谢孟媛英语初级语法笔记43 51集

发布 2021-05-11 14:26:28 阅读 5638

unit 4 关系代名词。


例如1. i h**e a friend. the friend lives in paris. 我有位朋友,这个朋友住在巴黎。

i h**e a friend and he lives in paris. 用 and 连接。

i h**e a friend who lives in paris. who 不是谁的意思,是关系代名词。

住在巴黎的朋友英文是 a friend who lives in paris(这是形容词子句)


例如 1. there was an old man in the apartment who was very rich. 那个公寓里过去住着一位非常富有的老人。

也可以这样说there was an old rich man in the apartment .

例如2. i met two girls, one of whom is my cousin. 我遇见两个女孩,其中一个是我的表妹。 口语中常用who

也可以i met two girls and one of them is my cousin.







格例句。主格+动词the man who talked to me. 该男子和我说话

所有格+名词the man whose car was stolen. 该男子的车被偷了。

受格+主词+动词 the man whom/who i met我所会见的人(口语中常用who)


1. 主格who---先行词(人)+主格关系代名词who +动词。

例如1. the man is my father

the man(重复不要) wears sunglasses. 把这两句合并一句。

the man who(做主词,做连接词) wears sunglasses is my father. 带太阳镜的那个人是我的父亲。


例如2. i don’t like people.

they get out of temper easily. 这两句合并一句。

i don’t like people who get out of temper easily. 我不喜欢容易发脾气的那种人。


2.主格 which---先行词(事物;动物)+主格关代which+动词。

例如1. i live in the house.

the house stands on the hill. 这两句合并一句。house stands on 坐落于,位于。

i live in the house which stands on the hill. 我住在那幢坐落在山丘上的房子里。

例如2. english is a language.

it’s spoken all over the world. 这两句合并一句。

english is a language which is spoken all over the world. 英文是世界通用的语言。

japanese is a language which is spoken in japan. 日文是在日本说的语言。

3. 主格关代that+先行词(人,事,动物)+主格关代名词that+动词。

例如1.帮医生照顾病人的人称为**。 patient名词是病人,动词是有耐心。

people who / that help doctors and look after patients are called nurses.

例如2.我喜欢这幢被吴先生设计出来的大楼。 办公大楼 the office building

i like the building which/that was designed by


例如1. tom is one of the boys who are fond of sports. tom是那些喜欢运动男孩中的其中之一。

例如2. i know a child who is good at surfing. 我认识一位很会冲浪的小朋友。

surfing 冲浪 surf the internet 上网,互联网。

例如3. adults don’t like children who tell lies. 大人不喜欢说谎话的孩子。

that 的不同用法。


例如:the weather in kaohsiung is hotter than that in ****ei. 高雄的天气比台北的热。


例如 look at that dog. 看那只狗。that 不是代名词而是指示形容词,在名词的前面。


例如1. the boy that is playing the guitar is jimmy。 正在弹吉他的那个男孩是吉米。

that代替the boy,that 又是主词又是连接词。

4 连接词。

例如 i think that honesty is the best policy. 我认为诚实为上策。

that 只是连接词。


所有格whose --先行词(人。事物。动物)+所有关代whose +名词。

例如1. i know a girlreporter记者,没有特指。journalist新闻记者。

her father is journalist. 合并一句。

know a girl whose father is a journalist . 我认识一位父亲是新闻记者的女孩。

i know a boy whose mother is a english teacher .我认识一位妈妈是英文老师的男孩。

例如2. look at the house.

its roof was damaged合并一句。

look at the house whose roof(主词) was damaged. 你看那个屋顶受损害的房子。


1受格whom --先行词(人) +受格关代whom +主词+动词+介词。

例如1. the man is a teacher.

she married him. 合并一句。

the man whom/who she married is a teacher. 她嫁给了一位老师。口语中常用who

例如2. the woman has just left the office.

you want to see her. 合并一句。

the woman whom/who you want to see has just left the office. 你想要看的那个女人刚刚离开了办公室。

2 受格 which –先行词( 事物,动物)+受格关代which +s+v+介词。

例如1. here is a magazine.

i borrowed it from miss wang. 合并一句。

here is a magazine which i borrowed from miss wang. 这里有一本我找王小姐借的杂志。

例如2. remember the advice.

i g**e you the advice. 合并一句。

remember the advice which i g**e you. 记住我给你的忠告。

a piece of advice 一个忠告。 two pieces of a advice 二个忠告。

受格that --先行词(人。事物。动物)+受格关代that+s+v+介词。

例如 little girl is very cute.

my dad is talking to her合并一句。

the little girl who/whom/that my dad is talking to is very cute. 那个和我父亲说话的小女孩非常可爱。

例如2. 我们午餐吃的三明治不好吃。

the sandwiches which/that we ate for lunch were not delicious.





soccer is the sport which/ that i like the best.

2介词+受格关系代名词 o+s+v+介词,介词可以拿到受词的前面。

例如1. the woman whom/who/that you are speaking of is our principal. 你提到的女人是我们的校长。

可以省略。the woman of whom you are speaking is our principal. speak of 提及。


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