代词叫做你们 他们等 的词叫做人称代词。人物主代词。称代词有人称,数和格之分。主格 用作主语 宾格 表语 宾语 形容词性 后接名名词性 不接名介词宾语 词 作定语 词 作主语,宾语,表语 i am 我 me我my我的...